
24th Aug 2010

Minority Report (2002)

Corrected entry: After Witwer is killed, Lara calls Burgess, who asks, "Has he got the precog with him?" to which Lara responds, "Yes". But Lara has never seen a precog. How would she know what a precog looks like?


Correction: Lara may not have seen one before, but it's hardly unreasonable for her to make the assumption that the woman with Anderton is the missing precog. Who else could she be? Anderton's hardly going to have stopped to pick up a date.


27th Aug 2008

Minority Report (2002)

Corrected entry: The Precrime cops make a huge effort to track down and arrest Anderton before he commits his murder. However, they make no effort whatsoever to protect Crowe. They could've moved Crowe to a secure location, one Anderton was not aware of, rather than waste time chasing down someone who knows their tactics and could easily outrun them. It made sense why they didn't protect the other victims because the murders took place mere minutes after Precrime analyzed the visions, but the Precogs saw Anderton's murder days in advance. The cops had plenty of time to locate and protect Crowe. If Anderton couldn't find Crowe in the first place, the murder would've been prevented, since all the other murders were prevented when the killer was separated from the victims and could not commit the crime.


Correction: The director of Precrime is the one that set up Anderton. He set set up the fake future murder. He could have easily directed the police to avoid protecting Crowe.


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