
20th Jan 2006

Shaun of the Dead (2004)

Question: In the scene where Shaun gave all the zombies 'the slip', David asks Shaun how he lost them. My question is, why does David act so suspicious towards Shaun when he asks him that?

Answer: Given that Shaun's plan to go to the pub has so far managed to expose them to a considerable degree of risk, it's not unreasonable that David might be rather skeptical when Shaun claims to have simply given the zombies the slip.


Question: Why does the film involve two Queen songs, one in the pub ("Don't Stop Me Now") and one in the credits?

Answer: Is there some reason why it shouldn't? They presumably chose them because they liked them and thought that they fitted well.


13th Jun 2005

Shaun of the Dead (2004)

Question: When Shaun asks Dave and Diane about tranport, Diane says she's only past her test. Shaun then looks at Dave, but I can't make out what Dave says, and my DVD deosn't have subtitles. Can someone please tell me what he says?

Answer: He says "I don't see the point of owning a car in London".


26th May 2005

Shaun of the Dead (2004)

Question: I was wondering if there were any plans to bring out a special edition DVD of Shaun Of The Dead, or should I just buy the normal version rather than wait?

Answer: The regular DVD has four commentaries, outtakes, deleted scenes, assorted featurettes and a number of other extras ranging from the mundane to the utterly bizarre. Hard to imagine that they've got anything left that could be added to a future special edition. I'd just go for it, if I was you. And I did. Even though I'm not you. Just in case you were worried.


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