Best drama movie mistake pictures of 1974

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Continuity mistake: While at the pool hall, Mary indicates that the sign in the window describes Larry perfectly. A close-up shows it reads 'Out To Lunch', but the next wide shot shows it reads 'We're Closed'. (01:01:45)


More Dirty Mary Crazy Larry mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The small plane's pilot identifies the aircraft as 232Z. But in the exterior shots, the aircraft's identification is N9750Y. (00:35:00)


More Airport 1975 mistake pictures

Other mistake: In the original version of the film there's a mistake in the opening credits where Colin Blakely's name is misspelled as Colin Blankey.

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More The Towering Inferno mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When the cattle truck falls out of the collapsing highway, none of the cows move a single inch nor fall off, revealing the real truck was replaced with a miniature prop set.


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Continuity mistake: When Celine notices Julie behind her and is holding the baby doll, she begins to walk away. At first, the doll's head is positioned against the side of Julie's arm. When the shot cuts, the doll's head is now positioned in front of Julie's arm. (00:11:40)

Casual Person

More Celine and Julie Go Boating mistake pictures
More The Klansman mistake pictures

Other mistake: When Hyman Roth's assassin runs at the airport, he is turning around with one (of two) bullet holes already in his jacket before the sound of any gunfire. (03:10:50)


More The Godfather: Part II mistake pictures

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