
Corrected entry: When Benjamin was born, he was born the size of a baby - but with old features. Continuing with this theory, he should have died the size of an old man with baby-like features. Instead however, he died looking like a baby, the size of a baby.

Correction: We have to accept the facts of Benjamin's fictional condition as the film presents them. You can't develop a personal theory based solely on the circumstances of his birth, then point to his death and claim that it's a mistake because it doesn't match up to your theory - any hypothesis about his condition has to take into account all the facts presented in the film, not just selective ones.


31st Dec 2008

Wall-E (2008)

Corrected entry: The Zippo lighters that Wall-E has (and EVE lights) would not work without being refilled often. Zippo fluid will evaporate over a short period of time.

Correction: All the lighters shown carry the Buy N Large logo on them, suggesting strongly that these were made some considerable time from the present day. It cannot be said what design changes may have been made in the interim that could allow them to continue to function indefinitely.


31st Dec 2008

Iron Man (2008)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Iron Man is shot at by a tank, only a few hundred yards away. Iron Man side steps the shot - which passes by at about chest level then destroys the tank with an arm-mounted missile. However, when the tank fired first, it fired downwardly (based on level of turret). Therefore, when Iron Man side stepped the shot, the round that flew by should have exploded some short distance behind him. It never does.

Correction: Modern tanks are generally between 2.2 and 2.5 metres in height, putting the main cannon at about the two metre mark. If the shell passes Stark at chest height (let's say 1.2 metres), then it's only lost an altitude of eighty centimetres in several hundred yards of flight. To travel the remaining 1.2 metres to impact on the ground would take it a considerable distance, more than enough that we would not see the impact occurring.


Corrected entry: When the refrigerator comes to a halt with Indy inside, the door suddenly pops open. This is not possible, because once latched shut, the door can only open if the handle is pulled outward. The latch is a secure physical connection no matter how much the refrigerator is banged about.

Correction: A fridge that's just been within a short distance of a nuclear blast powerful enough to send it hurtling through the air is likely to acquire some considerable damage in the process. The latch broke.


Corrected entry: When Indy is questioning a local peasant in Cuzco moments after arriving, the music being heard is distinctively Mexican when it should have been Andean.

Correction: Amazingly, I heard some Andean music being played in the street earlier today, when, by your standards, only English music should be permitted. Musical styles travel.


31st Dec 2008

Australia (2008)

Corrected entry: The scene where the Japanese aircraft are seen flying over water approaching the Darwin foreshore is incorrect. That would mean the aircraft would be approaching from the south. The aircraft attacked from the north.

Correction: Artistic licence - this is not a documentary.


Corrected entry: During the waterfall chase, they go down 3 successive waterfalls. These falls are the "Cataratas de Iguazu" on the border between Argentina and Brazil. However, they go down the falls in the wrong order. The last and biggest fall they go down is actually the first fall.

Correction: As the falls are not identified as being those specific falls in the film, they can be dealt with in the same way as any fictional location.


31st Dec 2008

King Kong (2005)

Corrected entry: In the beginning of the film its said about the island that it has never been discovered because its always hidden in the fog. Later in the movie Kong enjoys the beautiful sunset on top of the mountain.

Correction: The fog surrounds the island at a low level; higher up is clear.


Corrected entry: At the beginning of the film, we are told that the crown is indestructible. Nonetheless, we watch the crown being destroyed in one of the film's final scene.

Correction: The Golden Army is mentioned as being indestructible, not the crown.


31st Dec 2008

Casino Royale (2006)

Corrected entry: Why did Bond's female assistant refuse to give him another $5 million after he lost the first $10 million? I thought she would do anything to save her kidnapped boyfriend.

Correction: This is a question, not a mistake - please remember there is a separate area for addressing questions. As for Vesper "doing anything to save her boyfriend", this is never stated anywhere in the film, and it seems entirely in character for her to refuse to provide Bond with additional funds when she's convinced that he's too reckless not to lose it to Le Chiffre and give the terrorists even more money.


Correction: Le Chiffre winning was actually the best outcome possible for Vesper. If he already has all the money, then she is not needed to make the transfer, and then she doesn't need to follow up with having to betray Bond (and her country), while Le Chiffre's need to hold her boyfriend as a bargaining chip become a moot point.


27th Dec 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

Corrected entry: In the scene where the Joker blows up the hospital, he enters a bus just as the explosion starts. You can spot a camera in the bus capturing the Jokers reaction to the explosion. This shot wasn't used in the film but can be seen on the two disc DVD version.

Correction: The problem with this submission is really the phrase 'The shot wasn't used in the film'. Movie mistakes are about mistakes that actually appear in the movie - it's pretty specific like that.


26th Dec 2008

Twilight (2008)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Edward is showing Bella his room and she turns on the stereo to hear the Clair de Lune he mispronounces the name Debussy. He says de-buh-see and it's pronounced de-bee-see. Knowing he speaks several languages and if he loves the composer so much, he should know how to pronounce his name properly.

Correction: Debussy is never pronounced "de-bee-see". Edward's pronounciation in the scene is quite accurate.


21st Dec 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

Corrected entry: When they are trying to get Reese to safety, going into the alley and out of the building, you can see a cameraman running down the stairs after the police and Gordon.

Correction: Of course you can - you can see him throughout the sequence. Reese, Gordon and his men are being accompanied by reporter Mike Engel and his cameraman - at one point, you even hear Engel specifically telling his cameraman to keep rolling.


21st Dec 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

Corrected entry: After The Joker blows up the hospital and sits down on his bus, a crew member in the back can be seen cuing the bus driver.

Correction: That's just one of the Joker's henchmen who took over the bus before he left the hospital and are waiting to pick him up. Joker gets on board, the man at the back who's been holding open the door closes it and gives the go signal to the man in the driver's seat.


21st Dec 2008

Spartacus (1960)

Corrected entry: Crassus, when talking to the man he makes the head of the Roman Garrison, says that the reason he is doing this is to 'checkmate' his senate opponent. 'Checkmate' is a chess term and as such would not have been used by a Roman in the 1st Century BC as the game wasn't invented until at least the 6th Century AD in India.

Correction: As is standard with historically-set films, the language and terminology used has been updated to be understandable to a present-day audience. This is a standard movie convention and is not considered a mistake.


I've never heard it said that anachronistic language is not a mistake, and should not be counted as a mistake here. The fact that they speak English, not Latin, is the cinematic convention. Not that they use figurative language that only makes sense in a future context.


It's a grey area, but there's a case to be made that like the language being updated to be understood by audiences rather than subtitled Latin, the same is true of analogies, etc. They could have made reference to a game of the era, but then nobody watching would know what they were talking about and it would need a clunky explanation. As I say though, a grey area, because a clearly modern reference would be a mistake.

Jon Sandys

21st Dec 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

Corrected entry: In the opening when the Joker gets picked up at the corner, he is holding his mask in his hand. The van pulls up beside him in a way that the other robbers would be able to see his face. Supposedly his face is painted prior to arriving to the bank: wouldn't the other robbers already know he is scarred and wears face paint, revealing that he is the Joker from the get-go? I also think that some people would be freaked out if the Joker was standing in the corner in broad daylight wearing face paint with scars on his face.

Correction: The van pulls up past him and he puts the mask on almost immediately. He's also standing with his head down, making it even harder to see his face. They might catch a glimpse of the makeup, maybe, but it won't be detailed. It's also shown in the sequence that some of the thieves don't actually know that the Joker wears makeup anyway, so there's no guarantee that, even if they did see him well, that they'd make the connection. As for the public, yeah, some of them might find it a bit odd, but no odder than dozens of other street performers that you could find on the streets of any major city.


17th Dec 2008

Serenity (2005)

Corrected entry: In the opening sequence, the movie shows Simon Tam personally rescuing River; however, in the pilot episode of the series he states that he funded a group to sneak her out to him.

Correction: So he lied about the details. These are people who he's only just met, has no way to know whether he can trust, he's hardly going to want to admit to having personally broken into a secure facility, so he lies. It's quite understandable that he would be somewhat evasive.


9th Dec 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

Corrected entry: When Batman cuts out the chunk of wall to retrieve the bullet, it is a square shape with the bullet hole slightly off-center. Then, when he is shooting various sample bricks in his lab, the one he chooses is rectangular with the bullet hole dead-center. When he actually performs the scan to find the fingerprint, he is using the rectangular sample brick, not the square one he cut out of the wall. This means he is somehow able to yield a criminal's fingerprint off a bullet that he shot in his own lab.

Correction: Incorrect. He's scanning the brick that he shot to determine exactly how the test bullet inside broke up on impact, in order to determine the sort of pattern that the segments would end up in. He can then scan the wall section taken from the apartment, examine the dispersal pattern of the bullet fragments within and create a virtual construct of the original bullet, using the data from the test as a guideline.


3rd Aug 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

Correction: Film-making requires strict continuity, particularly with regard to makeup and other items that can easily change during a scene. With scenes shot over multiple days, there is no way an actor would simply be allowed to slap the makeup on themselves. They have makeup people skilled in maintaining continuity for that sort of thing.


9th Jul 2008

Wanted (2008)

Corrected entry: Wesley comments on how he needs an ergo-keyboard as a result of his repetitive stress syndrome, but when he finally goes off in his office, he smashes his best friend, Barry, in the face with a standard, flat keyboard (which he then hands off to a guy entering the building).

Correction: Incorrect. It's an ergonomic keyboard.


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