Full House

Full House (1987)

41 mistakes since 24 Feb '17, 00:00

(12 votes)

Cutting It Close - S2-E1

Audio problem: When Jesse is telling Michelle that it is time for him to start acting like a mature adult, he then proceeds to call out for Joey. However, in the scene, you can hear an audio of Jesse's voice faintly calling out "Joooeeeeeey!" without any lip movement immediately prior to Jesse actually calling out Joey's name. (00:23:25)

Jesse: Joseph, it's finally happened! He's cleaning liquid soap.
Danny Tanner: Don't be silly. I'm just cleaning my rubber gloves.
Joey: Danny, there's no shame in therapy.

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Cutting It Close - S2-E1

Question: Did Jesse know they were going to cut his hair? Did he ask them to make an episode about him getting a haircut?

Answer: No.

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