
3rd Aug 2020

Pitch Perfect (2012)

Answer: It wasn't just that she sang a song he likes, she sang arguably the most well-known song from his favorite film in front of a huge crowd of people. It was a public, heartfelt apology rather than the abrupt, private apology she gave earlier.


9th Jul 2020

Foxcatcher (2014)

Question: Dave Schultz trained Kurt Angle. Did Kurt (or at least someone playing him) appear in the film?

Answer: No actor is credited for the role of Kurt Angle, and there are no overt references to him in the film.


Thank you.

30th Jun 2020

Wreck-It Ralph (2012)

Question: Why doesn't King Candy just not have the race? He doesn't want Vanillope to race/win, so just cancel the race. Problem solved.

Answer: The film implies many times that video game characters have a strong desire to fill out their designed roles, sometimes at their own expense. Ralph constantly has to fight the urge to wreck things, Felix has a strong desire to fix things, Calhoun is obsessed with stopping the Cy-bugs, and the racers in Sugar Rush live to race. Vanellope not being allowed to race causes her a great deal of depression and self doubt. Turbo himself was so obsessed with racing that he couldn't cope with the idea of competing racing games and began to invade them when his game was unplugged. In short, King Candy holds the race because he and the Sugar Rush characters need to race.


Answer: The race has to happen. When Ralph left the Fix-It Felix game, this led Mr. Litwak to believe the game was broken and placed an "Out Of Order" sign on the cabinet which would cause the game to be unplugged. If King Candy cancelled the race, when the kids try to play Sugar Rush and saw no racers, Mr. Litwak would assume the game was broken too and would also have to unplug it. The only way to make sure this doesn't happen is to let the race occur.

Question: What happened to the military guy that was injured and left in the Carl's van? Did they simply drop him off the plane along with the van?

Answer: Yes, he dies in the plane crash.


10th Jun 2020

The Departed (2006)

Question: Delahunt was revealed to be an "undercover Boston police officer." Costello said "They're saying he's a cop so I won't look for the cop" (mole). When Delahunt dies, he grabs Costigan and mentions the wrong address where Queenan got thrown off the roof (partially by Delahunt). Delahunt says "I gave you the wrong address but you showed up anyway. Ask me why I didn't say anything!" and then dies. Was Delahunt really an undercover and that's why he knew Costigan was an undercover too? If so, why would he be complicit in throwing a police captain off a roof? But Delahunt was known as heavy muscle for Costello so why would he not give up Costigan if he suspected Costigan was the mole? Basically, was Delahunt a cop or not and why would he protect Costigan?

Answer: There is additional footage of Delahunt's death scene available on the home release, with Martin Scorsese giving a brief introduction to the deleted scene. Scorsese comments on the scene as being nice because it gives some additional insight into Delahunt's mind but ultimately the scene slowed down the movie too much. It is implied by Delahunt that he didn't tell Costello about the mole because he had grown to greatly dislike both Costello and the man he himself had become while being an enforcer. However, Scorsese directly states in his introduction that he thinks the theory that Delahunt is also an undercover cop is interesting and it's perfectly fine if audiences view the scene this way.


12th Jun 2020

Battleship (2012)

Question: What did stone hopper do to deserve a metal?

Answer: Considering the CO/XO of the John Paul Jones didn't receive any medals it seems to be a plot hole. The only thing I can think of is because Hopper was there to accept the award on behalf of his brother.

Answer: He was in command of a ship on a training mission during an alien invasion and was able to, albeit briefly, engage the enemy against near insurmountable odds, which ultimately cost him his life.


21st Jun 2020

The Departed (2006)

Question: Right in the end, before Damon enters his flat where he is shot, he tries to pet the neighbour's dog but the lady-owner moves the dog away from Damon and gives him a scornful look. Why does she do that? Damon's guilt is not known to the general public, is it?

Answer: I think it encapsulates his fall from grace.

Answer: The realtor told him he would be upper class by Tuesday, even though he is a "lowly state trooper" who can't afford that kind of place on his own. It is likely that the neighbor is just a wealthy snob and finds Sullivan beneath her.

Answer: His guilt isn't known to the general public at all. Petting a dog without first asking the owner is considered rude to some pet owners.


It's also seen by some as either they never really liked him and shown as a symbol of Damon hitting rock bottom or that they fell out with him because they are nosey and didn't like that he hurt his pregnant young girl enough for her to leave him and move out. Make of it what you will. There doesn't seem to be a right answer.

21st Jun 2020

Die Hard (1988)

Question: After Hans kills Ellis he starts shouting over the radio at McLane saying "Where are my detonators?" The Police were listening in on the radio calls so why didn't they figure out that something was going to be blown up?

Answer: Simply knowing that Hans is looking for detonators doesn't really give the police any information they don't already have. He's got hostages and is threatening to kill them if the police don't do what he wants. Knowing that Hans has explosives doesn't mean that he's planning on using them to make his escape, he could just as easily want them to threaten the hostages.


Question: If Skynet was prevented from coming online, how did Legion develop the idea for creating terminators?

Darth Crucible

Answer: Skynet and Legion were both developed for identical purposes: defense network artificial intelligence. It stands to reason they would both evolve in similar ways. Since both Skynet and Legion were fighting a similar human resistance, they both developed similar infiltration units.


12th Jun 2020

The Terminator (1984)

Question: In one of the future scenes when the resistance base is under attack, is the model of Terminator a T-800 but with a different skin job?

Darth Crucible

Answer: Yes. Reese explains that the terminators used to have rubber skin and were easy to spot. The T-800 has living human skin so it's impossible to tell by simply looking at them. That is why the resistance starts using dogs to spot terminators. The terminator that attacks the base looks entirely human and only the dogs know anything is out of the ordinary.


Question: Why did the SWAT team start shooting when they enter the room? Shouldn't they just hold for a second to see if everyone is unarmed before they start firing?


Answer: At this point they believe they are dealing with a team of mass murderers, possibly terrorists. It is perfectly reasonable they would shoot on sight to stop the threat. This particular group (at least based on what they know) has no problem gunning down an entire police station.


Answer: Tim Drake's origin in the DC Animated Universe differs significantly from his origin in the comics, but it also differs greatly from Jason Todd's. This version of the character is unique to this universe, similar to many of the other supporting characters with origin stories that range from being nearly identical to the comics to being entirely different from the comics.


Question: How can Gwen pose as a student at the Academy wearing part of her costume, tights and ballet shoes, with no teacher noticing and forcing her to wear the same socks and shoes as the other girls?


Answer: Gwen is only briefly shown in school, there's nothing to suggest she wasn't given any warnings about uniform violations. If she did receive warnings, she simply didn't address them, considering she isn't even a real student. Some schools don't force students to correct uniform violations on the spot.


8th Jun 2020

Alien (1979)

Question: One thing that bugged me from a recent rewatch. When Brett comes across the Alien skin that it has recently shed, it in no way resembles what the creature looks like now, and is completely disproportionate with its size a few minutes later when it kills him. Now I know that its methods of 'growing' we are lead to believe are different to those of Earth creatures in that they are more accelerated etc...but if it is following a similar pattern to Earth animals that shed their skin shouldn't it have shed at least ANOTHER skin or maybe two to achieve its near-adult human size? And also why in 'Aliens' were no shed skins in abundance dotted around the place when it is part of the Aliens' natural life-cycle? They don't strike me as the kind of creature that would worry about leaving their shed skin around to cover up their presence?

Answer: The skin Brett finds is presumably the first skin the creature shed based on its size. There might be other skins that were shed all over the place but we never see every inch of the ship. The alien in this film primarily uses the air ducts to move around, but the film only shows the air ducts in one brief scene. There could be other skins somewhere in those ducts we never see. The same is true in Aliens. We never see every inch of the floors of the colony, they could be anywhere. The floor of the hive does have a considerable amount of debris, some of this debris could conceivably be shed skins.


That's a much more logical answer, thank you.

Answer: They shed their skin once, probably some kind of protective fleece around its immature body it disposes of, not actual skin like with a snake. These are smart creatures, yes they would hide their shed skin.


If that's the case why did the first Alien shed skin get found? If as you say they are 'smart' enough to hide their shed skin why was this one left laying around?

Because in later movies the aliens have a lot more space to shed their skins where it can't be found. Maybe they don't actually hide it, but it's logical they hide themselves as their skin sheds because they are vulnerable. The alien in the first movie simply couldn't find anywhere to hide.


Question: So, what happens to David and Teddy after the movie is over? Wouldn't they be alone on Earth after David's mother dies again?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: It is implied that David dies after spending the day with Monica. The narrator says that he falls asleep and goes to "that place where dreams are born" which could be interpreted to mean the afterlife. Teddy's fate is never mentioned. However, the words of the narrator could also be interpreted literally, and David simply falls asleep and has a dream. It's up to the viewer to decide how they view the ending.


4th Jun 2020

Silver Bullet (1985)

Question: Why did Marty insist on shooting the firework at the werewolf? It took him far less time to turn the bike round and roar away than it did to light the rocket it and aim it.

Answer: Simple fight or flight response. His first thought is to fight whatever is stalking him. Once he discovers it's an actual werewolf he takes off.


Answer: He might have been hoping that the sudden loud bang and/or flame would scare the beast (werewolf) away - most (if not all) wild animals respond to noise and are afraid of fire.


28th Apr 2020

Heat (1995)

Question: How did Hanna find out about Michael? I was really confused on that part.

Answer: Richie, the brother of Vincent's informant Albert, was a cell mate of Michael. They happened to recently run into each other on the street and caught up. When Richie asked what Michael was up to lately, he kept insisting that he had nothing going on. Richie thought this was odd because Michael was known to him as an adrenaline junkie. Richie believed that Michael, who he knew in prison as "Slick", was part of the armored car heist he recently heard about. He is giving this information to Vincent because he wants the police to raid a rival car theft ring, eliminating his competition. The information he gives seems flimsy to Vincent until he hears the nickname "Slick", a name a witness heard during the armored car heist.


Show generally

Question: How accurately does the show depict the way crime scene investigators do their job?

Answer: The show is very unrealistic. For starters, the primary function of a crime scene investigator is to collect and analyze physical evidence. The show consistently shows crime scene investigators engaging in detective work to help solve their cases. This does not happen in real life. A crime scene investigator's job is not to "solve" a case, they are simply meant to examine evidence. Also, the crime scene investigators on the show routinely question suspects along with the detectives, which is absurd. The actual methods of collection of evidence and equipment used on the show is however, fairly realistic; although this show and many others exaggerate the importance of leaving a crime scene undisturbed.


7th May 2020

Ad Astra (2019)

Question: What was Roy's father doing for so many years? What did he plan to do next? Where did he get all the supplies of air, food, water, etc. to live in the space ship for so many years?


Answer: Clifford was continuing to gather data for the Lima project. He was convinced the project could succeed and that there was extraterrestrial life somewhere in the stars. He was apparently planning on gathering data for the rest of his life. Clifford would have plenty of supplies to last more than a lifetime, considering he murdered everyone else on the team.


28th Apr 2020

Boys Don't Cry (1999)

Question: What happened to Candace and her baby at the end?

Answer: Candace is shot and killed by Tom. Candace's child is not harmed. The real-life inspiration for Candace, Lisa Lambert, was similarly murdered along with Brandon Teena (and another victim, Philip DeVine whom the film omits) with the killers leaving her toddler unharmed.


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