Everybody Loves Raymond

Turkey or Fish - S1-E10

Factual error: It's Thanksgiving and Ray and Frank want to watch football. Ray's mother changes the channel to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. But these programs are not on at the same time. The parade always ends at about noon. The first game starts at about 1:00 and the second game starts at about 4:00.

Father Knows Best - S2-E2

Continuity mistake: Prior to bringing Ray up for the role-playing exercise, the parenting teacher erases a circled phrase from the chalkboard. Throughout the scene, the chalked circle flips several several times between being totally erased and having a faint outline left over.


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Frank Barone: What in the holy name of crap are you talking about?

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Pet Cemetery - S5-E5

Question: Frank found a small amount of money with his metal detector at the end. He left saying he would buy a "yoohoo". Does anyone know what that is?

Answer: The original Yoo-hoo is a chocolate flavored drink in a bottle, but there are other flavors, most popular being Double Fudge Yoo-hoo and Strawberry Yoo-hoo.

Super Grover

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