
Character mistake: When young Alan is talking young Sarah, he says that he found a board game at the factory. Alan didn't find the game at the factory. He found the game across from the factory at a construction site.

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Suggested correction: The construction might very well be part of the factory, a new factory building for example.


The sign at the construction site said it was an "Executive Office Annex" that they were building.


Even though the sign said it was an Annex, construction was still being done outside of the main factory where Alan found the game. Not inside of the main factory itself.

Continuity mistake: When Alan is trapped on the floor, and the game is placed over his head, Sarah rolls the dice which fall on the lower left corner. When the angle changes they've moved further to the right.


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Trivia: The music playing when Van Pelt enters the store to buy a new rifle and ammo is no less than the Mexican national anthem, and it was- by the way- eliminated from the film soundtrack when this movie played in Mexico. (01:00:25)

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Question: At the part where Peter cheated and got "devolved," he says that he was TEN spaces away, and then he says that he tried to win by dropping the dice so that they landed on TWELVE. Why would he want to roll a 12 in order to move 10 spaces?


Chosen answer: Most games don't need you to roll the exact number of spaces left in order for someone to win. By rolling twelve he gets to move his ten spaces & has won. I'm assuming it's easier for him to roll two sixes than anything else.

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