Quotes from Matt Damon movies and TV shows - page 2 of 8

Jason Bourne: I remember. I remember everything. I'm no longer Jason Bourne.
Dr. Albert Hirsch: So now you're going to kill me.
Jason Bourne: No. You don't deserve the star they give you on the wall at Langley.

Jason Bourne: Why did you pick me?
Dr. Albert Hirsch: You really don't remember, do you? We didn't pick you. You picked us. You volunteered. Right here. Right here, even after you were warned.

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Colin Sullivan: I'm going to need the identity of your undercovers.
Dignam: Blow me, all right? But not literally, though. Unfortunately, there's no promotion involved for you.

Colin Sullivan: If we're not gonna make it, it's gotta be you that gets out, cause I'm not capable. I'm fucking Irish, I'll deal with something being wrong for the rest of my life.

Colin Sullivan: What Freud said about the Irish is, we're the only people who are impervious to psychoanalysis.

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Loki: Last four days on earth?! If I had a dick I'd get laid. I'm gonna do the next best thing...kill people! [Woman next to him chokes on her coffee.] Oh, not you.

Loki: Church laws are fallible because they're created by man.

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Paul Safranek: He never struck me as the kind of guy who'd go get small. Wow.

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Carroll Shelby: There's a point, 7000 rpm, where everything fades. The machine becomes weightless. Just disappears. And all that's left is a body, moving through space and time. 7000 rpm, that's where you meet it. Asks you a question. The only question that matters. Who are you?

David George

Henry Ford II: This isn't the first time Ford Motors' gone to war. We know how to do more than push papers. Go ahead, Carroll. Go to war.
Carroll Shelby: Thank you, sir.

Carroll Shelby: We're lighter, we're faster, and if that don't work, we're nastier.

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Edward Wilson: How do you know I am the right person?
Ray Brocco: I was told you were a serious son of a bitch with no sense of humor, there can't be two of you.

Ulysses: When I was a soldier, my fingers were frost-bitten. Since then, when I get cold there is a pain.
Edward Wilson: Maybe you shouldn't live in Russia.

Edward Wilson: My orders came through. I'll be going overseas.
Clover Wilson: What are you going to do, Edward? Save the world?
Edward Wilson: I'll do what I can.

Edward Wilson: It isn't about dedication and loyalty, it's about belief in what we do.

Edward Wilson: If we continue down this road, there will be a third world war. I don't think either of us wants a real war.
Ulysses: What would you do for a living then?

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