John Wick: Chapter 2

Question: I got the movie on iTunes and there's a deleted scene where he goes to the Vatican. He gives Gianna's name, and a papal figure comes out. He tells him fortune favors the bold and sticks his hand out for John to kiss his ring. What's the significance of this scene?

Answer: It shows that high up members of the church are fully aware of the secret society of assassins, and even use them.

Question: Does anyone know the song that the string quartet was playing in the museum and who composed it?

Answer: String Quartet in A Major, Op. 55, No. 1, by Joseph Haydn.

Question: Was the final scene at the museum was supposed to be Santino's coronation as having his sister's spot in the high table? If so, shouldn't there have been more guards considering everyone else was also associated with the high table?

Answer: It was not meant to be his coronation, just a fancy art exhibit he was attending.


Question: For the New York Continental and the Rome Continental, are they real hotels or just fake sets? If they're real hotels, does anyone know the names? Because the hotels look like they'd be awesome to stay in.

Answer: The exterior of the New York Continental is a real building, known as the Beaver Building, on 1 Wall St. Court. NYC. It is not a hotel. The interior lobby of the Continental is not the actual interior of the Beaver Building.

Question: I have so many questions. Sorry 1. At the end of the film, Winston only meets with John to tell him he is excommunicated from all underground services and that it takes place in one hour. If he is just excommunicated but the contract is still open, why didn't the assassins who were already in the park just kill him right then and there? 2. How did John get to Rome and get out? Sounds stupid, I know, but we never see a plane or anything. Plus the head of the Roman Continental just shows him to an elevator. 3. I know that the men were transporting cell phone chips through birds, but why? 4. When John is given the Kimber 1911 from the Bowery King, he cocks it 3 times. The first when there's no mag, the second when the mag is inserted, and then again. Why did he cock it 3 times? Wouldn't that have wasted a bullet? 5. At the end of the film... All the people who were looking at John as he ran by them. Where they assassins or just standbyers in the park just watching by? 6. After Santino was killed in the lounge of the New York Continental, why didn't the guards deal with him (kick him out or kill him) as the guards of the Roman Continental were prepared to do when Cassian and John crashed through the window? 7. Can someone understand the high table, Santino taking the seat at the high table, what he plans to do with his new seat at the high table (I remember the King and John talking about it before giving him a gun), and why they doubled the Santino's bounty?

Answer: 1) As a favor to John, and to show his power, Winston orders everyone to stand down. 2) He gets in and out of places the same as everyone: flying, driving, and walking. We just aren't shown every step of his journey because it would be boring and pointless. 3) The phone SIM cards are for the King's network of informants, the supposedly homeless men all around the city. 4) He is checking that the gun will actually chamber a round. The last time he checks he only pulls back the slide part way to see if the round chambered properly, not far enough to actually eject an unspent cartridge. 5) The point is that John, and by extension the audience, doesn't know. They could all be assassins, only some of them may be assassins, none of them may be assassins. John must now distrust every single person he ever sees. 6) The guards were content waiting for Winston's orders. John isn't posing a threat and fighting him, as these movies routinely point out, is a bad idea. 7) The High Table is a vague cabal of the most powerful heads of organized crime in the world. Santino is an incredibly dishonorable man, giving him a seat of power would potentially be bad for everyone. What exactly he plans to do is not specified, it is only vaguely implied he will shake up the very structured world or organized crime somehow. Santino's bounty on John is doubled to entice more assassins to try and stop Wick.


Question: In the beginning of the film, why are the workers putting the gold in tubs of some black liquid?

Answer: That's most likely oil, and they're doing that to smuggle it out. Carrying large amounts of gold over international borders would raise a lot of red flags with the authorities.


Question: Does Winston have favoritism for John? Because he got excommunicated but Perkins from the first movie straight got straight up executed.

Answer: John's transgression was less severe than Ms. Perkins. John kills a man out of revenge for completely justifiable reasons, even though it is in direct violations of the rules of the Continental. Perkins kills Harry and attempts to kill John for money.


Question: I'm assuming when Cassian said "Good night?" John pretty much confirmed he did kill his target. My question is, if Cassian had no knowledge of how Giana was his target and that he didn't know Giana was dead until after he went to go check up on her, why did Cassian shoot John?

Answer: Gianna was the most powerful person there. John is one of the world's greatest hitmen. Cassian puts two and two together.


Question: 2 questions 1. Anyone know what style or even specific pair of shoes John wore? When he stepped out of the car right at the start of the movie 2. Why were the audience members at the coronation calmer with all the shooting as compared to the nightclub people from the first movie?

Answer: 1. Florsheim cap-toe bluchers per Google search. Bluchers are less formal than Balmorals. Get a pair of cap-toe Balmorals with no broguing. 2. Random strangers vs criminals.

Question: Why did Winston give John a marker? Does Winston consider delaying his contract a favor?

Answer: A marker can be given to any assassin. It's purpose is to allow no questions asked favors between assassins and their employers. Winston does consider delaying the contract a favor, he is quite fond of John.

Factual error: The entire NYC subway platform/subway knife fight between John Wick and Cassian appears to have been filmed in the Port Authority Trans-Hudson (PATH) system that goes between NYC and NJ rather than the Mass Transit Authority (MTA) subway system (you can actually see the PATH logo on the exterior of the train cars). The PATH does not go to any of the subway stations announced on the public address system during the knife fight. (01:18:45 - 01:22:50)

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Trivia: Keanu Reeves remained friends with Laurence Fishburne after the original "Matrix" trilogy concluded. One day they meet for dinner and Fishburne talked about how much he loved the first "John Wick." Reeves had a script for the sequel sent to him shortly after. In less than 24 hours, Fishburne responded by saying "I'm in!"


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