Jacob La Cour

Corrected entry: Why are Stamper's people filming the murders of the surviving sailors? If that footage is released, it would be strange, because the Chinese would of course never film killing British sailors. Furthermore the Chinese were only present in planes, and Carver is trying to make it look like it was the planes that sank the ship and killed the crew. How would the Chinese film the killing from planes?

Jacob La Cour

Correction: As to why Stamper takes photos - these photos are for Carver's paper 'Tomorrow's News'. They wouldn't be released by the Chinese government - M says to Bond in the car that the Vietnamese authorities recovered the bodies. Presumably Carver's paper will claim the photos come from the Vietnamese authorities. Additionally (although less likely and relevant), in a deleted scene and in the book adaptation it is mentioned that Stamper makes snuff films - this footage potentially will go into one.


Corrected entry: In the opening scene it is discussed whether the soviet nuclear torpedoes will explode when hit by the cruise missile. One of the officers says it might. But nuclear bombs can't go off unless the actual trigger mechanism is activated. They do not contain powder or dynamite or anything which can explode when heated.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: Incorrect. Nukes have a core of fissionable materiel surrounded by high explosives. While there is no chance that there would be a nuclear detonation, the cruise missile could cause the explosives to detonate contaminating the area with highly radioactive debris and flinging more of it into the atmosphere to be spread.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: In the beginning of the movie, when the cruise missile is fired against the "terrorist marketplace," that missile cannot be ordered to self-destruct because it is out of range. But as a tomahawk cruise missile can only fly 880 km/h it can't at that time be more than 30 km away. That can not possibly be out of range.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: Says you. It's very clear from the film that the missile is in the mountains, and is using a terrain-following flight profile, staying low to avoid detection. Under those circumstances, it's entirely plausible that the signal would be blocked by the mountainous terrain.


Corrected entry: When Bond comes back to the surface after diving down to the Devonshire we see some islands very close behind in the background. First, these would definitely have shown up on Devonshire's radar, and second, those islands are not 11 miles away.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: The Chinese coast is 11 miles away, not the islands. With the GPS sabatoged the Devonshire obviously thought those were different islands - further out at sea. Either way, their attention was monopolized by the approaching MIGs.


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