
27th Mar 2011

Doctor Who (2005)

The Christmas Invasion - S2-E2

Corrected entry: When the Sycorax leader is talking to the humans they need to use a translation device to understand him because the TARDIS isn't translating. When they talk to the Sycorax leader he seems to have no trouble understanding their language without any apparent translation device.


Correction: Just because it isn't "apparent" doesn't mean that it isn't there. After all, the TARDIS translation circuits aren't visible either. Safe to say that, as a star-faring species, the Sycorax would have some method of understanding the races that they encounter.


4th May 2010

Doctor Who (2005)

Flesh and Stone (2) - S5-E5

Corrected entry: In "Blink" the angels are unable to move at times when no one's watching them. The explanation being that the audience are. But in "Flesh and Stone" the angels are able to move on screen.


Correction: This is a stylistic choice by the programme makers. In "Blink", the Angels were not seen to move directly - while the choice was made in that episode to present the actions of the Angels as if the audience were observers, this is purely for dramatic purposes; the audience are obviously not, in fact, present. In the later episodes, this conceit was dispensed with, allowing the Angels to be seen to move directly when no character was able to observe them.


4th Jan 2010

Doctor Who (2005)

The Unicorn and the Wasp - S4-E7

Corrected entry: In the scene where Donna is examining the room Lady Clemency Eddison had kept locked for the past 40 years, there is a teddy bear on the bed. However, the story takes place in 1926, meaning the room had been locked since 1886. Teddy bears were not invented until 1902.

Correction: Stuffed animals are known to have existed in Ancient Egypt. While the 'modern' commercially produced 'teddy' bear did not appear until designed by Richard Steiff in 1902, stuffed representations of animals go back into history. There is no reason to think that one of the animals represented could not have been a bear and that Lady Eddison could not have acquired such a representation.


22nd Jun 2008

Doctor Who (2005)

Correction: So the original statement turned out to be wrong. These things happen; characters make mistakes.


23rd Jun 2008

Doctor Who (2005)

Doomsday (2) - S2-E16

Corrected entry: The Daleks and Cybermen are pulled through the breach because of the "background radiation" that they gained when travelling between the two worlds. However, the Cybermen that were converted in the real world did not travel between worlds, so therefore had no background radiation on them, so should not have been pulled through the breach.

Correction: The people converted haven't travelled between worlds, but the technology that's been grafted onto them has. The technology's pulled through the breach like everything else, taking the convertee with it.


20th Apr 2008

Doctor Who (2005)

Planet of the Ood - S4-E3

Corrected entry: You learn that there are three different types of Oods you can purchase: The Normal Slave, The Charming Slave, and The Comedy Slave. The Comedy Ood said "D'oh" when he was talked to, which is a reference to Homer Simpson's catchphrase in the famous comedy show The Simpsons. However, this is in 4126 A.D., so how could they possibly remember a character in a TV show that was over 2000 years ago? Even assuming that this show went on for another 100 years, which is unlikely, it would still not make any sense. And it's not even that a few people remember such an ancient show, it's everyone in the room (they all laugh when they hear this) - which consists of approximately 20 people. We can't even remember characters from 20 years ago (well, most of us), so the fact that they could remember Homer Simpson is a mistake.

Correction: This is entirely your opinion. The Iliad and the Odyssey are epic poems, written, rather appropriately, by Homer, that are dated to nearly 3000 years ago and are still known today - the Iliad was recently adapted into the film Troy. There are Latin phrases used 2000 years ago by the Romans that survive in the language today. Numerous phrases from Shakespeare, written a mere four hundred years ago, are regularly used and recognised by the general public and there's no reason to think that we'd suddenly stop using them now; likewise many of his characters remain in the public consciousness. And with modern technology it's now far easier to preserve modern-day entertainments like The Simpsons for future generations to watch. So there's plenty of precedent for a catchphrase surviving far into the future.


8th Dec 2007

Doctor Who (2005)

Correction: It's hardly unreasonable that a commentary might not be filmed in one shot; there are many reasons why they might wish to stop or even go back from time to time. A degree of editing is to be expected and there is no pretence otherwise. As such, no "continuity errors" can be considered valid.


12th Jul 2006

Doctor Who (2005)

Show generally

Corrected entry: Rose is kept alive because the daleks think what she knows may be useful to them. However to get the information from the scientist they tell him to kneel and extract the info they need from his brain. Why didn't they just do the same thing with Rose?

Correction: As is spelled out in the episode, the Daleks keep Rose and Mickey alive because they both carry the temporal energy required to open the Genesis Ark. While they only need one of them to actually open the Ark, the Daleks are intelligent enough to keep them both around in case of problems.


18th Jun 2006

Doctor Who (2005)

Show generally

Corrected entry: Season 2: Episode 10 - Love and Monsters: Elton said that when he was young, he went downstairs and found the Doctor there. However, the Doctor has only looked like he does now for maybe a year or less because he keeps regenerating and changing his looks, so when Elton saw him he should have looked completely different.

Correction: The whole time travel thing's really passed you by, hasn't it. The Doctor can show up practically anywhere and any when he wants to.


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