Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Elf picture

Continuity mistake: When Buddy is lying in the roll-out bed in the living room of his father's house and asks to be tucked in, his father does so. His father comes back up and ends up having a red thread on his shirt. The shot switches to Buddy, then back to him and the thread is now on his right arm.

Biggest mistakes of all time

Commando picture Commando mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: After chasing down Sully, the yellow Porsche is totally wrecked on the left side, until Arnie drives it away, and it's fine. Later, when Arnie and Cindy arrive at the hotel, the car is wrecked again. (00:39:50)

Best pictures

Continuity mistake: When Portnow meets with Bishop at the church, in the first closeup of Bishop's crossword puzzle the word "MUD" is the second word across at the top, and at the center of the puzzle the 4-letter word "GEAR" is written in the 5-letter answer - with the fist space left empty. However, in the next closeup of the puzzle, now the word "ETA" is the second word at the top and "MUD" is the third, and the word "GEARS" has the "S" added, with the letter "G" started properly in the first space of the answer. (00:10:15)

Super Grover

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Best recent entries

Air picture

Character mistake: In the meeting in 1984 when Jason Bateman first appears they have players on the whiteboard in the background. They have "Hakeem Olajuwon." He didn't put the H back in his name until 1991. So it should have been "Akeem Olajuwon." (00:08:40)

Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Biggest Marvel mistakes

The Incredible Hulk picture

Continuity mistake: During the street chase in Brazil, the time of day changes from night, to perhaps late afternoon/evening, to night again.

Biggest Pixar mistakes

The Incredibles picture The Incredibles mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Lucius is putting aftershave on in front of the mirror, he hears the robot outside and runs to the window, leaving the bottle of aftershave on the desk with the lid off. He returns to open the drawer, and the lid is back on. (01:29:00)


Best quotes

Colt .45 picture

Prologue: A gun, like any other source of power, is a force for either good or evil, being neither in itself, but dependent upon those who possess it.

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"You're so beautiful, it's almost unromantic. It's far too easy to love you. Do you love me? Do you love me? Otherwise it doesn't work for me. Without love, it won't work."
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Best trivia

Star Wars picture

Trivia: On its initial release, the film was booked in just 37 theaters. It ended up breaking 36 house records.

Cubs Fan

Biggest Disney mistakes

The Emperor's New Groove picture

Continuity mistake: When Kuzco and Yzma make a dive for the potion bottle, Yzma is turned into a cat simply by landing on the potion bottle. This suggests that a person only needs to touch the potion in order to be affected. However, when Kronk and Yzma are serving Kuzco dinner and are trying to avoid poisoning themselves, Kronk pours his potion drink on himself and is not affected.


Best questions

Answer: The Chinese character on the necklace means, "good fortune."


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Sacha 56
Phaneron 23
Rob245 21
Super Grover 19
lionhead 16
raywest 15
Bishop73 13
ChristmasJonesfan 10
TedStixon 9
eric 64 9
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