
Corrected entry: Will could've easily seen Elizabeth more than once every ten years, by walking with his feet in buckets, which Davy Jones did.


Correction: Technically, yes, he could have, but doing so would have been extremely dangerous. Jones isn't merely incapable of setting foot on dry land, it's fatal for him to do so. Will would risk death attempting this if he should lose his balance while trying to walk thus encumbered.


Exactly. Next to that there is a chance he would die when touching Elizabeth or his son whilst not allowed on land. Not worth it.


You could actually make a point of why Elizabeth couldn't go out to sea to see William. Instead of the other way around.


Correction: Would be kinda stupid to be walking across a beach in buckets, just to see your wife. Davey Jones was pretty much imprisoned when he was standing in that bucket. However they made it work it was only for the negotiations and wouldn't be exactly practical to do when visiting, standing there on the beach in a bucket, even going from bucket to bucket. Will wanted to see his wife, but at the same time wanted to do his job, he wasn't desperate.


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