
Genesis - S7-E19

Corrected entry: Dr. Crusher gets a load of Klingon venom in the face. Picard gets a drop of the same venom on the hand, and his hand looks terrible. But Crusher is all right at the end of the episode, and her face is looking better than ever.

Correction: While discussing what the venom did to doctor Crusher, they explicitly mention a need for reconstructive surgery. Considering that they can change Worf's forehead entirely in a matter of hours (see "Homeward") it would appear that reconstructive surgery can be done very easily and quickly in the 24th century, and, since it probably took quite a while for the entire crew to revert to their human selves, they apparently had time to fix her up. It would be important to get their CMO in good condition to help rehabilitate the rest of the crew.


Corrected entry: Carmen shouldn't have enough time to put all Gary's pictures on the submarine screen.

Correction: Not if she is accessing her personal database remotely (which is not too unbelieveable) and accidentally triggered a function that she had set up to fill her screen with his pictures.


Corrected entry: When Ralph is spying Gary and Gerty, their father says that Bermuda Triangle is near Madagascar. Actually, the Bermuda Triangle is near the U.S.A.

Correction: He doesn't say that the Bermuda Triangele is off the coast of Madagascar. What he actually says is "There is a Bermuda Triangle of sorts off the Coast of Madagascar." He is simply saying that there is an area where things are occurring similar to the Bermuda Triangle.


20th Sep 2004

UHF (1989)

Correction: No, he falls forward and then rolls over on the ground, hence he should get hit feet first.


Corrected entry: When the eggs fall in the Eggdicator, they fall about a second after they get on. The same happens to Veruca, but Mr. Salt falls as soon as he touches it.

Correction: The trap door was still open from when his daughter had gone down, so he just jumped in.


Corrected entry: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are up to the same hovercraft to Naboo, but Qui-Gon is walking alone till Obi-Wan comes out from the opposite direction.

Correction: Qui-Gon specifically says "Let's split up. Stow aboard separate ships and meet up down on the planet."


The Visitor - S4-E3

Corrected entry: Even though this episode's future is an alternate future, the ranks of both Bashir and Jadzia are incorrect according to the time. They both have the rank of Commander which is inconsistent to their age and to Nog's promotion to Captain. They should have the rank of Admiral or even retired from Starfleet.

Correction: There is no reason to assume that they would be admirals at any specific point of time. People are not promoted simply because they have gotten older. It is a combination of personal merit and the current needs of Starfleet. And so far as retirement, life expectancy is different in the future so there is no reason to believe that they would have retired at any specific age unless we are told a specific age at which starfleet officers retire in that century.


Also as Bashir and Dax were both blue-uniformed science/medical officers, their career paths would not have taken them to command of a starship (although Dax, as well as Crusher and Troi could stand in for a while). Unless they got a transfer to the command division (as Crusher had in "All Good Things") they wouldn't get to be captains and commander would be the highest they could go.

Also, given that they are still in the blue science/medical division uniforms, the rank of Commander is probably the highest they can go without transferring away from their preferred fields and into the Command division (and we all saw how well that worked for Crusher in "All Good Things...").

30th Jun 2004

Shrek 2 (2004)

Corrected entry: Why does Shrek have hair in his human form? I know it makes him look better but, shouldn't he be bald as in the ogre form? Fiona for example, maintains her hair in ogre and human shape.

Correction: The method for changing them to human form is not the same as was used to put the curse on Fiona in the first place. It was not even a "Human" potion. It was a "Happily Ever After" potion. Aparently the potion felt that they should both be beautiful (ie. human) in order to live happily ever after. That would include giving Shrek hair in his human form as it is the socially accepted norm of "beautiful".


Corrected entry: In the DVD version, if you watch the deleted scenes, it shows old Biff Tannen returning to the future after giving himself the almanac and then being erased from history, probably because Lorraine shot and killed him in 1995. Here is the hugest paradox ever. If Lorraine shot and killed Biff in 1995, then how could Biff grow up to be old Biff and steal the Delorean and give his younger self the almanac in the first place? Also, immediately after old Biff gave his 1955 self the almanac, shouldn't old Biff have immediately been erased from existence while still in the year 1955?

Correction: It has been firmly established in the BTTF world that, acording to the temporal laws that the film makers have adopted, it takes time for the effect of an action in the past to affect changes in the lives of the ones changing history. That is why Marty didn't disappear the very moment that he stopped his parents from meeting. Theoretically, that is the way that time itself prevents true paradoxes from forming and causing a complete unraveling of spacetime itself by allowing the possibility of correcting the problem.


Corrected entry: Frodo has his sleeves up when he is finished writing The Lord of the Rings revealing the same skin color as his hands. However, at the Grey Havens scene his sleeves are down as he has a nice clean cut tan if you look up his sleeve.

Correction: These scenes are never said to be set even in the same year. So far as the movie tells us, we have no idea how long they stayed in the shire before leaving for the Grey Havens. If there were even a space of one month, that would be plenty of time for Frodo to develop a tan line.


Corrected entry: When Fanny says she wants to help in the fight, John says, "Are you on bleeding crack, girl?" Somehow I doubt the substance or the saying existed at the time.


Correction: He doesn't say "Are you on bleeding crack?" What he says is "Have you gone bleedin' cracked?"


24th May 2004

The Sixth Sense (1999)

Corrected entry: Cole tells Bruce Willis his secret and then asks Bruce Willis not to tell anyone. If Cole knows Bruce Willis is dead and invisible to everyone else, who is Willis going to tell?

Correction: He also knows that Willis doesn't know he's dead and is playing along with it.


Also, he may not have wanted him telling other ghosts.

20th May 2004

Hulk (2003)

Corrected entry: Why didn't the mutated dogs get bigger as they got angrier? They were exposed to the same gamma rays as Bruce.

Correction: The effects are different for each being. That is why his father doesn't befome the same type of being as Bruce.


Corrected entry: When Lockhart is trying to escape from Hogwarts, he reveals he is good at memory charms and is going to have to do the same to them, he walks past a mirror. But the picture on the mirror doesn't match where he actually is. And when he picks up his wand, he's not in front of the mirror, yet it still shows him nearly fully.

Correction: The mirror is placed relatively high so it has been angled downward, that's all. Lockhart would hardly place a mirror somewhere where it would only show himself the top of his head. That angling makes it so that his reflection appears quite nicely in the center of the mirror ar the moment when he turns around to try his little memory charm.


Unity - S3-E17

Corrected entry: Riley, the former Borg, says that she was assimilated at the battle of Wolf 359. This is impossible, since there was only one Borg ship at the battle, and it was heading straight for Earth, and when it finally got there, it was destroyed.

Correction: To quote the Borg Queen from First Contact, "You think in such three-dimensional terms." She was on that very same ship and she survived. Surely she escaped with at least a small contingient of her drones. They don't tell us how, but it is rather clear that some sort of time travel was implimented.


Correction: Presumably the Wolf 359 cube launched a sphere like the one in First Contact before it was destroyed but out of view of the Enterprise-D which then returned to the Delta Quadrant via transwarp.

Corrected entry: No where in the Bible were the Midianites descended from Abraham's first son Ishmael, nor did they worship the god of Abraham as depicted in the film. They were a pagan people.


Correction: This is a matter of both interpretation and licence. It never says in the Bible that they AREN'T descended from Ishmael and Jethro most obviously does worship the God of Abraham. In Exodus 18:12 it says "Jethro, Moses' father in law, took a burnt offering and sacrifices for God" [note the capital 'G' meaning it wasn't a pagan god that was being referred to]. Jethro also councilled Moses on how to perform within the priesthood in Exodus 18:13-27. Now, in the Bible it doesn't mention that Jethro ever converted but it also doesn't mention that he didn't. So either he was converted to follow the God of Abraham, or he always had (which is a belief that is held by some denominations - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, for example [see Doctrine & Covenants 84: 6-7]). The film makers simply chose the latter explanation.


After Sarai died Abraham married Keturah and had six sons. Jethro was a descendent of Keturah. He was a believer as well. Some of his children joined Israel. He brought Moses' wife and children to Moses during the Exidus.

It says in 1st Chronicles that Midian is descended from Abraham through his concubine (or second wife, however you want to interpret it) whose name is Keturah. Seems that the evidence that they came from Abraham's son Midian outweighs the fact that scripture does not say that they do not come from Ishmael.

27th Apr 2004

Jurassic Park (1993)

Corrected entry: When the raptors open the lever handle doors, (like going into the kitchen) the handle on the opposite side moves too. With these types of doors, only the handle with the pressure applied to it moves, not the other side. This was added to show the raptor's claws on the door handle.

Correction: I've seen plenty of lever handles where the two handles are directly connected. And even if it had never been seen before, there's no reason to say it couldn't be done. It is, after all, easier than keeping the two handles independent.


Corrected entry: In the scene where the ship lands in the park, a garbage can is blown around, and then crushed by the ship. But a ship landing would cause things to be blown away from where it was landing, and the garbage can is blown from outside where the ship lands to directly under it, almost as if the landing ship was sucking the can under it, which would not happen.

Correction: Not necessarily. If this can were placed between two of the thrusters, it could very easily be blown to the place exactly between them which would have made it even more likely that it would be placed directly under one of the central landing gear struts.


Corrected entry: When Robin uses the "telescope" by the laws of physics the image should appear upside-down. Yet the image incorrectly appears right-side-up.

Correction: This error would be true were there only one lens in the telescope. However, this is not the case. When we get our first look at the telescope, the big lens has already been placed and we can see him placing the second lens in the back before fastening it shut.


24th Feb 2004

Secondhand Lions (2003)

Corrected entry: Throughout the movie Young Hub is shown riding a gray (white) horse. This is all fine and good except for the fact that the horse is an albino with no skin pigment and therefore no protection from the harsh glare of the Egyptian sun. All white horses bred in Africa have black skin for this reason, they could not survive otherwise.

Correction: This is not quite a mistake. The images of the story that Walt is being told are not flashback images. They are no more and no less than Walt's imagination. These scenes are filmed with a completely diferent style and color quality to help illustrate this. One evidence that these images are not to be taken as flashbacks is in the two different times that we see how Hub and Garth escaped from the dungeon of the Sultan. The first version Garth tells - where Garth tells how it was he who killed the guards - and the second version - where Garth can't even get his gun out until the end of the fight - cannot both be flashback. The special features on the DVD talk about these scenes specifically as being purely in Walt's head.


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