
Corrected entry: The "freelance" fighter Nicholai's name is being mispronounced throughout the movie. The right way to say it is nicholAi, not nIcholai. Judging by his accent, he is from Russia, yet he mispronounces his own name when he introduces himself to Alice.

Grigory the Wanderer

Correction: However a character pronouces their own name should be considered correct if it is consistent throughout the film.


12th Sep 2004

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Correction: It's a yellow cake with chocolate icing which many people would call a chocolate cake. It's certainly not a non-chocolate cake.


Corrected entry: At the beginning of the film, we see a commercial for Globo gym on the TV watched by Peter La Fleur - In it, Globo gym owner White Goodman states "this is me, six years ago." The picture we see is dated in 1987, which sets the film in 1993. Next in the scene, Peter then checks his answer phone messages, and on it is a message from the video shop, claiming his DVD rental for "Mona Lisa Smile" is overdue. "Mona Lisa Smile" wasn't made until 2003. And DVDs weren't available for sale or for rental until 1997.

Correction: Just because you see a commercial on TV doesn't mean it's a new commercial. It's not uncommon for small companies to use the same commercial year after year after year.


4th Sep 2004

Friends (1994)

The One with the Candy Hearts - S1-E14

Corrected entry: In this episode Ross wants to go and ask Kristen on a date, so Chandler and Joey give him an egg and tell him to return it to her. When he comes back and says and she said yes,he kind of wiggles his fingers around and we see that they are empty, but when he hugs Chandler he says that he still has the egg in his hand. Did it just magically appear out of nowhere?

Correction: When Ross comes back and says he got the date, Chandler hugs him and we hear a cracking noise. Chandler asks "Still got the egg?" and Ross nods. No one says anything about a hand because it's not in his hand - it's in his coat pocket.


31st Aug 2004

Johnny English (2003)

Corrected entry: When Johnny ejects Lorna out of the car, why does it eject the passenger seat? Surely the driver is the one who should be ejected first.?

Correction: The driver would need to be in control until the last possible second. It wouldn't be much use to the poor passenger suddenly in the car alone and not able to control it.


1st Sep 2004

Titanic (1997)

Corrected entry: After Rose calls Brock Lovett, Brock and Bodine are talking on the boat's deck, Bodine says "Rose died on the Titanic when she was 17." Then he goes on to say later that she was an actress in her early 20's. Why would he say she died on the Titanic when she was 17 when he knew she had not?

Correction: They are trying to figure out if the old woman was the same Rose that reportedly died on the Titanic (her family never found her, so she was listed as missing, presumed dead). They say Rose DeWitt Bukator died on the Titanic when she was 17. Then they say that they've traced the old woman, Rose Calvert, back to the early 20's (the 1920's, not her 20's) when she was Rose Dawson, the actress. They can't know for sure if it is the same person.


Corrected entry: Obviously, the Predators have made weapons out of alloys that are invulnerable to the Alien's acid blood, but in the first fight scene, the Predator slices off the tip of the Alien's tail which causes the Predator's retractable blades to melt instantly. Why the inconsistency?

Correction: The Predators have a very complicated idea of what is and isn't "sporting" so they limit how much "Alien specific" equipment they use to hunt them.


1st Sep 2004

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Corrected entry: In the scene at the laundry mat where he is washing his spidey suit, it shows that the colors bled on to his boxers and socks. You would think after two years of washing his suit that he would have figured out that it could bleed on to his other clothes. And furthermore, the suit would have faded enough that it wouldn't bleed anymore.

Correction: Considering the wear and tear you see in this movie, I'm sure that he gets a new suit from time to time. He probably meant to wash it separately but put it in the basket with some other stuff by mistake.


Corrected entry: Couple of deliberate mistakes. A billboard appears in the cemetery at the beginning of the movie and Brad has socks on when Frank N Furter turns on the magnetic floor - socks don't magnetize to the floor.


Correction: First, the billboard is outside the church grounds. Second, many commercial cemeteries have billboards advertising themselves or public service announcements - which a billboard promoting the town would be. Third, it's not a magnetic floor - it's a Sonic Transducer as is clearly labelled on the switch. Plus, only submit one mistake at a time.


2nd Nov 2003

Chicago (2002)

Corrected entry: At the very beginning of the film, you see a close-up of Roxie's eyes, and you see that they are blue. However, during the song "I Can't Do It Alone", you can see that they are brown.

Correction: During "I Can't Do It Alone", Roxie is constantly backlit (her face is in shadow). Watching it small on my computer her eyes appear dark, but whenever I pause on her and blow it up to full screen, I can tell that her eyes are not brown. In the shadow, it's hard to tell if they're blue or light grey or light green, but definately not brown.


22nd Jan 2004

Zoolander (2001)

Corrected entry: When Derek and Hansel are talking to Matilda about her childhood and other things in on Hansel's pad towards the end, watch behind Derek and Hansel. There are white and red candles behind them, but in almost every shot, their number, their positions, and their colours are different.

Correction: As candle scenes go, this one is amazingly well done. There is a Buddha holding one candle that may well be a small light bulb. Below that are two tiers of red glass votives. The bottom tier has two lit, skip one, one lit. The top tier has two lit. Depending on the camera angle, different levels and parts of the arrangement are blocked by D & H's shoulders and heads, thereby blocking different candles. The angle of the camera also determines whether you see the flame above the red glass or below the red glass, so there's a red light or a white light. Some of this could also be explained by the candles being burned down to different points in different shots, but the candles are so small and the shot angle changes so much so often that it would be really hard to determine this. In any case, it's not as described in the submission.


8th Dec 2003

Zoolander (2001)

Corrected entry: When they show Hansel playing with the yo-yo sitting next to Gwen at the awards show, he's sitting in the end row seat. Then when Zoolander gets up & walks down the isle, You see Hansel getting up, not from the end seat, but 4 seats down from the end.

Correction: No, he hasn't moved from the left end of the row. It's a split screen close-up of him and while it does look like the lady behind him is to his right, it's because of the camera angle. When the shot widens out to full screen, you can see that she is in an aisle seat lined up with his seat.


20th Jul 2004

Total Recall (1990)

Corrected entry: The film establishes that the core of Mars is made of ice. When planets are coalescing from gas clouds, cumulative gravity draws the heavier materials into the center of the planet. This is why Earth has a nickel-iron core and even gas giants have some solid material in the center. Ice is much too light to occupy this niche in Mars and would have been crushed and replaced by heavier metals in the shell around it, even if the ice was inserted after planetary formation by aliens.


Correction: Quaid (Arnold) says this, but I wouldn't say that means that "the film establishes it". Quaid is not a scientist and has no idea how this thing works. He sees a big patch of ice in a cave and decides the whole core of Mars is ice, it's probably just one ancient ocean that drained into an underground cave system and froze.


20th Jul 2004

Seinfeld (1990)

Correction: He bought out or became a partner in a pre-existing muffin store.


12th Jul 2004

The Perfect Score (2004)

Corrected entry: Kyle and Francesca both have 3.7 GPAs, yet Francesca ranks 34th out of 281 and Kyle ranks 105th.

Correction: They may be rounding off, Francesca may have a 3.749 while Kyle really has a 3.651. There can be other factors than GPA in class rank. For example, I went to a school where it was possible to take 7 credits per year but you only needed 22 credits to graduate so you could take study halls or only go half the day your senior year. If you had the same GPA but took more classes, your class rank was higher, 28 A's is better that 22 A's.


Corrected entry: In the scene where the Terminator is changing the starter motor on the truck, he asks John Connor for a torque wrench. Wouldn't the robot know the exact torque his arm is applying to the socket wrench?

Correction: No, there is no reason that they would build a "torque sensor" into his arm. Also, his knowledge of 20th Century auto repair would have been written by humans which would say to use a torque wrench so he would want to use a torque wrench whether he needed to or not.


11th Aug 2004

Falling Down (1993)

Corrected entry: In the fast food scene, it is 11:34, and they stopped serving breakfast at 11:30. However, everyone in the restaurant is eating lunch, hamburgers to be specific, despite only being able to order them for approximately 4 minutes.

Correction: Many fast food restaurants start serving burgers long before breakfast is over, some even serve burgers the whole time.


Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, after the Transylvanians have blasted off, you see Dr. Scott's wheelchair smashed on the ground. Shortly thereafter, you see Brad and Janet wheeling him in it.

Correction: I checked both US and UK versions on the 25th Anniversary DVD, after Dr. Scott is shown laying on top of the smashed wheelchair, the Criminologist says a few lines, then the credits roll. Neither Dr. Scott, Brad, or Janet is shown again except in still shots during the credits.


26th Jul 2004

A Knight's Tale (2001)

Corrected entry: During the pub scene when the French drunkards are challenging Chaucer and the others to bet that Ulrich will not win the tournament, Wat throws a fit and calls one of them Quasimodo. Quasimodo is a character from "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" by Victor Hugo, published in 1831 - about 500 years later. Even if Quasimodo had been based on a real person, the story took place in the 15th, not 14th, century. (01:15:55)

Correction: Quasimodo's name comes from the fact that he was found on the church steps on Quasimodo Sunday. Quasimodo Sunday (first Sunday after Easter) gets its name from the first words of the introit for that day "Quasi modo geniti infantes" - in the way of newborn infants. There are other possible reasons for them to use this name than having impossibly read Victor Hugo.


The Breach - S2-E21

Corrected entry: How in the heck someone like in Doctor Phlox's time frame knew anything about tribbles in the first place. It was 100 years before McCoy and Cerino Jones and 200 years before Worf and co. Guess Doctor Phlox can leave a note to Doctor McCoy about the tribble's life cycle and its predators.

Correction: Dr. Phlox is an xeno-biologist from another world - his whole life's work is to study all life on other planets. He has many creatures living in the Sick Bay that I'm sure Dr. McCoy has never heard of. Dr. McCoy is a medical doctor who knows how to treat humans (and a few aliens), not a biologist - there are probably lots of Earth creatures Dr. McCoy couldn't tell you the life cycle of. No one could possibly know the life cycles of all creatures on thousands of planets.


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