
23rd Jan 2017

San Andreas (2015)

Corrected entry: Near the end of the film, Chief Ray Gaines is desperately trying to save his daughter, Blake, from rising water inside a building. The water engulfs them both at the exact same moment, and Ray watches helplessly as Blake immediately drowns without struggle in only 22 seconds. However, virtually anyone can hold his breath much longer than that, up to two minutes or more. In fact, Ray continues holding his breath for an additional 30 seconds under continuous physical exertion as he retrieves Blake's body and swims to the surface.

Charles Austin Miller

Correction: Many people, especially when panicked, will actually pass out during their first breath. Blake could have easily gone into shock as well. So it's not unheard of for someone to drown in under 30 seconds, although they may still be alive and can be revived. But this was not the case with Blake.


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