
Thunderbirds (1964)

2 factual errors in The Mighty Atom - chronological order

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The Mighty Atom - S1-E14

Factual error: An edition of the 'Melbourne Herald' newspaper can be seen in this episode, and appears to be dated Friday, December 24, 1964. Yet 'Thunderbirds' is supposed to be set in the 21st Century (2026 or 2065, depending on who you believe). This date is also seen on newspapers which appear in the episodes 'Edge of Impact', 'The Impostors' and 'Cry Wolf'. Also, to compound the error, December 24th, 1964 was actually a Thursday, not a Friday.

The Mighty Atom - S1-E14

Factual error: The reactor controllers in both plants, and Brains, claim that cutting off the seawater intake would resolve the runaway reactor, and help bring it under control. In fact the opposite is the case - the plant's purpose is to purify and desalinate seawater by boiling, so processing more of it would soak up the excess heat the reaction is producing. Cutting off the intake would prevent adequate cooling, allowing the heat to build up and damage the plant further. We know the seawater isn't somehow used for fuel, because we see Scott and Virgil operating fuel rods in the reactor.


Path of Destruction - S2-E2

Plot hole: In order to build up suspense, Virgil and Brains stand on the Crab Logger as its dangerous fuel is pumped out, despite the fact that it is hanging on the edge of a precipice. In fact they could have left as soon as they had plumbed in the pipes to empty the fuel tanks - the whole procedure is controlled by Scott in Thunderbird 1 and they make absolutely no contribution to the operation at all. They do not need to disconnect the pipes; they are left behind and dropped from Thunderbird 1 as planned. They just stand there chatting about how much danger they are in until jumping clear at the very last second. Silly buggers.

More mistakes in Thunderbirds

Trivia: Although he is the main villain, the Hood appears in only six episodes throughout the entire series.

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