Shrek 2

Corrected entry: When Shrek changes from an ogre to a man, he has to find new clothes because his are too large. However, when he changes from a man back to an ogre, his old clothes return.

Correction: Fiona wishes to have the Shrek that she had before, which would include the old clothes.

Corrected entry: There is a bird that hits the wall and falls to the floor right in front of Fiona's parents. In the next few shots, the bird is no longer on the floor.

Isabel C DeLucia

Correction: If you look, the shot never goes back to the center of the stairway where the bird lies. Fiona's mother blocks the center of the stairway in the shots after they step down the stairs.


Correction: He isn't. Puss in Boots has shown his adeptness at fighting (especially at the end). It takes skill for a little cat to take on a dozen or so guards at once. He is a good and brave fighter.

Shrek 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Fairy Godmother is throwing the books behind her, the book "Snow White" lands on the other books. "Snow White" noticeably changes position between two shots. (00:41:15)


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Puss-in-Boots: I hate Mondays.

More quotes from Shrek 2

Trivia: In the scene where Fiona starts to cry, many bubbles can be seen to fall from the sky. In one of them is Fairy Godmother. This is a reference to The Good Witch in The Wizard of Oz.

More trivia for Shrek 2

Question: When Shrek and the gang decide to visit the Muffin Man, Shrek says, "We're going to need flour, lots and lots of flour." I remember a similar line (but not referring to flour) from another movie. What movie was that from and what was the line?

Answer: Quite possibly from "The Matrix". "We need guns. Lots of guns."


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