David Mercier

Question: Right at the end of the movie just before the credits come up there is a song playing (when Anakin and Padme kiss), then the credits come up and as this happens, the theme song for Star Wars plays. Would someone please be able to tell me the name of the song before the credits come up?

Answer: It's called "Across the Stars" and is featured on the soundtrack of the film, by John Williams.

David Mercier

Question: Why does the girl have writing on her eyelids? What is the joke there?

Answer: She has written "I love you" on them. It's why Dr Jones splutters his speech and focuses on them.

David Mercier

Answer: To clarify the other answer a bit. The female student wrote "love" on her right eyelid, and "you" on the left. The "I" in, "I love you," is her actual eyes. She has a crush on Indy.


24th Feb 2004

Hannibal (2001)

Answer: She was just unhappy with the screenplay and the development of the characters. In fact the screenplay was altered 15 times on her requests and those of Jonathan Demme (director of Silence of the Lambs) and eventually neither of them had anything to do with the film.

David Mercier

17th Feb 2004

The Fugitive (1993)

Question: At one point, Kimble steals an ambulance. We then cut to the U.S Marshals, who say "An ambulance has been spotted...". They then run off to intercept it. But surely there's more than one ambulance in that area, and surely more than one person has seen an ambulance in that time?

Answer: True, but if they cannot contact this one or it is seen driving eratically or out of it's designated area, that is sufficent to cause suspicion.

David Mercier

Also, this was a rural part of Illinois where there was likely often only 1 or even no ambulances driving somewhere around in the vicinity at one given time. That's something which of course would be very different in the Chicago city area.

17th Feb 2004

Finding Nemo (2003)

Question: Why is there a sound track for "finding Nemo" if in the film there are no songs?

Answer: There are a few songs, but it can include the actual musical score as well as songs.

David Mercier

17th Feb 2004

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Question: Is this movie going to have Doc Ock and Sandman, or Doc Ock and Lizard, or just one of them? I've seen two versions of the script. One with Sandman and one with Ock.

Answer: According to the latest casting news, the only villan in the film is Dr. Octopus, played by Alfred Molina.

David Mercier

Question: Does any one know what religion Jess and her family are?

Answer: They are orthodox Sikhs.

David Mercier

16th Feb 2004

Spider-Man (2002)

Question: In the warehouse scene, we see Spidey hanging up-side down on a web. Then he sort of pulls it back into his wrist. How does he do that?

Answer: Because it grows out of his wrist, he has the control to contract it back in if he wants. Note that in the comics Spiderman actually made a sort of gluey string for his web, and in the film it's organic. This is a creative decision on the part of Sam Raimi who said "I think it's more believable that the web is organic rather than a kid making a glue 3M can't make."

David Mercier

16th Feb 2004

Alive (1993)

Question: What does Cannessa mean when he says "I had no premonition. So much for ESP,"?

Answer: ESP stands for Extra Sensory Perception, the ability to see into the future or predict it in the form of a premonition. He means that whatever happened, he literally didn't see it coming.

David Mercier

16th Feb 2004

X-Men 2 (2003)

Question: During the invasion of the mansion, the soldiers were wearing a device over their left eye. What is the purpose of that device? It certainly is not a night vision device since they were using flashlights.

Answer: It could be a infra-red goggle, to see through walls, although it could be night vision as it can still improve upon using a torch alone.

David Mercier

Chosen answer: The hilt does, the blade doesn't - such is the case with all forms of light.

David Mercier

16th Feb 2004

The Last Samurai (2003)

Question: After Algren returns to Omura's office, we see Omura standing by a window, smoking a cigar. Through the window you can see a red brick wall. Did Japan have those then?

Answer: Certainly, red bricks have been around for at least 500 years. Hampton Court Palace in the UK is an example of a very old building which used it. They are only red because of the colour of the sand used, and it is certainly possible that Japan had this to hand.

David Mercier

Question: There are many scenes where the film is "flipped". (You can usually tell because the brooch on the Elven cloaks is reversed.) Is there a reason why the brooch on Samwise's cloak is the reverse of everyone else's throughout the films?

Laurie Brown

Chosen answer: It is true to say that flipped shots are obvious for this "brooch" reason, but there is a much better explanation if Samwise's is like it for the whole film. It could be that the actor who plays him is left handed and therefore unlike the majority of the cast, he would put his on the other way round. Not a definitive answer, but a practical one.

David Mercier

Question: Did John Belushi do all the dancing, especially the turnovers in church, by himself or was it a double?

Answer: It was a double, and the "making of" documentary on the DVD shows this.

David Mercier

To be fair, John did do a lot of flips and dancing as Jake; just not all of them in the movie.

28th Jan 2004

Futurama (1999)

Chosen answer: The hiatus and the cancellation were for the same reason, a dispute over ownership between Matt Groening and Fox. Fox actually own the majority of the interest in the Simpsons, but their stake in Futurama is much more limited. This gives Groening more bargaining power with the show, and unfortunately Fox were unhappy with this so put the show on hiatus and then cancelled it.

David Mercier

6th Jan 2004

The Truman Show (1998)

Question: In the scene where Christof touches the large green screen on which Truman is shown sleeping, what is the name of the piece of music that is played by the man on the keyboard to the left of Christof?

Answer: It's just a piece from the soundtrack. I think it's called "Truman Sleeps".

David Mercier

Answer: No, at the time Ford was the highest paid star in Hollywood (and he's still near the top of the list). He is also the star of the film (Connery is in a supporting role) and one of the most recognisable faces in the film world. Connery was paid well, but certainly not more than Ford.

David Mercier

Question: What film is the footage of the young Michael Caine from? And is the footage of him playing with a small boy in the 'Musical Number' deleted scene from his home videos or a film?

Answer: The footage of Michael Caine is from the 1967 film Hurry Sundown.

David Mercier

Question: What is the name of the movie(s) that Kevin watches in Home Alone 1 and 2? Is it the same movie?

Answer: The name of the movie is "Angels with Filthy Souls," but it is not actually a real film at all and was created especially for the franchise.

David Mercier

Answer: Angles with Filthy Souls, and its sequel; Angles with Even Filthier Souls. Neither are real movies.

Danny Duignan

Question: Are the real Schindler Jews in the end accompanied by younger relatives or by the people who played them in the movie?

Answer: It depends, some are accompanied by younger relatives, and others have the actor who played them. The majority have relatives though.

David Mercier

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