
Friday (1995)

31 mistakes

(15 votes)

Directed by: F. Gary Gray

Starring: Ice Cube, Nia Long, Chris Tucker

Genres: Comedy, Drama

Continuity mistake: When Deebo is riding his bike to Craig's house the first time, one shot shows Deebo nearly on the driveway. Just then Smokey and Craig remove all their valuables. If this were true, Deebo should have seen these. But then in another shot, Deebo's bike is shown just coming onto the driveway. In that amount of time, Deebo should have been further up the driveway.

Audio problem: When Smokey is spanking the boy who knocks over the trash cans with his belt, notice he only spanks him a few times yet the sound of the spanks is double the actual amount.

Revealing mistake: When Craig (Ice cube) is in the bathroom with his father on the toilet and the camera pans back, you can see the father still has his boxers pulled up while he is on the toilet.

Character mistake: When Craig gets the milk out of the fridge he takes it to the table and pours it on his cereal. He looks surprised when there isn't much in the carton. He would've known this from the weight of the carton when he first picked it up.

Continuity mistake: When Craig (Ice Cube) reaches up to the cabinet to get out a container to make Kool-Aid in, he closes it because he sees Big Worm's head talking to him (he's high), then opens it again, then closes it without taking out the Kool-Aid container. Then the scene switches to Smokey (Chris Tucker), then back to Craig, who is now holding the Kool-Aid container. It looks like he got it out of nowhere.

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Suggested correction: He's not holding the Kool-Aid pitcher, he's holding the sugar bowl.

This mistake is valid. Craig is holding the pitcher after closing the door without grabbing it, not a sugar bowl. Even if he's holding a sugar bowl, he's never seen grabbing anything after closing the door.


Visible crew/equipment: When Craig and Smokey are chasing Little Chris for the first time you can see the shadow of the camera on Chris' right hand.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Craig and Deebo are fighting, Craig hits Deebo with a board and then throws it down. A second later the shot changes and Craig has the board in his hand again and drops it.

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Suggested correction: Actually he doesn't throw the board. When he hits Deebo the board breaks in half and the top half goes flying. The bottom half is still in Craig's hand, which he drops in the next shot.

The mistake is valid. The board does not break and after Craig drops it, he wraps his arms around Deebo and you see he's not holding anything.


Continuity mistake: The clothes that Mr. Parker throws out on the lawn change positions from when he first threw them out to when Ezal takes clothes from the pile. (01:03:17)


Revealing mistake: When the hitmen are chasing Craig and Smokey, Craig throws his gun up to Smokey, who is on the roof of somebody's garage, and you see Smokey catch the gun that was thrown, then bend down to his right and swap that gun for another one that was already on the roof which is the one that shows a flash when fired. (01:17:21)


Revealing mistake: When we first meet Smokey, he climbs into Craig's window. If you notice, the curtain opens by itself. (00:11:07)

Continuity mistake: When Mr. Parker finds the preacher with his wife, the preacher runs up to his car, takes off his hat, throws it into the car, and then jumps into the car to drive away. The camera angle changes to a rear view and you now see the preacher drving away with his hat on. (00:33:31)


Continuity mistake: When Mr. Parker is seen throwing his wife's clothes on the lawn, he is seen throwing the yellow dress down twice. (01:02:44)


Continuity mistake: When Big Worm first talks to Smokey, he finishes talking and raises the rear of his car to drive off. The camera angle changes and you see the rear of his car being raised again before he drives off. (00:12:32)


Continuity mistake: When Big Worm calls Smokey to the ice cream truck you see Smokey pushing 2 kids out of the way to get to the truck but when the camera angle changes you now see Smokey pushing more kids before he gets to the truck. (00:46:58)


Continuity mistake: In the scene where the midget is shown throwing his wife's clothing on the lawn, you see him pick up a yellow dress and raise it in the air to throw it down, when the camera cuts you see a different garment being thrown down.

Continuity mistake: When Hector almost hits the Pastor who is crossing the street to see Mrs.Parker, you see Hector calmly driving the car and when the camera angles changes to a close-up you see him hitting the brakes and rising off the seat, but when the camera angle changes to a wide shot again you see him just calmly driving the car to a slow stop. (00:28:35)


Visible crew/equipment: Near the start, when Craig, Dana and Mrs Jones are round the table, when Dana is sorting her stuff out on the table, keep an eye on the bottom left corner of the screen on the floor. In the hallway there is a shadow. This is definitely not Dana's shadow because the shadow does not match her movements.

Other mistake: When Smokey and Craig are sitting in Craig's house, they get paranoid when Dana's friend knocks on the door. Later Craig's father parks in the driveway only a few feet from the open window where Smokey is sitting, yet they only seemed surprised when Craig's father enters the house.

Visible crew/equipment: When Craig has to take the trash out look at the roof of his house, there's a person trying to hide from the camera.

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Suggested correction: There's nobody on the roof. There's a vent or chimney like structure seen that maybe looks like a person if you look at it took quickly.


Smokey: I got mind control over Debo. When say shut up, I be quiet, but when he leave, I be talkin' again.

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Trivia: In the flashback scene where Red is about to get knocked out by Deebo, you can see Michael Clarke Duncan kneeling next to Deebo rolling dice. He was uncredited in the film.

T Poston

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Question: What is the name of the song on the TV in Craig's house?

Answer: "Today was a good day", or possibly "Hittin' Corners".

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