Freddy Vs. Jason

Plot hole: There's no way Jason could decapitate Blake's father the way he did without also decapitating Blake, who was sitting next to him sleeping.


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Suggested correction: Maybe he set him up that way? His father did leave before this happened after all.

Plot hole: In the institute, Will's friend gets out of his room to get the guard's keys. He couldn't have gotten out of his room because there isn't a handle or door lock inside the room.

Plot hole: The sheriff orders a 24 hour roadblock on the town, yet the van has no trouble driving to Crystal Lake.

Plot hole: Linderman didn't know who Jason was after the rave massacre, calling him a "psycho in the hockey-mask", but later in the film when Stubb's is telling them (Will, Lori, linderman, Freeburg and Kia) about thinking Jason is a copycat, Linderman suddenly acts like he knows who they're dealing with when he didn't before. "I've seen what he can do, he's the real Jason."


Plot hole: Right before the second boy gets killed he wakes up after having a dream of Freddy and sees his dad sitting next to him. When the boy taps his dad lightly his head falls off and we then see Jason standing there. In order for this to have happened, Jason would have had to unbutton the dad's shirt, chop his head off, put it back in place, and rebutton his shirt without getting any blood anywhere on the body and without the dad putting up a fight. Also Jason waits until after the boy wakes up and sees his dad dead before killing him. Wouldn't Jason just kill him in his sleep like he does to the girl in the cornfield later on in the movie?

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Suggested correction: Maybe Jason set up the dad to freak out Blake. His dad left him on the porch and we don't see Jason actually kill him.

But this is not the way how Jason works - he doesn't play games as Freddy does; the moment he sees the person, he just kills. Killing of Blake and his dad was way off Jason's Modus Operandi.


Visible crew/equipment: When Freddy is brought into the real world and is fighting Jason in the cabin, look carefully as Jason picks up Freddy and pushes him out the window, you can see a cable attached to Freddy's chest in a close up. (01:14:35)

Paul Andrews

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Freddy Vs. Jason trivia picture

Trivia: In Lori's dream, kids teasing a young Jason place a burlap sack on his head, similar to the burlap sack Jason wore in Friday the 13th Part 2. Jason started wearing the goalie mask in Friday the 13th part 3. (00:08:00)

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Question: When Will convinces Mark to hold off leaving town so he can go save Lori, Mark says "OK, but if you're not here by morning, I'm outta here." Just wondering how Mark was going to leave town (if he survived the night and Will didn't make it back) since Will had his vehicle?


Answer: He could choose to either hitchhike or get someone to take him to the next town.

Answer: Mark could have hiked on out of town. Or he could have bicycled. Or got a bus. Or a cab.


Answer: The town has said no-one comes in, and no-one leaves (which how do some of the character get to crystal lake which is in the movie mistakes as a plot hole) how could he leave?


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