
15th Aug 2005

Sex and the City (1998)

An american girl in paris (part deux) - S6-E20

Question: Did Carrie go back to her hotel room for her wardrobe after leaving Aleksandr and getting with Big? Surely she returned for all her Manolo's and stuff, or are we left to believe she gave it all up as the ultimate sacrifice for Mr. Big?

Answer: It's not shown, but we're to assume she either went back later and got her stuff or made arrangements to have it shipped home to New York.


Chosen answer: It's a 'pork pie' style hat.


22nd Jul 2005

War of the Worlds (2005)

Question: During the course of the film we see the "Tripods" spill out an orange colored liquid. What is that fluid supposed to be?

Answer: The reddish liquid is a defoliant that eradicates indigenous vegetation and reseeds the planet with alien plant life.


30th Apr 2005

Bonnie and Clyde (1967)

Question: Why is the scene where Bonnie meets her family so different from the rest of the movie? What is the significance in the change of lighting, sound etc?

Answer: To create an atmosphere and mood that shows how Bonnie's family life contrasted with her life of crime.


Chosen answer: Mia tells her grandmother that she has a 1966 Ford Mustang.


6th Jul 2005

Jurassic Park (1993)

Question: Is it true that a T-Rex's vision is based on movement?

Answer: According to noted paleontologist Jack Horner, who acted as a consultant on this film, it is not known whether or not a T-Rex's vision was based on movement. However, because some reptiles do have this trait, Horner said it's possible that a T-Rex could have it as well, and he didn't object to it being in the movie. Being as these are not pure dinosaurs, it's plausible.


Kent Stevens conducted an experiment to figure out what kind of vision T-rex had.

There is evidence that T. Rex had excellent binocular vision, and could see you even if you didn't move.

Answer: It's unlikely. As a large and top-heavy predator, the T. Rex would have needed excellent vision to be sure that it didn't fall over and injure itself. As it also had overlapping binocular vision (similar to predatory birds, predatory mammals, and humans), it most likely had very good vision, especially since prey freezing in place (like a deer in headlights) is a common thing. This is a holdover from the first book, which is also lampshaded as a bad theory in the second book.


Kent Stevens determined that T-rex had a depth perception of 55°. That's better than hawks and eagles.

Question: Why didn't the aliens take over earth for their own means millions of years earlier? And why send machines millions of years before any humans or life that could be considered a threat?

Answer: The aliens needed human blood to grow their blood vine, for future colonization. Precisely why they waited perhaps millions of years to create the harvest of human blood, because there was enough humans now to grow an acceptable crop for colonizing us.

Answer: It's not known when the aliens sent the machines-the 'millions of years' comment was just one bystander's speculation. The machines could have been sent well after humans evolved and for whatever reason, the aliens did not journey to Earth until much later. Obviously, humans were never considered a threat-just an inconvenience to be eradicated after being used as fertilizer to re-foliate Earth. Because we don't know who the aliens are or how their society and technology works, many questions will remain unanswered.


I've read that they buried the tripods on earth before us and that they made us they sent a meteor containing the key ingredients for life and that they were waiting for enough humans to collect their blood and use it.

6th Jul 2005

Secret Window (2004)

Question: I didn't really get the beginning. How did Mort know the exact room where his wife was? And when Mort came in, why was Ted mad, shouldn't he be ashamed? After all, Amy WAS Mort's wife and he was sleeping with her. And when Mort was in the car and telling himself not to go back, was that another proof showing he was kinda psycho?

Answer: Mort followed Ted and Amy to the motel and watched which room they went into. Ted's reaction was a mixture of emotions: anger, shock, fear, shame, etc. It was a highly charged situation and considering Mort burst in screaming with a gun threatening to kill them, Ted's reaction seems normal under the circumstances. Mort talking with himself in the car is a subtle clue to the audience that his personality has more than one facet to it.


13th Jun 2005

The Untouchables (1987)

Question: How accurate is the portrayal of the Untouchables, when it comes to names and numbers? Were there actually only four of them? Do Garcia, Connery and Smith play actual people or fictive ones?

Answer: It's about 50% truth and 50% fiction. Ness, Al Capone, and Frank Nitty are real, of course, but the characters played by Connery, Garcia, and Smith are fictional. Ness started out with 50 candidates for his 'Untouchables' force. This was whittled down to 15 finalists and from that he selected 9 agents (none of which has the same name as the characters played by Connery, Garcia, and Smith). It's true that Capone was convicted for tax evasion. He was sentenced to 11 years in prison, but received an early release because he was in the last stages of syphilis. He died shortly after being released from prison.


Capone lived for 8 years upon his release from prison. The 8 years being slightly longer than the actual prison time he served, which was just over 7 years. He died, having the mental capabilities of a 12-year-old.

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