Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Jabba pulls Leia's chain, there is a long shot as she leaps up onto his throne, and he is holding his wine goblet in his left hand, and pulling her chain with his right. However, in the very next shot (in which he says "Soon you will learn to appreciate me"), the entire frame is reversed. This is evident in Jabba's holding the wine in his "right" hand, his higher-placed nostril (which is normally on the left on his face) is now on the "right," Leia's reversal of her armlet, etc. (00:29:20)


Revealing mistake: When Luke and Darth Vader are fighing in the emperor's throne room, they pass in front of a great window. The stars are blurred and they shake. (01:52:30)

Dr Wilson

Revealing mistake: When Han Solo lifts his hands up and he spots the Walker that Chewie and two Ewoks are in, one of his hands is transparent, and the trees are visible through his hand.

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Suggested correction: They are not transparent. What you are seeing is glare from the bright sky in the background. You can see other ghost images matching the bright white portions of the shot. Besides, there would be no reason for it to be transparent. It appears to be a fully on-location shot with no compositing.

Completely not true. You can see the trees through his hands; therefore, they are transparent.

Look closer. There is a white ghost image that matches the bright white sky, offset to the left and rotated slightly. And why would the hand be transparent? This is not a composite shot.

While it's not a composite shot, that would mean that the shot of the imperial officer yelling "freeze" in the original version wouldn't have been transparent. But it's not a composite shot too, therefore, they are transparent.


This comment makes no sense. What Imperial officer are you referring to and what does it have to do with this shot? And if this isn't a composite shot, which you seem to be admitting, why would the hand be transparent? Do you think Harrison Ford's hand actually became see-through?

Revealing mistake: When Admiral Piett says "I have orders from the emperor myself," the right edge of the matte can be seen on the right. Theater version only. This has been corrected on the 1997 special edition release.

Visible crew/equipment: The rancor puppeteer's arm can be seen on the far right side of the screen as it starts poking at a hiding Luke. Widescreen version only.

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Vader ignites Luke's lightsaber, Luke is standing next to a column. When Vader extinguishes the lightsaber, Luke is standing further away from the column. In the next shot, he is standing next to it again. This is best seen in the widescreen version. (01:21:10)

Continuity mistake: When Wicket wakes up Leia in the woods, the hooded garment he is wearing changes length between shots.

Revealing mistake: (Original theatrical release) When the imperial officer yells "Freeze", he is transparent and you can see the reactor through him.

Mister Ed

Visible crew/equipment: After Luke cuts Vader's hand, there's a shot of the Emperor walking downstairs. The shadow of the crew is visible on the lower left corner of the image. It can't be the shadow of Luke.

Dr Wilson

Revealing mistake: In many far away shots of the sail barge you can see it is on a dune rather than in mid air.

Continuity mistake: In the Rancor pit, watch as the Rancor starts to pick up the pig guard. The Rancor starts to grab the pig guard with its left hand. But while being eaten the pig guard is held in the Rancor's right hand. (00:25:40)

Continuity mistake: Before Chewbacca and two Ewoks swing on a vine to the roof of one of the AT-ST walkers, in a shot of them running, Chewie's bandolier is on the wrong side.

Continuity mistake: When Boussh (Leia in disguise) is about to enter Jabba's throne room, there's a shot of Jabba where his arm is down by his side. In the next shot, on the left side of the screen, his arm is up by his head. (00:13:50)

Continuity mistake: In the sequence of the Emperor torturing Luke, there are several close-ups of Vader. Look at his helmet - it goes back and forth between being clean and being dusty.

Revealing mistake: When Luke jumps from Jabba's prisoner's skiff, you can see a stick supporting the "floating" skiff he jumps over to. (00:32:15)

Revealing mistake: When Luke is in his X-Wing preparing to make the jump to Dagobah, you can see the red text in the TV-type viewer in the cockpit has been superimposed as it remains stationary relative to the frame even when the cockpit is moving around.

Other mistake: When Vader first arrives at the station, he and the Commander are walking past rows of troops. If you look carefully, you will see a Stormtrooper in the back row with his helmet tipped so far forward it's almost off.

Continuity mistake: The birthmark on Leia's back keeps changing sides during the 'Jabba' scenes. This seems to happen when Jabba's tail changes sides. I guess the model of him only went one way, so they flipped the negative.

Continuity mistake: When Vader's shuttle has landed inside the Death Star, behind the stormtroopers on the left side, there is a large structure. But when Vader and Jerjerrod, the Death Star commander, pass these stormtroopers, the structure is no longer there. (00:03:20 - 00:04:05)

Darth Vader: If you will not fight, then you will meet your destiny!

More quotes from Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Trivia: When Oola the dancing girl (with those two things growing out of the back of her head) is trying to get away from Jabba, she briefly falls out of the top of her costume. It isn't as visible in the letterbox version, but quite visible in the regular version.

More trivia for Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Question: How come this movie barely showed anything about Luke and Leia's mother? Luke doesn't even ask anyone what her name was (maybe that was hidden from Leia, but he can probably guess that Yoda or Obi-wan would know). I know we can assume that she was discussed off-screen, but they could have revealed a little more about her.

Answer: The Jedi are shown to have something of a blind spot in regards to matters of the heart. Note that when Luke confronts Obi-Wan over lying to him about his father's fate, Obi-Wan's response is haughty and defensive, and gives Luke nothing in terms of regret or apology. They're focused on their mission, not on how Luke feels. Why waste time, in their eyes, telling Luke about his mother? If they had their way, he wouldn't even know about his father. The prequels would make this more explicit, showing that the Jedi are conditioned from the beginning to let go of all "passions" because they could so easily be corrupted, and their inability to understand Anakin's emotions just contributes to his downfall.


Answer: Why can we assume that she was discussed off-screen? Luke's got more important things to talk about than who his mother was. Yoda dies shortly afterwards and Luke's understandably more interested in how Darth Vader, given that he's got to go up against him, can be his father when talking to Obi-wan's ghost shortly after. Not a lot of time for general chit-chat. Behind the scenes, at that point, very little would have been decided about their mother, as it would be irrelevant to the plot of the trilogy and to discuss her on-screen would have wasted time and slowed everything down.


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