
24th Apr 2004

The Game (1997)

Corrected entry: After taking the CRS test, while talking with Feingold, Nicholas corrects his use of "unsatisfied" with "dissatisfied". Feingold responds, "That's right, you're a left-brain word fetishist." But earlier, on the phone with his ex-wife, Nicholas describes her growing family as "nucular" (as opposed to "nuclear" - the "cl" sound in the middle is key). Someone obsessive about word use would never make this mistake, it is classically seen as a sign of low intelligence and/or backward education. (00:11:55 - 00:19:50)


Correction: A desire to use the correct words is not the same a using a correct word but pronouncing it slightly differently. There may be a correlation but one does not mandate the other.

28th Jul 2004

Smallville (2001)

Prodigal - S2-E15

Corrected entry: At the beginning, Lucas holds another man in front of him to stop a hail of bullets. A human body won't stop most gunfire, certainly not from the submachine guns the thugs were using. (00:02:25)


Correction: The fact that bullets have been lodged in the body of gunshot victims in real life goes to show this is not a mistake. Given also that bullets going through a human body would be deflected or slowed to the point it won't penetrate another body further prove this is not a mistake. The character just got lucky, but it's not improbable.


22nd Apr 2004

Forbidden Planet (1956)

Corrected entry: While Adams is wearing the plastic educator machine's sensors on his forehead, he reaches for the creation lever. Morbius stops him and the sensors are suddenly retracted from his head.


Correction: Morbius moves the unit away as he stops the commander from using the intelligence booster. For this reason, in the next shot it appears retracted.


Corrected entry: At the breakfast table while planning how to make the new monster, shots on Inga's face have an mostly dark background, but angled shots on her and Frankenstein show an illuminated background behind her. (00:33:50)


Correction: She is sitting in front of a soot filled fireplace. It is always dark.

8th Nov 2004

The Alamo (2004)

Corrected entry: During the last attack, one of the cannons is turned around against the Mexicans that have breached the wall. We see it loaded with canister charge (random pieces of metal) instead of a proper cannonball or grapeshot. When the cannon fires, there are many Mexican troops lying on the ground. Canister charge is a gruesome weapon that causes a cannon to work like a giant shotgun and will reduce a human being to slivers of bloody flesh in an instant - there's no way the Mexicans could avoid being completely butchered. (01:46:30)


Correction: The "canister charge," (in this case nails, etc.) poured into the barrel would not tear corpses nor the living apart into shredded flesh any more than a shotgun would.

1st May 2004

Pitch Black (2000)

Corrected entry: As cool as it looks, it is impossible for a planet to have two sets of parallel rings, because rings only circle a planet's equator.


Correction: It's a sci-fi film. Anything is possible with sci-fi. I suppose getting an eyeshine and deadly creatures using sound to hunt their prey at night are impossible too? It's not supposed to be realistic. EDIT: I'm not going to engage in this conversation any further as it's starting to turn hostile. I stand by what I said 10 years ago. Good day, Gentleman.


Please don't say, "it's not supposed to be realistic." That's a cop-out. Fantasy is not supposed to be realistic. Science Fiction IS supposed to be realistic.

Edwin Frydendall

I agree, this is a valid mistake. The events of this movie take place in our universe, and the most fundamental laws of physics of our Universe dictate that there can not be two sets of rings around planet. It can not be explained away by saying that it is a fantasy or magic.

Science Fiction. Emphasis on "Fiction." Like I said 10 years ago, it's not possible in real life for someone to have "eyeshine" surgery like Riddick did to see in the dark, but it happened in the fictional world of this movie. A fictional planet having two sets of rings is no different.


It is very different. The inability to have eyeshine surgery in the present is a technical limitation. One hundred years ago it was impossible to fly faster than sound. We can do it now. A planet having two rings breaks a fundamental law of nature.

But this isn't nature, is it? It's a sci-fi movie that does not adhere to the laws of our world. It's not a documentary.


That is incorrect. Sci-fi adheres to the laws of nature. You're describing fantasy. Plus, planets in the galaxy and other galaxies, still adhere to laws of "our world", so it's a ridiculous statement to make.


Whether it is an error probably depends on which type of sci-fi is used. With "hard" sci-fi, the two rings are contrary to existing principles, thereby constituting an error. With "soft" sci-fi, two rings are allowed, so not an error. The movie is set in the distant future, so it is possible known principles could be revised. Sci-fi may overlap with fantasy - where do "bioraptors" fall? Soft sci-fi includes human aspects - Riddick refused then agreed to save others. The movie is SOFT SCI-FI.


1st May 2004

Pitch Black (2000)

Corrected entry: After Riddick stabs and guts the raptor, his blade is shining clean, not covered in the blue blood of the aliens.


Correction: We don't get a good look at Riddick's blade head on. Only at a side angle. It's perfectly possible that there is blood on it but we simply cannot see it due to the angle.


24th Mar 2004

King Kong (1933)

Corrected entry: The scene where Kong peels off Ann's clothes was censored from the original release for being too racy, but it was later restored. Also, when the sailors are being rolled off the log bridge they were supposed to fall into a pit and be eaten by giant spiders, but the scene was removed because it tended to scare audiences into walking out of the theatre.


Correction: The dress peeling scene was not censored from the original release. It was censored in later re-releases.


Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7

Corrected entry: During Buffy's training montage, she is seen punching a bag with her wrists bent. First, that's going to be a weak punch, super strength or no, because she can't transfer the force from her arm and body; it just bends at the joint. Second, that's a great way to injure your wrist, because all that escaping force snaps the bend farther. You could strain or even break the joint. After six years, Buffy should know better. (00:31:50)


Correction: That may well be true, but Buffy has superhuman strength. So, it wouldn't hurt her hands and would still pack a big enough punch.


Corrected entry: In the school cafeteria, Jill flips on six of the stove gas feeds. As she walks out, she tosses a match that fizzles, meaning that the gas hasn't reached the exit hallway. Seconds later, Alice manages to light the gas by flicking a cigarette at the doors at the far end of the hall just as the dogs break the glass. There's no way that the gas could have filled all that space in that amount of time. Matches burn hotter than cigarettes, so it's not that the gas simply didn't ignite before. (00:55:40 - 00:56:20)


Correction: Gas spreads incredibly quickly, even faster than a match or a cigarette can light. It's perfectly possible that the gas reached the doors in time.


28th Jun 2004

Smallville (2001)

Kinetic - S1-E13

Corrected entry: Chloe discovers that the thieves are using kryptonite tattoos to Accelerate their metabolism to hyperspeed, allowing them to reach through the space between atoms in solid objects. That's fine, but this acceleration wouldn't be consciously controlled. The thieves might be able to move through any solid objects, but they certainly wouldn't be able to pick anything up or wear clothes just because they wanted to. The metabolism shift would only affect their living cells, not adjacent nonliving ones. (00:32:35)


Correction: Chloe doesn't "discover" this, she theorizes. Obviously, she was mistaken.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: When Dave recaptures Frank with the pod, one of Frank's legs is outside the pod's pincers, but when Dave releases Frank to reenter the ship, both legs are in the pincer. Seems a bit risky to try to get another grip in the vacuum of space...


Correction: Not at all. The other arm held Frank securely around the neck so that opening and re-grasping for both Frank's legs would be risk-free.


Corrected entry: The first time Dave is shown running around the room on the ship, in the roomwide shot he runs past the three hibernating crew, then the two empty beds. In the following chase shot on his back, he passes them in reverse order.


Correction: The scenes aren't necessarily continuous time, but a collage of shots of his exercise period. He even reverses direction between two of the shots so where the pair of sleeping crew was on his left, they are now on his right.


8th Jun 2004

Shrek 2 (2004)

Corrected entry: Shortly after Fiona's dog is introduced, he is seen on the sofa while Shrek and Fiona are talking. The dog yips throughout the scene, but early on he yips twice and only opens his mouth once. Dogs must move their jaws when they bark, otherwise it sounds like a whine instead. (00:21:55)


Correction: The dog's barks are perfectly in sync. Most of the time he's yapping, he's hidden behind Shrek. When we do see him while hearing his barks, they are normal. He's quite small, compared to Shrek and Fiona, and given that small size and the fact that he's quite a few feet behind them, it may be hard to see his jaws moving, but there is no mistake here.


24th Feb 2004

Starship Troopers (1997)

Corrected entry: In the English DVD subtitles, when Rico meets Xander and Carmen on the ship, Xander's line "copacetic" is misspelled "coposetic". (00:56:05)


Correction: Copasetic has no defined spelling, but was originally and is most commonly spelled "copasetic".

Correction: Tara's hand stays on the shoulder strap from the time she puts it there. She does move it lower down, meaning it is not so clearly seen in some shots from behind, but is still visible.


Correction: We can see Dawn fidgeting about in the background throughout the scene. In this cut her arms have not moved drastically, or more than they could have done in the time between those two shots.


3rd Apr 2004

Resident Evil (2002)

Corrected entry: In the first scene, the man in the suit wears a surgical mask over the lower half of his face. When Spence remembers it later, he wears no mask under the suit. (00:02:00 - 01:12:35)


Correction: They most likely showed Spence without the mask in the flashback as a visual confirmation that it was indeed Spence in the suit. And probably also to show that it was him acting alone since Milla's character couldn't remember if it was herself who had betrayed Lisa.

8th May 2005

The Incredibles (2004)

Corrected entry: In the hangar near the end the family finds an RV with all of the guards inside. Mr. Incredible stops and tells his family to wait at the rear corner of the RV. He then enters and beats up the guards; while doing so, the outside shot of the RV shows no family and no place for all of them to hide (look under the RV to check the other side). Then he opens the door and they're at the corner again.


Correction: Actually, there is a place where it would be impossible for viewers to see Elastigirl and the two kids. The RV has two huge back tires on its left, so if they were hiding directly behind the RV its two back left tires would easily block us from seeing them. There is no error here.

Super Grover

26th Oct 2004

Hellboy (2004)

Corrected entry: At the museum, if you watch Kroenen slice the statue open in slowmo, you can see that the cut doesn't appear until after he is finished with the motion (it should appear gradually during the cut) and shows up in the wrong place (it starts below the statue's left hand, but he sliced above it). (00:41:00)


Correction: The rules of this site are quite clear; if you have to use slow mo to see a mistake, then it doesn't count as a valid entry.

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