Striking Distance

Striking Distance (1993)

1 corrected entry

(2 votes)

Corrected entry: In chase at the start, the cop in the passenger seat puts the siren on HIS side of the car. At the end of the chase, it's on Bruce Willis' side of the car.

Correction: Sorry, totally wrong. Watch again and you can see Bruce Willis reach down and get the light and then stick it on the car.

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Lieutenant Vincent Hardy: Do you know what my dad used to say? Loyalty before all else exept honor.

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Question: Tom Hardy puts his shotgun shells in his mouth before swimming from his patrol boat to the larger boat. Why is this?

Answer: Because they'd be completely useless if he allowed them to get soaked by the water.


But his head comes out of the water. So the shells got wet anyway.

Answer: That's not true but the shotgun shells he was using are waterproof.

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