
1st Nov 2007

The Shining (1980)

Corrected entry: Stanley Kubrick makes use of color to indicate when certain characters are "Shining". Surroundings and possessions which are entirely yellow or red are obvious and have been noted by many but never fully understood. In the novel oranges were what Dick Hallorann smelled when he "Shined" and being that smell can not be adequately brought across to a theater audience Stanley Kubrick made the brilliant decision to use the two pigments a painter mixes together to make the color orange. Most commentators see these shots, as Jack in the yellow VolksWagon or with the red Calumet can behind his head in the storeroom, and still don't know what's going on. Red and yellow equals orange, "Shining", and all you have to do is, as the MM motto goes "open your eyes" and look at the movie to see this.


Correction: This cites no source for this information that can be considered authoritative. Without such, it is speculative at best, based purely on the occasional appearance of particular common colours. There is invariably a tendency to wish to read significance into aspects of films and this submitter has clearly taken it further than most; his assertation that most people simply fail to understand Kubrick's subtlety is at best pompous and at worst an indication that they are simply seeing significance in something that has none, a far better explanation as to why "most commentators" fail to pick up on such things.


10th Jun 2006

The Shining (1980)

Corrected entry: The texture of the carpet fabric decorating the Overlook Hotel,is the same as the carpet in the house of the evil child Sid in Disney's Toy Story (1995).

Correction: Pointing out that another film contains an homage to this one is not valid trivia for this film, but for the one that contains the homage. The makers of this film had nothing to do with it.


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