Jean G

Experiment in Terra - S1-E22

Plot hole: The General informs the President that the Eastern Alliance has just launched its missiles. But the General has been sitting there throughout Apollo's speech with no communications device. So he couldn't have known that the missiles had been launched. (00:36:40)

Jean G

The Gun on Ice Planet Zero (1) - S1-E8

Plot hole: The borrowed (oh, all right, ripped off) plot of "The Guns of Navarone" does not translate well here. The premise, that the rag-tag fleet must pass through the "narrow corridor" guarded by the pulsar gun, is ludicrous. We're in outer space here. Outer space is very, very big. We can fly around one lousy little planet, no matter how many Cylons are "herding us" toward it.

Jean G

Saga of a Star World (3) - S1-E3

Plot hole: Starbuck and Apollo fool the Cylon basestar into believing they're two full viper squadrons. The Cylons haven't yet fully retreated behind Carillon (they order this as we watch), so their scanners should have been able to detect this deception far sooner than they did.

Jean G

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