
Corrected entry: When Chris doing the Rubik's Cube is a tribute to "The Fresh Prince of Bellaire" episode where Will gets into Princeton by solving a Rubik's Cube.

Correction: This is just simply wrong. The movie was set roughly 10 years before "The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air" (check your spelling) The Rubik's Cube was a brand new toy back when this movie was set, in the early '80s. The Cube signified Chris' ability and willingness to never give up.


6th Dec 2006

Clerks 2 (2006)

Corrected entry: When Dante pulls the shutter open to reveal the burning Quickstop, the shutter is not hot at all. If the building is on fire, it should be quite hot.

Correction: Dante pulled the shutter up by the handle. Heat will not transfer as easily to a handle as a solid panel. Dante may have felt a little heat, but it could be construed as being warmed up by the sun.


28th Nov 2006

Saw III (2006)

Corrected entry: In the final part of the film where it's showing flashbacks of Amanda and Jigsaw planning their traps, we see a scene that shows Jigsaw setting up Lawrence's trap. After he's put the blood on his face and goes to lie down, we see him put both his arms out away from his body. However, in the first film, he had his arm underneath him because he used it to secretly electrocute the first two victims.

Correction: In the first film, John has his arms spread out. One hand holding the gun. The other, a tape player. It was speculated that he had the transmitter for electrocution in his mouth. Watch the first film again and you'll see what I mean.


17th Nov 2006

Saw III (2006)

Corrected entry: In the freezer scene, the woman freezes over between two shots, with no time in between to account for her freezing over like that.

Correction: Freezing isn't a delayed thing. She had enough water sprayed on her and it was so cold in there to freeze instantly. It is entirely possible for that to happen.


17th Nov 2006

Saw III (2006)

Corrected entry: At the very beginning of the film it picks up where Saw II left-off, with Eric Mason chained to the pipes in the bathroom and Amanda leaving him there to die. Eric has a flashlight and a handgun just out of reach, however at the end of Saw II he threw the flashlight at Amanda as she closed the door meaning it should be on the other side of the room.

Correction: The flashlight could have very well rolled back if Eric threw it hard enough.


17th Nov 2006

Saw III (2006)

Corrected entry: The doctor drills holes into Jigsaws skull but when she removes the piece of skull, the holes have disappeared.

Correction: That's because she used the saw to cut from hole to hole, thereby getting rid of the holes.The holes were there just as starting and ending points for the saw.


24th Jun 2003

Full Metal Jacket (1987)

Corrected entry: During the scene when Sgt. Hartman is asking Private Pyle if he knows the difference between his left and his right, keep an eye on the soldier behind Pyle. When Hartman slaps Pyles hat off you can see the recruit behind him trying not to laugh.

Correction: A character trying not to laugh, especially in those circumstances would be a character mistake. Not a mistake, not trivia.


3rd Sep 2006

Hitch (2005)

Corrected entry: After Kevin and Amber have their first date, they pull up to Amber's house, Kevin is driving. They both walk up to Amber's front steps and Kevin fails to kiss her, when he walks back down the steps the car is no longer there. Kevin then proceeds to kiss Amber and walk home.

Correction: The character's name is Albert first off, don't combine the real actor and another character, it gets confusing. Now, on to the correction, Albert wasn't driving. He was a passenger in her private car, and exited on the driver's side. In fact, he never drove a car throughout the film.


12th Jun 2006

Cars (2006)

Corrected entry: When Lightning Mcqueen's body is redone in Radiator Springs, the change does stay when he is in the Piston Cup. However, after the Piston Cup, back in Radiator Springs, his body is the re-do, just with the Lightyear wheels instead of his redone ones.


Correction: How is this a mistake? Perhaps, he wanted to keep that racing edge and kept the Lightyear tires on.


9th Aug 2006

BASEketball (1998)

Corrected entry: When Coop and Remer told Squeaks if he made a shot they would never call him Squeak or Bitch again, but when Coop psychs Squeak out we hear Squeak say "Huh," but his mouth doesn't move.

Correction: Your mouth doesn't have to move to say "huh". Try it, just open your mouth and make the sound. Easy, huh?


2nd Aug 2006

The Pacifier (2005)

Corrected entry: When Shane is chasing the bus with Seth on it, the blue car behind the bus changes from an 2000 Saturn (seen from the front) to a VW Jetta (seen from behind).

Correction: This mistake seems to be accurate, but if you notice in the shot with the Saturn, there are no lines on the road. In the shot with the VW, there are lines on the road. The shots weren't consecutive so it is possible that the Saturn turned off and the VW turned on the road since the shots weren't one right after another.


16th Jul 2006

Meet the Fockers (2004)

Corrected entry: When the family is eating at the dinner table, Jack goes on about the reason he uses things like baby monitors and then there is silence. Just before Gregg says, "he's right" look at Bernard Focker's face, he is obviously about to burst out laughing.

Correction: It's a simple reaction. Bernard doesn't like baby monitors. Jack does. Bernard made that look because he was in thought, processing what Jack just told him.


Grave Danger (2) - S5-E25

Corrected entry: Nick was supposed to have a 12 hour air supply while in the coffin, as the suspect mentioned in his e-mail. Nick was buried at night, a whole day passed and he was rescued at night. That was more then 12 hours underground.

Correction: No, the 12 hours was to get the money to the kidnapper. If you recall, Nick's coffin had a fan that was connected to the light. That fan was in a tube that ran to the surface thereby providing him with the necessary air. You are confusing fact CSI determined there was a limited amount of battery time on the fan itself.


Correction: There isn't a truck in the background. Upon closer examination, it appears that it is merely the visible tip of a nearby mountaintop.


23rd Apr 2006

Hostel (2005)

Corrected entry: When the main character is escaping, he gets slowed down by a parked van. As the driver gets in the van, you can see the van move before you hear the engine starting.

Correction: More than likely, the van has a manual transmission where when you press the clutch to start the vehicle. If the parking brake is not pressed in, the vehicle can move vefore the driver starts the engine.


Corrected entry: When Jill is alone downstairs at the beginning in the main house she is wearing her jacket. When she decides to go outside she isn't. Jill wouldn't have had time to take off the jacket when she was going straight outside and it was a very windy day and night. You wouldn't take off your jacket to go outside where it is windy.

Correction: First, it cuts to her talking on the phone and her jacket is off. Secondly, perhaps she was scared and didn't think about putting on her jacket, character mistake, not a movie mistake.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Wendy sees them all die on the roller coaster the character with the camcorder drops it onto the track. The camcorder becomes wrapped by the strap around the track causing part of the roller coaster to derail. After the premonition Wendy panics and several people, including the camcorder guy get off, therefore the camcorder will never wrap itself round the track causing the roller coaster to derail - end film.

Correction: Already corrected once. Death has proven he can improvise if necessary. If Frank's camera wasn't on the coaster, then Death must have done something else to crash the coaster as planned. He still had to kill everyone that didn't leave the coaster, they don't get to survive just because Frank leaves.


Corrected entry: Check out the truck that moves from the right side of the screen to the left while the guy and girl are in the drive-thru and that squashes their car against the wall. Its the EXACT same truck from Final Destination 2 that passes the 4 teens on the highway. You'll notice the big "Drink Responsibly" slogan on the side it.

Correction: The truck in FD2 is named Hice Pale Ale and is much smaller than this one and many beer trucks promote "Drinking Responsibly".


Corrected entry: The sign that eventually kills Ian looks like a wider version of the flags from his picture. Also, his body winds up in the same position it was in in the photo.

Correction: Congratulations for the obvious observation. That was pretty much the point for Ian's death.


25th Jan 2006

Meet the Fockers (2004)

Corrected entry: In one of the final scenes where Jack is about to drive off from the Focker's house (with Little Jack in the "trailer"), he finds out that Pam is pregnant and he starts screaming at Gaylord. Jack does not call him Gaylord, but in fact, calls him Ben. (Actor's name = Ben Stiller).

Correction: I just watched this scene twice and Jack never calls Ben Stiller by his real name, Ben. He calls him Greg throughout the whole scene. In fact, no one uses Gaylord. They all call him Greg. On a side note, Jack never raised his voice once throughout the scene, so I wouldn't say he was screaming at them.


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