
3rd Jan 2020

Seinfeld (1990)

Other mistake: When Margaux is thumbing the message to the population to turn them against the Addams, the keys she hits do not match the text. (01:03:00)


Other mistake: The top Italian goalkeeper in the game is "Zino Hernandez", wrong transliteration; the katakana used for the sound Zi and Ji is the same, but between the non-existant "Zino" and the very common name"Gino" the choice should be obvious (not that Hernandez is a typical Italian last name, but it's a possibility and a choice mutuated from the manga).


31st Dec 2019

The Dark Half

Other mistake: To retrieve the bird whistle in Miriam's apartment, Thadd fills the vase it ended up in with water, using either the glass or the mug from the bar. The game makes you do it twice, because only once would not suffice. Too bad that the vase is so big that it gets to George's chest (you can't pick it up because it's "too heavy", as he comments), so 2 little glasses would never be enough to fill it, and to the brim even.


31st Dec 2019

Batwoman (2019)

Who Are You? - S1-E4

Other mistake: Magpie is surprised by the guard at the beginning of the episode; the guard is running in the room, hand going for the gun. After a cut to her with close-up on her elaborate fetching of the bombs with her awkward nails, the man is standing still, hand down his leg, only then going for the weapon. Two bombs fall at his feet, one per foot, touching the feet directly. Obviously he just looks at what they are instead of jumping back, and they explode in a single mushroom cloud CGI explosion, to his left. (00:01:10)


31st Dec 2019

The Addams Family (2019)

Other mistake: The villagers cut the Addams' escape path demolishing the bridge using a flaming projectile from a catapult. Gomez looked towards the bridge (and we as audience got a clean view too) and there was nobody in sight; how did not just a small crowd but also a large mechanical weapon materialize so suddenly? With a fire that would have cast a light in the dark, even. (00:03:30)


31st Dec 2019

The Addams Family (2019)

Other mistake: At the beginning of the movie, Morticia wakes up tapping the van-shaped alarm clock. The emergency light in the following wider angle is casting a red shade on the table by the vehicle, something that was not happening at all in the close-up. (00:00:45)


30th Dec 2019

Lupin III (2015)

The Sharpshooter - S1-E4

Other mistake: At the end of the episode, the police inspector picks up a single .357 casing that Zenigata assumes, correctly, is the one from the shot fired by Jigen. He picks it up from behind the bench, but there are plenty more on the ground in that spot, which does not make sense considering he was the only one shooting from that position. (00:19:15)


30th Dec 2019

Lupin III (2015)

The Marriage of Lupin III - S1-E1

Other mistake: Rebecca drinks a very rare and prestigious wine; one wonders if part of its uniqueness lies also in the fact that according to its label it is a "Grand Vin De BARDEAUX", instead of Bordeaux. It is even a geographical name, not a trademark. (00:16:30)


Other mistake: In the pre-fight of Episode 3 of chapter 1 of KOF 94, "How to face a powerful enemy", the dialogue is mislabeled in the beginning, mixing Noah, the protagonists and "Mean Looking Man" in wrong order.


30th Dec 2019

Lupin III (2015)

The Zombies of Venice - S1-E6

Other mistake: The title of the episode is about zombies in Venice, on TV everyone speaks of zombies in Venice, etcetera...but the news in passing show a map of Italy where the contagion zone covers large areas of the peninsula, such as an enormous region including the capital Rome and practically all of Northern Italy.


30th Dec 2019

Kim Possible (2019)

Other mistake: When the two women with the baby walk to the stroller, the one with a vest who does not believe in acting has her arm down her side in the first shot, folded with the hand on her belly in the second. It's also worth noting that the stroller is supposedly being pulled closer by the grappling hook, but the rope is not in tension. (00:12:00)


30th Dec 2019

Lupin III (2015)

The False Play - S1-E2

Other mistake: Lupin is playing chess at the computer, and he wins, as a full screen message shows. It's odd though, since the CPU has a much higher score than he does (by almost three times). Also, the interface contains a "Restor" button, with an obvious typo. (00:10:10)


Ruri chan 'Kôkai nisshi' - S1-E5

Other mistake: In the first shot of the room during the funeral, everyone is wearing black. But a moment later, the camera pans left to right the front row, and the person behind Izumi is wearing a grey tailleur. (00:04:25)


'Unmei no sentaku' mitaina - S1-E6

Other mistake: Akito falls into a pitfall forming under his feet. The ground near Megumi Reinard crumbles and she falls as well a couple seconds later. In the underground cave Megumi is exactly on top of Akito, as if all the soil and rocks she was standing on vaporized clean in midair. (00:13:30)


Ruri chan 'Kôkai nisshi' - S1-E5

Other mistake: After looking for the special nanpura sauce, Akito is dashing through the corridor crossing paths with Yurika. Behind him in the frontal view the corridor looks empty, but a moment later his cart blazes past her followed by other 4 less than a meter apart. (00:09:10)


30th Dec 2019

Ranma ½ (1989)

30th Dec 2019

Ranma ½ (1989)

Gekiretsu shoujo Shanpû toujou! Watashi inochi azukemasu - S1-E15

Other mistake: After beating up the dummy, Akane is thinking back about her 'relationship' with Ranma. During her thoughts, the first memory that pops to her mind is something that has not happened yet, Ranma moving in front of her and saying "She's MY fiancee", part of the story arc at the ice rink that will happen only later in the series (Episode 20 of the English dub, which unites both Ranma series in one, episode 8 of the Ranma Ranma ½; Nettô-hen series; "Kikiippatsu! Shiryō no Bonodori"). More recent home video editions have fixed the mistake, airing the ice rink episodes before the Shampoo ones - which is where they should have been in the first place; Shampoo's debut episode was preempted last minute in the original airing to help unsatisfying ratings with the appearance of one of the most popular manga characters. (00:15:50)


30th Dec 2019

Ranma ½ (1989)

Gekiretsu shoujo Shanpû toujou! Watashi inochi azukemasu - S1-E15

Other mistake: The episode opens with Ranma eating an ice cream with Akane. He (in female form) acts as he never had one before and Akane says "Don't tell me you've never had ice cream before!", and that's the case, apparently. But, episode 11 opened exactly with Ranma charming a shop owner into handing "her" a cone, commenting that "when it comes to eating out, being a girl is the only way to go." (00:02:00)


30th Dec 2019

Ranma ½ (1989)

Shanpû no hangeki! Hissatsu shiatsuken wa mimo kokomo ubau - S1-E16

Other mistake: Not getting too deep into the obvious absurdity of the gag (I don't think a prospect husband would be too impressed if you serve him a pig complete with everything, obviously poorly cooked and don't even take off the bandanna/collar it is wearing!), it has to be noted that the bandanna Ryoga is wearing is covered with hibiscus sauce in the first shot, but clean in the following. (00:08:45)


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