The Adventures of Robin Hood

Revealing mistake: When Will Scarlet finds the injured Much in Sherwood Forest about three quarters of the way through the movie, a white vehicle can be seen travelling from right to left in the background. (01:27:40)

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Suggested correction: No car, just light on the hilt of Scarlett's sword.

I verified the scene. It's definitely not from the light of Scarlett's sword. It occurs after Will gets off his horse and the horse is turning. To the right of the horse is a tree in the background. To the right of that is a small clearing, about level with the horse's mouth. For a fraction of a second you can see a white object go across the small clearing in the same manner as a white car driving by.


Revealing mistake: At the end, when Guy loses the sword fight with Robin Hood, his body topples over a parapet and falls to the stone floor below. In the initial shot of him falling, it's a stunt man (who apparently broke his ankle in the process, according to the dvd commentary), but the next shot of the body landing makes the use of a dummy a little too obvious: the "corpse" bounces back up several inches before settling to the floor. (01:30:00)

Jean G

The Adventures of Robin Hood mistake picture Video

Revealing mistake: In the big fight scene at the end, there is a close-up shot of a guard (Sir Mortimer) getting stabbed square in the chest. When the sword is withdrawn, there is no hole in his tunic.

Revealing mistake: When Robin jumps off the scaffold after being saved from hanging, you can see one of the soldiers spear tips bend under his weight.

Revealing mistake: When Will Scarlett and Robin Hood first come across Little John, Will starts playing the lute when Robin and John are battling on the log, but there are no strings on it.


Revealing mistake: At the end of the fight on the log between Robin and Little John, John's quarterstaff bangs down onto the log some distance away from the foot (of Robin) it is meant to have stabbed.

Revealing mistake: When Will Scarlet finds the injured Much in Sherwood Forest about three quarters of the way through the movie, a white vehicle can be seen travelling from right to left in the background. (01:27:40)

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Suggested correction: No car, just light on the hilt of Scarlett's sword.

I verified the scene. It's definitely not from the light of Scarlett's sword. It occurs after Will gets off his horse and the horse is turning. To the right of the horse is a tree in the background. To the right of that is a small clearing, about level with the horse's mouth. For a fraction of a second you can see a white object go across the small clearing in the same manner as a white car driving by.


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King Richard: My first command to you, my lord earl, is to take in marriage the hand of Lady Marian. What say you to that, Baron Of Loxley?
Robin Hood: May I obey all your commands with equal pleasure, sire!

More quotes from The Adventures of Robin Hood

Trivia: Listen carefully to the sounds the swords make during the final battle at Nottingham castle. When Robin and Sir Guy are fighting, they sound different (clanging as opposed to clicking) than all the other combatants. The reason for the discrepancy is simple. Errol Flynn and Basil Rathbone, both experienced performers, are using real steel swords for their one-on-one fight scenes, while everyone else is using plastic props.

More trivia for The Adventures of Robin Hood

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