
Question: There is a painting at the end of the movie when the metal gates are closing, at the point when the alarm is going off when Crown is returning the first stolen painting, it is only shown for a moment along with all of the others that are shown in this portion of the movie, before the sprinklers go off. It is simply of a woman's face, that is all that is shown. She has brown hair, I am not sure what number this painting is in the sequence of shots, I do believe it is the only woman in any of the paintings shown. Anyone know what the name of the painting or artist is?

Answer: Here is where you can find a list of all the paintings and the descriptions of when and where each one appears in that movie. Maybe you can find what you're looking for there: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110326174721AAbu5MX.


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