David Mercier

Corrected entry: When Charlie asks for his second candy bar from the candy store owner, watch what the candy shop owner is doing. He looks into a clear jar by unscrewing the top. Why can't he just look in through the side?

Correction: If sweets have been constantly taken from the middle of the jar, as they often are, then the level seen through the side is misleading. Therefore to have a proper look at how full the jar is it is quite normal to take the lid off to look inside. It would also be the case if they had gotten stuck to the jar itself, there would be no way of telling how many are in it.

David Mercier

27th Jan 2004

Red Dragon (2002)

Corrected entry: At the start of Red Dragon,Will seems to be having a hard time tracking down the killer or understanding that the killer is in fact the good Doctor. Surely he would have had a full statement from Mason Verger,the only surviving victim of Hannibal the Cannibal,a 'fact' later established in Hannibal.If Mason survived,why doesn't Will know about it?

Correction: Because it's likely that Verger was still undergoing treatment for his horrific injuries. Also, Mason actually cut his own face off and semi-hung himself, Lecter might have encouraged this behaviour but that was the height of his involvement; he never tried to eat him. Remember in Hannibal, Verger isn't trying to get the police to catch Lecter and punish him, he is organising it himself so it's quite possible this was also running through his mind earlier on.

David Mercier

27th Aug 2001

Under Siege (1992)

Corrected entry: After taking control of the ship, the navy sends an F-18 to the Missouri "to look for the helicopter" as Stranex's man puts it. Let's see. The Missouri is returning to the mainland. It's still carrying its nuclear arsenal and the navy is worried because the helicopter that brought the party guys is missing? Someone's priorities are misplaced.

Correction: This is just the first sign that something is wrong and that the Navy is suspicious. They don't expect to hear from the ship all the time but were expecting the helicopter back and when it hadn't arrived they figured something was up.

David Mercier

27th Aug 2001

Jurassic Park (1993)

Corrected entry: In the scene when the group look at the sick triceratops, don't you think it's pretty impossible for a dinosaur of that size to do a massive pile of feces that high? That's pretty much its own body weight! (00:50:35)

Correction: OK it's not a particularly scientific explanation, but if they are anything like most animals they go in the same place every time. It could be a cumulative pile from the same or many dinosaurs. Or it could be from a larger Triceratops as the sick one is particularly below average size when compared to many fossil findings.

David Mercier

27th Aug 2001

Rob Roy (1995)

Correction: No it's not, her birth name is Jessica Phyllis Lange.

David Mercier

6th May 2003

Red Dragon (2002)

Corrected entry: The text of Hannibal Lecter's message to the Tooth Fairy is "Graham home: Marathon, Florida. Save yourself. Kill them all." Sans spacing and punctuation, the message is 48 characters in length. Lecter's message in the Tattler listed only 47 Bible verses (line/letter pairs). Perhaps Dr. Lecter can't spell "Florida." (01:04:48)

Correction: When they read out the message they say "Gr'ham home: Marathon, Florida. Save yourself. Kill them all," distinctly missing the "a" out of Graham's surname when it's pronounced. It is quite possible that Lecter did this as well in order to make it fit his code.

David Mercier

8th Sep 2003

City Slickers (1991)

Corrected entry: Near the end of the movie, Mitch, Phil and Ed ride up to the ridge together and look at the ranch below (where the cattle are to be delivered). Notice their faces: while Mitch and Phil have plenty of stubble Ed is clean shaven. Given their circumstances (lost in the wilderness, major rainstorm, no food supply) it seems odd that Ed would be concerned about shaving....


Correction: Perhaps, but Ed is full of himself and is obsessed with his ego and appearance. It's possible that he shaved (and we see him doing this just before the stampede) and the others didn't, simply because he loves himself. Look at his young girlfriends if you need proof of his vanity.

David Mercier

12th Jan 2004

The Last Samurai (2003)

Corrected entry: Katsumoto has been ordered to go to the Emperor. In the scene where he, Algren and the Samurai are entering the city, there is a shot of them taken from the rear. Was it my imagination or were there a plethora of utility/telephone poles to be seen, on their left, in this shot?

Correction: Yes they were there, and it's historically accurate. They could have been used for Morse Code transmition and as they were leading to the Palace from the dock this is quite likely. The film is set in 1876-77 and Morse Code was invented around 1836 so it's entirely possible that's what they're there for.

David Mercier

27th Nov 2002

Die Another Day (2002)

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the film when Jinx tries to level out the plane, she stabilizes it at just over 5,000 feet and then starts the fight with Miranda. Yet when Jinx and Bond are in the helicopter when it is falling out of the sky the altitude they fall from is shown on the helicopter's altimeter as over 7,000 feet, and that's after dropping for a while. (01:58:50)

Correction: This is entirely possible because unless either of them, or anyone before, had reset the altimeter when the plane was on the ground it is very likely that there would be a disparity. Altimeters need to be constantly altered during flights to remain accurate, and pilots are normally given readings by Air Traffic Control. Bond and Jinx didn't get this either.

David Mercier

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