
Continuity mistake: At the battle of the bands Ryan's car is smashed by Tyler and his friends, specifically the windscreen and headlights. When Elissa drives the car minute later, it is in perfect condition. It's also in perfect condition when Ryan later reverses it into the garage.


6th Jan 2014

Dragnet (1987)

Continuity mistake: When you see the close up of the chilli dogs that Friday buys they are covered in chilli. Yet when he picks them up just before their car is stolen, the chilli is neatly in the centre and the bun is dry and clean.


Other mistake: Near the end of the film Bobby Campo uses a long piece of wood to set off the sprinkler and put out the fire. This small flame activates the sprinkler, which wasn't activated by the huge pile of burning sawdust and chemicals.


3rd Jan 2014

Identity (2003)

Question: I have two questions. 1 - Is the woman who was hit by the car one of the personalities? And 2 - If she is,why did his psych have her hit by a car and still live for a few hours? I assume she is one due to the numbered key she had when she died.


Chosen answer: She is indeed one of the identities. This is proven, as you said, by the fact that she has a numbered key. To answer your 2nd question the psych doesn't dictate what order and when the identities are killed. That is all played out in the killer's mind. The psych is only forcing them to interact with one another in hopes that Rivers will start killing them off. This is shown in the scene where Cusack tells Amanda Peet that she has to be the one to escape. His identity is certain hers isn't the killer but he is uncertain of which identity is. If the doc was already aware of which identity the killer was, and had control over how fast they died, he could have killed them all in a plane crash and left only the innocent identity alive. Rivers assumes she hangs on a couple of hours and then perishes, and since she is a figment of his imagination she does so.

oddy knocky

11th Dec 2013

Scarface (1983)

Question: Was the double cross with the chainsaw scene a set up by F.Murray Abraham? Or was it a genuine deal and did he just suspect it may be dangerous, and sent Tony because he annoyed him?


Answer: It's unlikely a set up. Tony is supplied with money and guns to defend himself. If this was a setup, the toad would've had more details. He would've known Tony had backup with guns and they would've waited to ambush them. Also makes no sense for Omar to put himself at risk without a legitimate opportunity to make cash. Frank knew about the deal as he supplied the buy money. Omar seemed loyal to Frank. Why would he send some low level thugs to be set up losing his boss' money in the process? All he would do is lose trust and be suspected.

Omar was an informant. He wasn't loyal to anyone. Omar's driver is the one that suggested to send Tony to the Colombians. And I think Omar knew the Colombians were shady, and that's why he sent Tony. It was, in a sense, a setup.

Chosen answer: While it is never really mentioned I think it is a safe bet that it was a double cross. F. Murray Abraham was seen later in the film to be an informant and killed because of it.

oddy knocky

It wasn't a double cross, as it was the driver of the car that suggested/whispered it to Omar the first time Omar met Tony and Manny outside the restaurant they were working at.

8th Dec 2013

Donnie Darko (2001)

Factual error: When Donnie returns to his house to find a jet engine has landed on it, we see them lift the jet engine up with the crane. Yet his family, complete with 5 year old girl, are standing right in front of the crane. Plus workmen are milling around underneath and about 4 FAA officials come from inside the house. They are lifting a 2000lb jet engine, and all these people are allowed to wander around while it's 20ft above them?


8th Dec 2013

Taken (2008)

Question: Would Bryan just have left the country with Kim (possibly using his CIA connections)? He had torn up Paris in the space of 2 and a half days and killed countless people. He may have gotten away with that when employed on CIA business but in the movie, he's basically just breaking the law. Seems if he took Kim to hospital, questions would be asked and he would be arrested (not to mention shooting Jean-Claude's wife and assaulting him). Yet Kim looks cleaned up, etc.


Chosen answer: Bryan may not have taken Kim to a hospital in Paris. We also saw earlier that he has some medical training and was able to help the other girl who had been drugged. Bryan likely has many connections who could help get him and Kim get out the country quickly, and he has enough knowledge about police and government corruption that he could spill to the press. Most likely the authorities wanted him gone as quickly as possible to avoid a public scandal and would do little to prevent his leaving.


8th Dec 2013

Taken (2008)

Question: What would have eventually happened to Marko after Bryan left him in the basement? Would he just have died and continued to have current surge through him till someone found him? Would he eventually burst in to flames? Would his heart explode? I know he dies, that much is obvious. Just curious as to what happens in the longer term.


Chosen answer: Depends on how much current is actually running through him. Since it didn't kill him right away, even after a few jolts to get him to talk, it's unlikely it was enough that he would ever burst into flames or that his heart would explode. Most likely, he just slowly cooked until he dried up and burnt like a turkey left too long in the oven.


7th Dec 2013

The Terminator (1984)

Question: I know it's not important because the movie would be very short and boring, but there's something I've always wondered. What would have happened to the Terminator had he actually managed to kill Sarah Conner?


Chosen answer: Since terminators cannot self-terminate, only one very likely possibility comes to mind: it would have hidden itself away somewhere known to have remained undisturbed in the years between the termination of Sarah Connor and the start of the war, at which point it would rejoin the war effort.


Answer: Skynet knew nothing about Sarah Connor besides what city she was in in 1984 and that she had a pre war leg injury which they could use as a form of identification. However this injury only occurred in the factory at the end of the movie which would mean the terminator would have no way of identifying the real sarah connor before that time. The terminator therefore could've never completed its mission with 100% certainty because it had no idea what she actually looked like, therefore it may have just carried on hunting out Sarah Connors to increase the chances of getting the right one if it was still in good enough condition to move around unnoticed.

Answer: According to the official novelization, the Terminator looked for a specific injury that the Sarah Connor in question had, in order to insure that she was indeed the Sarah Connor that would give birth to John Connor. If any of the Sarah Connors that he killed didn't have that injury, then he knew that none of them were the Sarah Connor that he was looking for, and would move on to the next one. At the end of the novelization, it is revealed that Sarah Connor got the injury during her final battle with the Terminator, meaning that previous time travel loops had already happened that we didn't see or read about (alternatively the events in the first Terminator film are a causal loop that always happened). Since the Terminator wasn't aware that Sarah didn't have the injury at this point in time, this would mean that he would continue to search the world for other Sarah Connors after killing her. It's a piece of horror that unfortunately was cut from the film.

Question: In the scene when John is telling the Terminator all about his mother (just after he finds out about his foster parents) he says she "was with this crazy ex-green beret guy, running guns." Is he talking about Enrique, the guy the three of them go to who gives them the truck? I've always wondered who he was to Sarah.


Chosen answer: It cold have been him or someone else. He did say "She'd shack up with anybody she could learn from so she could teach me how to be this great military leader." Enrique seems to be more interested in having the guns than selling them.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: In one scene that was never filmed, Sarah, Terminator, and John went to see this guy named Gant at his ranch, and that was the Green Beret. It was never filmed, only storyboarded. The T-1000 did catch up and killed Gant posing as his wife with a spike to the gut in a later scene.

Question: Is there a reason why John McClane's previous exploits aren't mentioned in this film? He is known, and mentioned for his association with, Nakatomi in DH2 and for Dulles airport and Nakatomi in DH3 but in this one, none of his past "adventures" are mentioned bar a couple of subtle almost hidden quotes (eg. the agent Johnson scene). Is this due to any kind of copyright thing or ownership issues between the films or just that they weren't mentioned by any characters? Just seems strange to me that the previous exploits aren't talked about even a little bit.


Chosen answer: The screenwriters probably felt it was unnecessary to keep rehashing the same old information in every film. It becomes tedious and stale to an audience that is already familiar with the franchise's story line. For anyone who has not seen the previous movies, it would probably be meaningless.


6th Dec 2013

Die Hard (1988)

Terrorist: You won't hurt me
John McClane: Oh yeah? Why not?
Terrorist: Because you're a policeman. There are rules for policemen.
John McClane: Oh Yeah? So my captain keeps telling me.


John McClane: Mia? Oh yeah, skinny little Asian chick? Like's to kick people? Last time I saw her she was at the bottom of an elevator shaft with an SUV rammed up her ass.


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