
Corrected entry: In the conclusion of the freeway chase, the Cadillac CTS's gas door cap takes a bullet (look closely), yet the car does not explode.

Correction: Despite what you've seen in movies, shooting a car's gas tank or related fuel lines does not guarantee that the car will explode.


7th Mar 2005

Identity (2003)

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the movie when Paris is driving through the orange grove that is supposed to be in Polk County, Florida , you can see a mountain in the background. There are no mountains in Florida.

Correction: This scene takes place inside Malcolm's head, not reality. Factual errors can be attributed to him, not the movie.


7th Mar 2005

Identity (2003)

Corrected entry: When they are looking through the driver's licenses of the people at the motel, Paris' Florida drivers license number starts with a V. Florida driver license numbers start with the first letter of the person's last name. Since Paris' last name is Nevada, her license number should start with an N.

Correction: The majority of the movie takes place in the mind of a mentally disturbed man who created different personalities from scratch. This mistake doesn't apply because it only occurs in that imaginary realm, not reality.


5th Mar 2005

Outbreak (1995)

Corrected entry: Near the beginning of the movie, when the man who smuggled the monkey out of US Customs is flying on the airplane, he is approached by a young boy dressed in a cowboy outfit complete with two toy guns. I know it's obvious the guns are only toys but FAA regulations at the time (both real world and for the time frame of the movie, which are about the same) prohibited toy, simulated and/or fake guns from carry-on.

Correction: Before 9/11, airline security was taken much less seriously than it is today. It's quite possible that the child's parent was able to persuade security that the toys were harmless and/or that depriving the child of the toys would result in tantrums that would not be appreciated by the other passengers or crew.


6th Dec 2004

Cellular (2004)

Corrected entry: Ryan's facial hair changes throughout the movie. During the first scene at the beach it's unkempt but throughout the rest of the movie it's non-existent for the most part.

Correction: Ryan's facial hair is consistent throughout the movie. During the first scene Ryan's lit from behind, which makes his facial hair look slightly darker, but it's just a trick of the light.


2nd Mar 2005

Predator (1987)

Corrected entry: In Predator 2 we are told that the predator's mini nuke destroyed enough rain forest to be equated with X amount of city blocks. From what I saw, Arnie certainly didn't run that far - not even 2 suburban blocks.

Correction: But Arnold was behind cover when the bomb went off - a slight dip in the land - so most of the explosive force blew over him and carried debris past rather than hitting him.


11th Feb 2005

Resident Evil (2002)

Corrected entry: In the scene with the lasers, the laser turns into a grid and cuts One up into little cubes. Problem is, the lasers came towards him, not from above. Because of this, he wouldn't have been cut from the top, and so would only have been cut into strips.

Correction: He's cut into square prisms, which is consistent with the lasers' approach. When viewed from the front or back it's a grid pattern, but if viewed from the side (which we don't see) it's strips. After he collapses, of course, the strips don't maintain their shape.


11th Feb 2005

Cellular (2004)

Corrected entry: Ryan, in this scene has gone to the impound company to retrieve the blue car and his own cell phone. He uses his cell to find the cell number to the bad cop leader's phone. I don't remember the bad cop ever calling Ryan on his own cell phone at any time in the movie except after Ryan called him first. How did Ryan call the bad cop's cell phone number?

Correction: Jessica originally called Ryan on his cell, so the number of the house where she is being held is in his cell's memory. When the lawyer cuts into the call, Ryan turns off his cell and takes the lawyer's, which gets broken. Ryan then gets his cell back from the impounded car and uses the memory to call back the prison house. Ethan (bad cop) gets the call on the house's large black mobile handset, not his cell phone (he still has the mobile because he just received the call from Jack and then ran outside immediately after the conversation was over). Ethan then gives Ryan Ethan's cell number when Ryan asks how he can contact Ethan.


Revelations - S3-E7

Corrected entry: At the end of the episode, we find out that Gwendolyn Post was kicked out of the Watchers' Council for misuse of dark power and that the Council had informed everyone of the fact via memo. If that's the case, then why would she use her real name when she arrived in Sunnydale? Wouldn't she be worried that Giles would recognize her?

Correction: Giles says the Council "swears there was a memo." It's quite possible that this was just the Council trying to cover itself, since there was no communication to agents in the field - the event was so obvious to people in the Council that they didn't think it necessary to make a specific communication about it.


18th Apr 2004

28 Days Later (2002)

Corrected entry: Jim takes a very curious route to get from St Thomas' Hospital (where he wakes up) to Piccadilly Circus (where he reads the messages that have been stuck up on the hoarding). He gets there by going past the Bank of England - a detour of at least a couple of miles.

Correction: I don't see how this is a mistake - he's alone and wandering without any clear idea of where he's going, so there's no problem with traveling in curves or zigzags rather than straight lines.


12th Jan 2005

Secret Window (2004)

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie when Amy visits Mort, the cabin walls all have "Shooter - Kill Her" etched into the wood. But when the sheriff shows up, the carvings are gone.

Correction: Enough time has passed when the sheriff shows up for the corn to grow to full height. All the walls could be sanded clean or replaced in that time.


Corrected entry: To get Marty back to 1985, Doc has to time the Delorean's trip just right to have its hook hit the wire when the lightning strikes. Putting aside the wild notion of timing something to the exact millisecond, the alarm in the Delorean goes off while the car is stalled. Marty takes several seconds to get the car started again, which is going to throw off all of the calculations required to get the Delorean to the lightning strike and make Marty miss it.

Correction: They were based on Marty accelerating at a specific rate; all he has to do is accelerate faster to catch up, though of course he has no idea how much faster and gets lucky.


9th Jan 2005

Donnie Darko (2001)

Corrected entry: There is no point to having the students give an in-person sample of their handwriting, because any one of them could alter their writing if they wanted to. It would make more sense to collect previous examples, like homework. And anyway, the original graffiti was made with spray paint and was in very large text, both of which would affect a person's handwriting style and make finding a match very difficult.

Correction: The point of the handwriting sample here has less to do with matching the handwriting and more to do with watching how each student reacts to being under the eye of the police. If they react in a suspicious manner, the cops will examine those students further. They circle Donnie's name based on behavior, not handwriting.


Corrected entry: On the 'Charlotte', the main characters find a pipe with a clue etched on the handle. Ben cuts his finger to wipe blood on the outside to see the letters,and when he rolls it onto the paper, the letters are red, when they should be white with a blood background.

Correction: The etched letters are raised, not the background with the letters recessed. If blood covers the pipe equally, the blood on the raised etching will touch the paper while the blood on the recessed background does not, creating red letters on white paper.


Corrected entry: If the northern hemisphere is going to freeze over, what is the reason behind the people from the southern states of the USA as well as the President and Vice-President only going as far as Mexico?

Correction: The entire northern hemisphere doesn't freeze, only the temperate region. The southern states get colder but don't freeze, and there's no reason to compound the difficulty of a mass migration by moving people farther than necessary.


20th Dec 2004

I, Robot (2004)

Corrected entry: When Det. Spooner is in his car, and the NS5s attack him, at first only one jumps at him. When it becomes clear it is trying to kill Spooner, shouldn't the other robots intervene? The first law states that they may not allow him to come to harm through inaction.

Correction: When the first one attacks, all of the NS5s are either inactive or under VIKI's control as evidenced by the red light in their chests, who would prevent them from helping Spooner. VIKI doesn't attack with all the robots immediately because she is trying to minimize damage that could lead to investigation and potential loss of other human lives besides Spooner's.


Corrected entry: When the guy is about to set the Aztec calender up to open up the chest, he asks what the date is, and is told it is the tenth of October. He then sets the calender to the tenth of the tenth. Bearing in mind how long ago the pyramid was built, October would still have been the eighth month, as it was the Romans who added two extra months, making October the tenth.

Correction: The Aztec calendar was developed entirely independent from the Romans. The Aztecs based their calendar on precise astronomical measurement and therefore had a more accurate calendar than the Greco-Roman version, which required centuries of tinkering before it was corrected.


Corrected entry: In the atomic blast (depicted in the 1966 stopover of the time machine) the cars, street, bridge and buildings are completely destroyed only feet away from where H. George Wells (Taylor) had been tossed to the ground; yet miraculously he is uninjured and escapes in the time machine.

Correction: One of the oddities of atomic explosions is that they randomly spare areas for no apparent or predictable reason. During the Manhattan Project fake towns were built to test the effects of the atomic bombs on them - sometimes there were entire houses untouched even when the neighborhood around them was ash. It's extremely fortunate but possible.


14th Dec 2004

The Rundown (2003)

Corrected entry: In the scene where she is about to drug them with the Konlabos she gives the Rock rather odd directions to get to the airfield: "Head north until you hit the road, then follow it south until you hit the airfield."

Correction: The road doesn't necessarily go straight south. In the jungle, the easiest way to get to the road and keep your bearings is to go straight north, then follow the road whichever way is more south - southeast or southwest.


14th Dec 2004

The Faculty (1998)

Corrected entry: The drug only takes seconds to kill the huge and powerful Host Alien, but takes a long time to work on the very thin Jon Stewart.

Gavin Jackson

Correction: Jon Stewart was a human infected, and thus had a fairly small alien bit which resulted in a fairly small vulnerability to the drug. The Host Alien was entirely alien and, as such, had a much larger vulnerability to it.


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