
Question: Does anyone know why Han's line was changed in the Special Edition to "It's all right, I can see a lot better now" from "it's all right, trust me" right before he shoots the sarlacc to save Lando?


Chosen answer: Probably because George Lucas liked that line better. It's not unusual for dialog and action to change slightly with multiple takes of a particular scene, seeing what works best.


Answer: We can only speculate, but George Lucas has shown a penchant for making updates that super-clarify certain narrative logistics for viewers even if it's not strictly necessary. The new line explicitly establishes that Han Solo has regained his eyesight, whereas with the prior line the audience must infer this from his behavior here and in subsequent scenes (how much this was ever an issue for viewers in the first place is certainly debatable).


Answer: Harrison Ford improvised some lines so he could have improvised this one.

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