
Question: The Bride leaves Elle Driver in Budd's truck, completely blind but alive. What would have happened to her? Would the Black Mamba snake finished her off?

Answer: She could have died either from bleeding out from losing her eye, the black mamba could have got her or most likely Elle could have died from the exposure to the elements of being out in the middle of nowhere without the possibility of calling for help and not knowing how much food and water Budd had in his trailer. Since there was no way for her to drive off and being out in the desert, she most likely would have died a slow agonizing death through the process of dehydration.

Tobin OReilly

Answer: Tarantino has said that if he gets the chance to make Kill Bill Vol. 3, it will be about a blind Elle Driver training Vernita Green's daughter to kill Beatrice.


Answer: During the end credits for Kill Bill Vol. 2, the characters names were crossed out, but Elle's name had a question mark. It's unknown what happened to her. It's been rumored for years that there would be a third movie with Elle returning for revenge. Blind, but with heightened senses.

20th Dec 2018

The Replacements (2000)

Question: During practice, why couldn't Bateman tackle anybody who wore red?

Answer: Traditionally, in football practices, the quarterback is the only one who wears a red shirt/jersey. This is so he is easy to spot. You aren't supposed to tackle the quarterback in practice because it's very bad if he gets hurt.


Question: Why did Hampton's family go home really early, after riding the monorail when they just got there and didn't even go on any rides?

Answer: They were saving the other rides for their next trip.


13th Nov 2018

The Crow (1994)

Question: It's supposed to be Devil's Night, so why are there child trick or treaters running around in costumes when Eric is wandering around outside?

Answer: "Devil's Night" is the night before Halloween, Oct. 30. Many communities across the U.S. hold "Beggar's Night," the night kids go trick-or-treating, on a day other than Halloween, often Oct. 30.

Just to add to your answer, if Halloween falls on a Sunday, it's not uncommon for trick or treating to occur the day before.


Answer: Given that there is going to be likely dozens of buildings burned down by the next day, kids probably want to get their trick or treating done a day early.


5th Nov 2018

The Sandlot (1993)

Question: At the end of the movie, it shows Benny managing to steal home, being called safe, the catcher arguing that Benny was out and the umpire saying Benny was safe. In slow motion, it shows the catcher catching the ball and tagging Benny as he slides into home so why wasn't Benny called out?

Answer: The umpire got the call wrong in that case. It happens all the time in real life. It wasn't allowed back then, but now Major League Baseball and other sports leagues will use instant replay to make sure they get close calls right.


Answer: The catcher tags Benny on the chest after he touches home plate with his left hand. Safe.


Answer: The film shows Benny beating the tag. Although the ball gets there before Benny, the catcher tags Benny a split second after his hand touches home plate.


Answer: Sebastian could have had a will and left it to her. Plus she was likely either in jail or rehab after being caught with cocaine, leaving her with little power to do anything about it.


31st Oct 2018

Frozen (2013)

Question: Wouldn't Elsa suffer from cabin fever, and go crazy if her parents isolated her for as long as they did?

Answer: Who says she didn't? She's obviously very uncomfortable around other people during the coronation and ball.


The Sibling Realignment - S11-E23

Question: Why did Mary say that she'll only be at Sheldon's wedding if he invites his older brother Georgie, if she's on bad terms with him? Is this because she loves him deep down even if she calls him an idiot?

Answer: Weddings are a family affair and Mary doesn't want Sheldon's stubbornness about his brother to interfere with family.


Answer: The Trace only detects when underage wizards use magic. Still, it wouldn't be difficult for Dumbledore, the most powerful wizard in the world, to find or track them.


The trace can also be used to determine location. In Deathly Hallows there was concern that Voldemort's Death Eaters were able to ambush the Trio by using the trace to find them, but Ron insisted it automatically broke when a wizard turned 17.


Answer: All underage wizards and witches have a Ministry "trace" on them until they are 17 years old that monitors their activities. Dumbledore would be able to use that to locate Harry and then send Hagrid there.


Also, Harry was no ordinary wizard child because of his connection to Voldemort. As he did not live in the wizard world while growing up, he was vulnerable to harm from the Dark Lord's follower. Extra protections were put on Harry, and he was watched around the clock. His location would always be known.


Question: In the US, can you really be taken to a police station for (presumably) making a phony phone call? To me it seems like a waste of resources since it is probably a common occurrence. Also Jeannie would have stuck to her story that it was true...as break-ins do happen all the time.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: In the United States, phoning in a false report to police can be treated as either a misdemeanor or felony offense (depending on jurisdiction). A false report is considered obstructing law enforcement, which is pretty serious. A misdemeanor offense can result in jail time of a year or less, while a felony offense can result in more than a year's jail time and heavy fines. The important factor that makes it a crime is knowingly trying to mislead the police, not accidentally reporting false information. In "Ferris Beuller's Day Off," Jean was not trying to mislead the police; but, lacking evidence, the police assumed she was knowingly phoning in a false report, so they arrested her (probably on a misdemeanor).

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: Illinois law makes making a false report on 911 a form of disorderly conduct.


Answer: I think the main thing was Jeanie wasn't in school and was probably taken in for truancy as well as the supposedly phony call. But it's unlikely that they would have taken her to the police station if she was picked up at home.


20th Sep 2018

Short Circuit (1986)

Question: At the end, Stephanie, Newton and Johnny Five are all driving to Montana. What about Stephanie's animals and all her things at her house?


Answer: Driving from Central Oregon to Montana only takes about 12 hours. They could drop off Number 5 and be back to move Stephanie and Newton out of their houses within a day or two.


Answer: They were not driving to Montana, they were in the country driving back to the city, while they discussed Stephanie's animals and responsibilities.

Newton said that a relative left him several acres in Montana. Since they were already in a huge van, they could just stop by Stephanie's place and pick them up.

30th Aug 2018

The Core (2003)

Question: If the core stopped spinning, where would all the kinetic energy that keeps it spinning go? Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Answer: For one thing, the rotation of the core is almost identical to (if not a bit faster than) the rotation of the rest of the planet; so the core coming to a stop relative to the rest of the planet is physically impossible. Over billions of more years, the Earth's core and mantle may eventually cool off and solidify (as has happened on Mars), but the core will still be rotating at the same velocity as the rest of the planet. By that time, of course, Earth will have also lost its Moon, so there will be no tidal forces between the Earth and Moon, which means the planet will be seismically dead, but the Earth will still be rotating on its axis. For the time being, though, it would literally take a miracle, an act of divine intervention, to overcome the physics of planetary rotation. If the core could somehow be stopped relative to the rest of the planet (which is physically impossible), then the core's energy would quite quickly be dissipated into the Earth's mantle, which would become an unimaginable inferno (much more so than it already is), propagating seismic and super-volcano activity all over the globe by a factor of, say, 10,000 times normal activity. The Earth's crust would be effectively ripped to shreds by super-earthquakes and eruptions within a matter of hours, perhaps even causing the entire globe to disintegrate into space. As mentioned, though, it would require something on the order of a true miracle to precipitate this chain of events.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: The same place it goes normally: dissipated into the Earth.


27th Oct 2013

The Phantom (1996)

Question: What exactly caused the volcano to explode at the end? It didn't seem active at all and it just decided to blow after Phantom and Diana escaped the pirates.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: The explosions from the skulls and the weapons on the island caused the volcano to erupt.


5th Oct 2013

Die Hard (1988)

Question: When John's infamous vest comes out and we can see his shoulders, he appears to have a scar on the front of one of his shoulders. Is this a genuine scar from earlier in Willis' life or was it put in by the makers of this film to add to the character? As far as I'm aware they never reference it in the film, which makes me think it is a genuine real life scar.

Answer: The scar is real and runs about half the length of his arm. It is a surgical scar from an operation he got at 17 to fix complications from a broken arm.


27th Sep 2013

Street Fighter (1994)

Question: Is Fei-Long in this movie? He is the only character from the game I have not been able to ID in the movie. And if so, where is he? He's my favorite character from the game and I was disappointed to not see him.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Fei Long was originally intended to be in the film, but was replaced by the character Captain Sawada.


23rd Sep 2013

M*A*S*H (1972)

That's Show Biz - S10-E1

Question: What is the title of the song Ellie Carlyle dedicates to Maj. Winchester, calling him "a swell guy - with a head to match"? Winchester's reaction implies the song is some kind of joke in its own right.


Chosen answer: The song is the accordion rendition of "Lady of Spain" by Robert Hargreaves and Stanley J. Damerell. It's Ellie's retort to Winchester's earlier quip in the mess tent, where he said "That's quite a retort from our lady of Spain"


11th Sep 2013

General questions

I saw this movie in the 90s where in one scene a girl and a guy are in a laundry room of an apartment, I think. The girl asks the guy if he wants to touch her breast. She sits atop of the washing machine while he does so. I also think the girl and her friend share the apartment room.

Answer: "Slums of Beverly Hills" starring Natasha Lyonne.


2nd Sep 2013

Airplane (1980)

Question: In the film Elaine is going around taking dinner orders on paper like a waitress which has never been the way airlines do it. They bring the cart down the aisle and then ask what you want. So my question is, is this an in-joke, a goof, or did some airlines really do it this way back then?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Airlines have done this in the past. Remember that back in the late 70's when this was filmed, flying was still somewhat of a rare occasion for a lot of people, and airlines treated customers much better.


Chosen answer: The chemical properties of diamonds enhance the laser beams that cool his suit.


30th Aug 2013

The Bodyguard (1992)

Question: Something that's always bugged me, when Rachel gets nervous at the awards and runs off stage, one of the other hosts says "f**king actresses". I thought she was a singer, we don't see anything throughout the whole movie about her films, so can someone please tell me why he says "f**king actresses"?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: She is both, being there to accept the award for Best Actress.


Answer: She was receiving the Oscar for her movie Queen of the night.

Answer: At the beginning they mention she was in the movie "I have Nothing", which the title song was a hit for a long period of time.

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