
Chosen answer: Rock Salt is salt that is in huge grains, about the size of the grains in kitty litter or grape-nuts cereal. It's used in ice cream makers and water softeners among other things.

Grumpy Scot

Question: When Pai Mai has Beatrix's arm twisted around, is there a special name for that 'move.'


Chosen answer: The position her hand is in is known as the 'Swan's Neck' - by forcing the palm of the hand towards the inner forearm, it creates immense pain centering around the wrist.

Question: When Pai Mai strokes his long white beard, is that a homage to something?


Chosen answer: The character of Pai Mei is an homage to Chinese martial arts films from the 70s and 80s. The act of stroking a long, white, and usually fake beard was seen in nearly all of these movies.

Question: Why was the start of Kill Bill 2 in B/W? It wasn't to tone down on the violence (as there is none), so why?


Chosen answer: It was just a Tarantino stylistic (most likely as it's a flashback). Just one of his many homages (as many kung fu movies did the same).

Gavin Jackson

Question: Can someone explain the whole thing about the dart being shot into Beatrix's leg by Bill. What did it do?


Chosen answer: It was a truth serum so Bill could make sure Beatrix would tell him the truth when he asked her the three questions.


Chosen answer: The cartoon is called "Heckle and Jeckle" about two magpies and their misadventures.

Tobin OReilly

Chosen answer: Yes it's true. Also Kevin Costner was considered, before David Carradine got the role.

Gavin Jackson

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