David Mercier

21st Jun 2004

Frasier (1993)

21st Jun 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

21st Jun 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

15th Jun 2004

Friends (1994)

15th Jun 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

15th Jun 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

15th Jun 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy - S5-E14

Continuity mistake: When Lisa and Marge go on the tour, when the film has finished the woman turns it off with a remote controller and puts it behind her back. In the next shot from behind her it isn't in her hands and there is no sign of a pocket or any indication she put it anywhere else.

David Mercier

14th Jun 2004

Frasier (1993)

12th Jun 2004

Friends (1994)

12th Jun 2004

Friends (1994)

9th Jun 2004

Hannibal (2001)

Continuity mistake: When Pazzi sits down during Hannibal's presentation, Hannibal puts his hand on his shoulder. It is suddenly in a slightly different place in the closer shot without there being time to move it. It's very slight but still noticeable.

David Mercier

Kill Bill: Volume 1 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When The Bride and Vernita Green are in the kitchen, Vernita mentions something like "I've got to fix my daughter's cereal." Notice when she says this, The Bride is holding her mug with the handle facing Vernita, when the shot changes, it is instantly facing The Bride - something which cannot be achieved this quickly.

David Mercier

27th May 2004

The Last Samurai (2003)

Continuity mistake: On his way to rescue Katsumoto, Algren is confronted by four or five armed men. If you look closely, you can see the armed man in the top left corner draws his sword twice.

David Mercier

27th May 2004

The Last Samurai (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Algren is packing to leave, Colonel Bagley picks up the note that the young boy had written for Algren. In the close up, you can see the paper is light blue at the top and a light pink at the bottom. When Algren takes it from him and smooths it out, it is suddenly all light blue.

David Mercier

24th May 2004

ER (1994)

Night Shift - S3-E11

Continuity mistake: When Carter and Doyle are running down a corridor to the patient having a heart attack, the camera follows them along the floor and you can see several coloured lines going down the hall. After we see this, they burst through a double door, and if you look behind them you cannot see these lines anymore; they've simply vanished.

David Mercier

20th May 2004

South Park (1997)

15th May 2004

Troy (2004)

Continuity mistake: When the Greeks are at Troy's walls during the fight scenes the shadows cast keep changing direction. For example, when they charge Troy at night, in one shot as they run outside the city walls their shadows are cast to their right, but in the wide shot it's cast directly in front of them. (02:20:00)

David Mercier

15th May 2004

Troy (2004)

Continuity mistake: When Hector stops Helen from leaving during the night, her cheeks and the area around her eyes are both very red, and her eyes are tearful with tears down her cheeks. In the shot from behind her, when she briefly turns round her cheeks are not red or wet and though her eyes are teary, they are not as teary and red as the shots facing her. (01:01:45)

David Mercier

8th May 2004

Monster (2003)

Continuity mistake: Just after they have trashed the red car, Lee and Selby go into the bedroom of the motel and Selby sits on the bed. Lee opens the wardrobe and then starts talking to Selby. If you look closely, you can see the door she opened is sometimes fully open, half open or closed, especially as there seems to be a metallic rack on the inside of it which makes it quite obvious when it's open. (01:13:20 - 01:14:10)

David Mercier

Continuity mistake: When Jim and Kate are talking on the train near the start, there is a point halfway through a sentence where Kate's arms go from being folded, to being straight in front of her - instantly. (00:05:55)

David Mercier

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