Monty Python's Flying Circus

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Other mistake: In the Y valley travel agents sketch Smoke Too Much states that he can't say the letter C. But he uses several Cs before Bounder suggests he uses the letter K, even saying "I can't say the letter B." He says that he'd never thought of the letter K before.

Monty Python's Flying Circus mistake picture

Sex and Violence - S1-E1

Factual error: When the allies are testing their joke on the private in the field, just before he starts laughing at it, a bright red car drives past behind him. You can see it in a break in the trees. This sketch is set in WW2, and the car is obviously not from that era.

Gary O'Reilly

Wither Canada? - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: In the Marriage Counselor sketch, Deidre Pewty is wearing such a tiny miniskirt that when she sits we see she is wearing white knickers. When she undresses behind the screen she throws a pair of black knickers out.

The Naked Ant - S1-E12

Plot hole: In the Upper Class Twit of the Year Show, there are five contestants. However, after Oliver runs himself over, in the events that follow there are only four props for the remaining twits (four mannequins, rabbits, and guns); since Oliver's death was unforeseen, shouldn't there be five of each? (This mistake, by the way, is rectified in the film version of this sketch).

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Suggested correction: The scene is set in an active television studio filming a sinister quiz show. The crew member visible is one of the crew of the fictional television show.

Intermission - S1-E13

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the vegetarian restaurant sketch, Eric Idle stands right behind the pointy sculpture. It is quite short and in some shots the points of it are visible right at the bottom of the screen, but in other shots people stand and walk through right where it is meant to be. And in the final shot, when Eric is complaining about the punchline, it is definitely gone.


Dinsdale - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the 'Ministry of Silly Walks' sketch, John Cleese is holding his briefcase in his left hand. when the shot changes to outside, showing him leave the newsagents, it switches to his right.


Dinsdale - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: During the Ministry of Silly Walks sketch, in the office, John Cleese pulls out a film-projector from his desk, and you can see the power cord plugged into the back of it. After the spoof black-and-white film footage showing the silly walks, John Cleese throws the projector away. The power cord, which was originally plugged in, has disappeared completely.


How to Recognise Different Parts of the Body - S2-E9

Other mistake: The final 'How to Recognise' announcement is originally written as "Number thirty. The End." When the show was broadcast, it was "Number thirty one. The End", yet all the other numbering tallies with the script. So either Cleese miscounted on the night of recording or they inserted another one which was later cut.

Spam - S2-E12

Character mistake: When Mrs. Bun asks the dining lady if she has anything without spam in it, she forgot about egg & bacon, and egg, sausage & bacon. Those had no spam in them.

The Naked Ant - S1-E12

Father: Now I understand that you want to marry my daughter?
Shabby: [sniffing and coughing.] That's right ... Yeah... Yeah...
Father: Yes, you realize of course that Rosaround is still rather young?
Rosamund: Daddy you make me feel like a child. [she gazes at Shabby fondly.]
Shabby: [lasciviously.] Oh yeah ... You know... Get 'em when they're young eh... Eh! OOOOH! Know what I mean eh, oooh! [makes obscene gesture involving elbow.]
Father: Well I'm sure you know what I mean, Mr ... Er... Mr... Er . Er?
Shabby: Shabby... Ken Shabby...
Father: Mr Shabby... I just want to make sure that you'll be able to look after my daughter...
Shabby: Oh yeah, yeah. I'll be able to look after 'er all right sport, eh, know what I mean, eh emggh!
Father: And, er, what job do you do?
Shabby: I clean out public lavatories.
Father: Is there promotion involved?
Shabby: Oh yeah, yeah. [produces handkerchief and clean throat horribly into it.] After five years they give me a brush.

More quotes from Monty Python's Flying Circus

Sex and Violence - S1-E1

Trivia: The German joke versions are spoken in an intelligible, pseudo-German gibberish (perhaps fortunate, if the joke would really work). I happen to live in Germany, and even with close scrutinizing I haven't been able to filter a meaning out of this.

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Show generally

Question: Is there any significance behind the song "England's Mountains Green" (or whatever it's called)? It seems to be the only song anyone ever sings, outside of sketch-specific songs (like the Lumberjack Song).


Chosen answer: The song you talk of was originally a poem by William Blake called 'Jerusalem'. It speaks of the possibility of Jesus having visited England. The poem has four verses but you only ever hear the Monty Python boys sing the first one which goes, "And did those feet in ancient time/Walk upon England's mountains green/And was the holy Lamb of God/On England's pleasant pastures seen?" If there's any sort of in-joke connected to it's use, I'm not aware of it. It seemed to just be the standard song/hymn they used when a song was needed that wasn't sketch specific. Some of the sketches it appeared in were 'Salvation Fuzz/Church Police', 'Buying a Bed' and 'The Art Gallery Sketch'. Something that may be relevant, though, is that the only one who was present every time it was sung was Eric Idle. Perhaps he just liked it?

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