Dark Angel

Dark Angel (2000)

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Original Cindy: He's from Manticore, huh? Say what you want - they sure know how to make 'em pretty.
Max Guevera/X5-452: Try spending an afternoon with him. He'll drive you crazy with his laughing, and his talking, and his breathing.
Original Cindy: Sugar, you got issues.

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Trivia: Richard Gunn's character was nicknamed 'Skectchy" but is 'real' name was Alvin Simon Theodore- the same as the three cartoon chipmunks. Also Normal's name on the show was Reagan Ronald after former president Ronald Reagan.

Maria Santos

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Question: This may seem a bit stupid, but I'm new to the show, and didn't start with the pilot: what is that place where Max, Cindy, Sketch, etc. hang out (Where Normal works)? Judging by the presence of lockers, I would assume it's a gym.

Answer: It's their job. They are bike messengers and have lockers to hold personal stuff.

shortdanzr Premium member

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