Kill The Irishman
Movie Quote Quiz

Danny Greene: Why stick our nose in Vietnam? The English have been doing that to the Irish for the last 2000 years. And by the way, how are we gonna pay for it, huh? Deficit spending, my ass! Next thing you know, we'll be going off the gold standard, this country's going to hell.

John Nardi: From now on, your enemies are my enemies.

Grace O'Keefe: We're drunks, we're fighters, we're liars! But there's a bit of good in every Irishman.

Danny Greene: What makes me so special?
Joan Madigan: 'Cause you're different from all those idiots.

Factual error: Early on the in the movie the period is set in 1960. Danny Green is in a bar with his co-workers drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon beer where a UPC code is visible on one of the bottles. UPC weren't put to use until 1974-1975.

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