dan coakley..

5th Oct 2013

Gladiator (2000)

Question: I don't know whether this is a mistake or if there was a certain reason for it but, at the end of the movie when Maximus tells Quintus to free his men, Quintus turns to the line of guards standing behind him and says, "Free the prisoners, go!" Two of the guards standing next to each other immediately go to free the prisoners, and the rest of the guards don't budge. How did those two guards know that the orders were given directly to them?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: Because they would be the ranking soldiers, and accustomed to being given orders. Being disciplined, they would obey Quintus without question. The legions would necessarily have soldiers assigned to following orders at different times, similar to how a captain would give an order to a full room, and the first mate would be the one to carry out the order.


24th Sep 2013

Shutter Island (2010)

Question: The woman that writes "run" on Teddy's note pad, was Ben Kingsly trusting this "crazy woman" not to tell Teddy or even let it slip that the whole thing was set up for him? Same question goes for every other crazy person in the institute that Teddy speaks to.

dan coakley..

Answer: Teddy belonged in Ward C. He would have never met any of the patients.

Chosen answer: The other patients were not let in on the arrangements. They would have had no reason to suspect that anything at all had been set up for Teddy. As far as they're concerned, if they're cognizant enough to be concerned at all, Teddy's just another crazy guy acting as crazy as all the rest of them.


Answer: I think Mrs Kearns is in on it. We see her get a little flustered when she is asked about the doctor, who we find out later is sitting right there. Also, she gets uncomfortable when Teddy brings up Andrew Laeddis. She even tries to warn Teddy. I just discovered this recently when watching with the subtitles, but when Teddy comes back from the cave, Mrs Kearns can be heard saying "I can't remember what I'm supposed to remember", likely referring to the script she was supposed to stick to.


24th Sep 2013

Nightwatch (1997)

Question: Who is the man in the picture in the office of the hospital? Is it supposed to be Nick Nolte when he was young, working as the night watchman?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: It is intended as a nod to the original 1994 version of the film, which supposedly featured the same picture in the watchman's booth.


9th Sep 2013

The Bodyguard (1992)

Question: Who is making the death threat letters to Rachel? is it her sister or the blond pervert? if it's the blond pervert, why is he doing it? I thought he loved her and was obsessed with her, so why is he sending her death threat letters?

dan coakley..

Answer: Nikki didn't know who was writing the letters, she did say they were her thoughts, but she didn't write them, the blonde stalker did.

Chosen answer: It was the blond pervert. He was sending them in a sort of "I'm so obsessed with you I want to kill you" kind of way. Most celebrities get death threats all the time from "fans" who want to kill them and they want everyone to know it was them who did it. The sister wouldn't send them as she had hired a professional and did actually want to kill her, but without anyone knowing.


From what I remember the sister admitted that she sent the letters because she said she hates her sister I'd have to rewatch it to see if I was mistaken but that's when she was coming clean to the bodyguard after the canoe was blown up.

No, her sister says that the letters started showing up BEFORE, and they are what made her think she could actually do it. It was the blonde perv.

No Nikki tells Frank she doesn't know who's writing the letters, but they were her thoughts because she hates Rachel. The letters made her think she could go through with having her sister killed.

2nd Sep 2013

True Lies (1994)

Question: In the scene where Helen tries to shoot the bad guys and drops the gun down the steps and the gun is firing by itself shooting everyone, one of the bad guys has a hold of Harry, Harry says one word to the guy that makes him let him go before they both get shot, what is it Harry says?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: He just exclaims, "Shit!" It's not what he says that makes the henchman let him go, it's that they both realize that if they don't find cover they'll both likely be shot by this random, firing Uzi.

30th Aug 2013

Spider-Man (2002)

Question: When Uncle Ben says to Peter "hey Michelangelo, don't forget we're painting the kitchen later", Peter says "sure thing, don't start without me" and Uncle Ben says "and don't start up with me", can anyone please tell me what "don't start up with me" means?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: It's another way of saying "Don't be a smart ass."

Captain Defenestrator

30th Aug 2013

Frequency (2000)

Question: Instead of Frank giving the wallet with the fingerprints to John in the future, why didn't Frank just give the wallet to the police in his own time?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: They couldn't be sure that the police wouldn't lose it or turn it in when the owner showed up. Or, since we find out that the killer is a cop, he could have just taken it back from evidence.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: Too much explaining would have to be done by Frank. The police would ask why he would want his wallet scanned for prints. Plus remember they were on a time frame. Julia was going to be killed in a week, and they were trying to save the other girls as well. Quicker just to get the wallet to john, and he would go scan for fingerprints right away.


Answer: Plus, they didn't have some of the technology in Frank's time as they had in John's.

30th Aug 2013

Frequency (2000)

Question: How did John's father appear at the end of the movie as an old guy? It's very confusing to me, can someone please explain how that worked?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: His son prevented his death in the past. By warning him about how he originally died in that fire and changing his decision, and then convincing him to stop smoking so he doesn't die of lung cancer. He prevented his past death, so suddenly he was still alive in present time.

Quantom X

30th Aug 2013

The Bodyguard (1992)

Question: Something that's always bugged me, when Rachel gets nervous at the awards and runs off stage, one of the other hosts says "f**king actresses". I thought she was a singer, we don't see anything throughout the whole movie about her films, so can someone please tell me why he says "f**king actresses"?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: She is both, being there to accept the award for Best Actress.


Answer: She was receiving the Oscar for her movie Queen of the night.

Answer: At the beginning they mention she was in the movie "I have Nothing", which the title song was a hit for a long period of time.

28th Aug 2013

Iron Man (2008)

Question: The guy who put the magnet in Tony's chest in the cave, who was he and why was he being held captive by the soldiers?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: His name is Ho Yinsen and he's a skilled engineer and medic. The details behind his capture are never revealed, but most likely he was kidnapped so that the terrorist group could utilise his skills, coercing him into helping by threatening to destroy his home village, exactly as we see then doing later in the movie after Stark's escape and Yinsen's death.


Question: There is a piece of music that can be heard for a split second when the sheriff is walking into the church to investigate the murders, its a man singing, it sounds like he's saying "Donde esta" or something like that, you can hear the exact same thing in Reservoir Dogs when Mr. Blond is tuning through the radio stations looking for K. Billy's super sounds of the 70s right before he tortures the cop, does anybody know what song this is and why Tarantino only plays it for a split second in both of his films?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: The song was That Certain Female by Charlie Feathers.


Question: How in the world was Kiddo allowed to bring a sword that length onto a plane and have it right beside her at her seat?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: Tarantino has said that he intends Kill Bill to exist in a slightly different world than the real one. In this world weapons are more commonplace and can be freely carried. If you notice, on the plane there are actually little holders on all the seats for people to put their swords into.

Chosen answer: This is actually the 4th film directed by Quentin Tarantino. While he did write From Dusk Till Dawn (also True Romance, between Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction), he did not direct the film.

26th Aug 2013

Die Hard (1988)

Question: At the start of the movie we see McClane arriving on the plane and he has his gun on him, would a detective really be allowed to carry his gun on board a plane?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: Yes, at the time this film was made; McClane would only need to have his badge and credentials verified by airport security.


I'm not sure how this works now but even as recently as 10 years ago, many departments required off-duty carry, except in certain situations. Now I know it's optional for many.

26th Aug 2013

Trainspotting (1996)

Question: I've seen this movie over 100 times and I know every single word, but when I watched it a few days ago on Netflix I noticed straight away that the talking sounded completely different and some words where changed, in the cold turkey scene Renton was supposed to say "i don't feel the sickness yet but it's in the POST, that's for sure", but on the Netflix version he says "I don't feel the sickness yet but its in the MAIL, that's for sure", why was this changed and did all the actors have to re-do the whole film in audio?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: I can only assume it would have been done for the benefit of international audiences. To Brits, 'post' is commonly used as a noun describing any item received that was posted in the mail system, rather than just as a verb to describe the act of sending something in the mail. Typical small changes of word meanings that makes perfect sense to someone in Britain may easily confuse a viewer from another country.


Is this for real they don't think people are smart enough to know the post is the mail? Like we have post offices it's not like it's so far out there we couldn't figure it out my god.

Bear in mind "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" was retitled entirely to "Sorcerer's Stone" in the USA. Movie studios are desperate to avoid audiences being confused, whether that's warranted or not.

22nd Aug 2013

Total Recall (1990)

Question: Why does Quaid shoot Dr. Edgemar when he sees sweat dripping from his head? What is it about the sweat that lets Quaid know something is wrong?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: It was nervous sweat, which wouldn't happen if everything was only occurring in Quaid's mind.


He was trying to convince Quaid that he was in a dream and taking the pill would wake him up back in reality. Seeing him sweat gave him away and Quaid knew he was really awake.


Answer: The drip of sweat could have been a consequence of Quaid's imagination going into overdrive, and manifested as part of his delusion. For every argument against it being a dream, there is a counter argument for it, including that of the director whose intention was the latter and as stated in the extended director's commentary.

21st Aug 2013

Jurassic Park (1993)

Question: Would it be possible to create dinosaurs in real life the way they create them in this film?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: No. There are a number of reasons why this is not possible, including the fact that DNA simply doesn't remain preserved for that long. See http://www.iflscience.com/technology/could-jurassic-park-ever-come-true for more details.

21st Aug 2013

The Game (1997)

Question: Why did Nicholas react very rudely when his assistant wished him a happy birthday?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: Nicholas' father committed suicide on his 48th birthday, something that has haunted Nicholas ever since. Nicholas himself has now reached the same birthday, putting him in a very sour mood and in no place to receive birthday wishes cordially.


Answer: No, he admits to his ex-wife after 11:40pm that day that he didn't even realise he was the same age as when his father committed suicide until she just brought it up. I'm guessing he was annoyed because he was just a grumpy man and was resentful of celebrating his birthday due to the painful memories associated with his father.

I always thought he was lying or being sarcastic when he said that.

Answer: The story parallels "A Christmas Carol" with Nicholas being a modern day mirror to Ebenezer Scrooge. When wished "Merry Christmas" Ebenezer famously would say "Humbug." When wished "Happy Birthday", Nicholas is equally as unhappy with the sentiment "I don't like her" he says to his assistant.

21st Aug 2013

The Truman Show (1998)

Question: When Truman's father shows up for the first time, was it set up by Christoph? if so, why was he dragged away by people that work there? can someone please explain what's going on there? Also, is Truman's father his real biological father?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: No. Christoph did not plan his return, that is why he is dragged off, the others are trying to protect the project. No, he is not.


21st Aug 2013

1408 (2007)

Question: Are there 2 different endings to this film? When I saw it for the second time I'm sure it was different from the first time I saw it.

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: Yes. The alternate ending has become the default ending in most areas, and is the default ending on the Blu-Ray.


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