
9th Sep 2004

Sister Act (1992)

Corrected entry: In the casino when the nuns are looking for Deloris, Mary Patrick asks some people if they've seen a "Carmelite nun." Judging by the sister's habits, I would guess that they are Dominicans, as Carmelites don't dress in that type of habit.

Lucy Reeves

Correction: While I think it was rather silly for her to bother specifying what kind of nun, I can find pictures of both Carmelite and Dominican nuns on the internet that are dressed like this and of both kinds dressed entirely differently.


I figured it was a way of saying that the nun they were looking for was Black - with skin the color of the Carmelite habit.

Correction: I think it's a joke referencing Whoopi Goldberg's skin color. Why else would she specify "Carmelite"??

I had always thought she had said caramel like nun.

8th Sep 2004

Junior (1994)

Corrected entry: While this film is a comedy, it is medically impossible for a man to carry a child. Where did Alex carry the baby? In his stomach, full of stomach acid? How would the baby get nutrients?

Correction: Actually, this is not impossible. Scientists have already caused a male mouse to bear a pregnancy. Once the egg is fertilized, the hormones, etc. it produces can cause it to implant and connect to the blood supply in almost any tissue in the abdominal cavity regardless of the sex of the host (this is how ectopic pregnancies form in women). Of course, it would be attached to one the walls of the abdominal cavity as it would interfere with organ function if it were attached to an organ.


5th Sep 2004

Sweet November (2001)

Corrected entry: It's very hard to believe that someone who takes as much medication as Sara could have so much energy and be able to act as if nothing was wrong with her, at least during the first part of the movie (until the script calls for her to act more realistically). Also, many medications cause considerable weight gain as a side effect. Sara wouldn't be able to look like a thin gorgeous supermodel while taking all those pills.

Correction: She could be taking medications that actually give her energy, or at least make her seem normal. Many medications (not to mention just having terminal cancer) cause considerable weight LOSS.


4th Sep 2004

Down With Love (2003)

Corrected entry: After several shots of bookstores all over the world, Renee Zellwegger picks up the "New York Chronicle" and checks the "This Week's Bestseller" List, which ranks "Profiles in Courage" by former Pres. JFK on rank 2. But the book was published in 1957, the movie is set in 1962, when it is rather unlikely that a 5 year old book ranks 2. (00:49:40)

Correction: For a current example, "Tuesdays with Morrie" has been in the top 5 on the New York Times Non-Fiction bestsellers lists since it was first published in 1997 (7 years)and was not a Pulitzer Prize winner nor written by the President currently in office as PiC was in 1962. PiC is still required reading in many schools.


31st Aug 2004

Turbulence (1997)

Corrected entry: For some reason, the 747 - one of the largest airliners around - manages to fully flip upside-down in the storm. This is difficult for a trained pilot to do, let alone wind. In order for this to happen, both ailerons need to have been configured for a bank (which they weren't) in order for it to physically rotate in the first place, and the rudder would also had to have been configured so that the aircraft did not change heading (which it didn't). Not ONLY that, the autopilot was engaged, which would have stopped this happening. Even if it DID happen (which it wouldn't), the autopilot would not be able to reposition the aircraft back to normal.

Correction: An extreme storm could turn the plane over without manipulating the control surfaces or caring whether the autopilot is on or off. Micro-burst down on one side, micro-burst up on the other - voila! Plane is rotated.


Corrected entry: At the beginning, the city is being evacuated. We see a helicopter flying around the city. The lights in the buildings are on - why would they be, given that everyone in the city is on the bridge being evacuated? (It's not because they're automatic, because in several of the buildings some are on and some are off.).


Correction: Some automatic lights have motion sensors to turn them off if no one is there, but many don't (or are disabled) even in the same building. I used to work in a building where the motion sensors would start to work only after a certain time at night which would be adjusted according to the work habits of each department, i.e. some could start turning off at 5pm, some 8pm, some 24/7, etc.


22nd Oct 2004

Minority Report (2002)

Corrected entry: The precop explains that because each ball's grain is unique, they are "impossible to forge." If all they do is verify that the grain is unique, then all it takes for someone to forge their own ball is to make sure that it has a "unique" grain, i.e., different from the others. What kind of a security measure is that?

Matty Blast

Correction: For one thing, they would have pictures of the balls that are not fake, so your "unique" ball would be worthless. So the first point of the security is that you would have to somehow create a duplicate of one of the unique balls that was already loaded into the machine. The real point, however, is that once the ball was engraved (and again recorded), you can't substitute an identical ball with a different name as the name was recorded into a random place in the grain.


15th Oct 2004

Dark Angel (2000)

Out - S1-E10

Corrected entry: Max says she broke into the Italian embassy to get olive oil. She lives in Seattle and the Italian embassy is in Washington, DC, across the country. I really doubt she managed to travel several thousand miles considering how tightly policed travel is between sectors and regions. (00:01:40)


Correction: Seattle has an office of the Italian Trade Commision which is a branch of their embassy - see


The Wanna-Be Ranger - S2-E4

Corrected entry: It was stated in the first episode that the Rangers should always keep their identity secret, or they'll lose their powers - yet the Rangers had no problem calling the Blue Ranger by his real name of Billy, right in front of the public.

Correction: Like he's the only person named Billy in the entire world...


Corrected entry: It's hard to believe that while Sam has third-rate everything, works for minimum wage in a diner, and only has a cell phone so she can answer her stepmother's every beck and call, she can somehow afford an expensive vanity license plate for her car.

Correction: Personalized plates in CA cost only $40 more than regular plates - compared to the fact that she has a car and gas at all, it's not much of an expense.


17th Aug 2004

Cold Creek Manor (2003)

Corrected entry: In the opening sequence when Sharon Stone is lying in bed - the alarm goes off. In her dazed state she fumbles to turn off the alarm - the time reads 04:10. As she presses the buttons on top of the alarm clock she hits the alarm set button and you can see 12:00 appear. If the alarm is set for 12:00 then how did it go off at 04:10?

Correction: Many alarm clocks have more than one alarm setting (multiple wake times).


8th Oct 2004

Evolution (2001)

Corrected entry: In the movie, they use "Head and Shoulders" as the key ingredient for the defeat of the aliens, being as "Head and Shoulders" key ingredient was selenium. "Head and Shoulders" does not contain any selenium.

Correction: Head and Shoulders Intensive Treatment formula does in fact have selenium sulfide as the active ingredient.


29th Sep 2004

The Replacements (2000)

Corrected entry: Does anyone else find it odd that Annabelle would have to audition a completely new cheerleading squad? The players are on strike not the entire organization, besides cheerleaders are not part of the players union. So even if she had to audition some new faces, why is it that she has no veterans?

Correction: The "real" cheerleaders would not want to cross the picket line whether there is an actual picket line or not. They are friends of the players and would want to support their actions.


Corrected entry: The logo for the Flying Legion is a winged lion with a banner reading "Ille Caelum Fremitus." This is not proper Latin, because "Caelum" (sky) is in the neuter gender, while the adjective "Fremitus" (roaring) is in the masculine gender. The adjective must agree with the gender of the noun to be grammatically correct, so the masculine "fremitus" must change to the neuter "fremitum." The proper banner should had read: "Illud Caelum Fremitum" (That Roaring Sky).


Correction: The Latin is correct, it is the assumption of the translation that is wrong. It is "Those who roar to the sky" - Ille (those) and fremitus (roaring) are both masculine and nominative and match correctly. Whoever heard of a roaring sky? It's the lions/planes/pilots that do the roaring, not the sky!


10th Aug 2004

Charmed (1998)

Show generally

Corrected entry: In some later episodes of season four, Piper is sad because she has some fertility problems, making it hard for her to conceive a child. The only reason Wyatt was conceived is because Piper accidentally ate a chocolate that made her fertile with demon seed (explaining Wyatt's future evilness). But in season six, Chris is conceived as if Piper never had fertility problems at all.

Correction: Many people with fertility problems go on to concieve naturally.


Corrected entry: When Charlie, Grandpa Joe, and Wonka are in the wonkavator, Wonka looks at something that says altometer, and states "If we don't gain enough speed, we'll never make it through." Altitude however is the distance you are from the ground when in the air, not the speed that you are going.

Correction: He's worried that they won't gain enough speed by the time they reach the altitude of the roof. Therefore, he is looking at the altimeter to see how close to the roof they are.


26th Jul 2004

Bruce Almighty (2003)

Corrected entry: The live story Bruce does, is about the Maid of the Mist boat at Niagara Falls. However, there are multiple references to this being in NY state. The Maid of the Mist is a Canadian boat and can only be boarded on the Canadian side which it was in the film. The view of the falls that is initially shown is the really wide view of the falls, the Canadian side.

Correction: says there are 2 boarding docks - one in Canada, the other in the US.


25th Sep 2004

Batman Forever (1995)

Corrected entry: Why would a group of young children go trick-or-treating at night to Wayne Manor, which is in the middle of the woods?

Correction: Rich people give out good candy. People drive their kids to better neighborhoods to get better candy.


14th Sep 2004

Ever After (1998)

Corrected entry: When the prince saves the painting, it turns out to be the Mona Lisa. But this story takes place around 1516 or later because Leonardo da Vinci is in France. The Mona Lisa was painted in 1502, at least 14 years before this event.

Correction: First, Leonardo didn't start the Mona Lisa until 1503 and it took him several years to actually finish it. Second, many great masters did more than one version so it is not impossible that this is an unknown copy. Third, just because LdV was not working for the King of France until 1516 doesn't mean that he couldn't have visited France at an earlier date (especially in this fictional universe).


Leonardo actually used to carry this painting with him a lot. Which added to the mystery of the Mona Lisa.

The painting is actually a reference to the study La Scapigliata. La Scapigliata is done in oils, umber and white lead in monochrome. Whereas the Mona Lisa is a finished work.

The Mona Lisa was painted on wood, not canvas.

Correction: It isn't the Mona Lisa, at least not the famous version. The version in the Louvre is painted on wood, not canvas.


15th Sep 2004

The Perfect Storm (2000)

Correction: The "Weather Fax" is a real thing. It is broadcast over radio waves to ships at sea.


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