
Other mistake: Arcade version; in one of the cutscenes between fights, Geese asks his henchman Ripper "Hey! get the information from him." From who? What he really means, and that's what he says in console ports, is "Hey! Get more information on him!"


Other mistake: In the SNES version, the line "Dude! Geese is calling you! Come with us!" is spoken by nobody onscreen (there's no artwork for Hopper and Ripper, Geese's henchmen), nor there is any visual hint; unless you played already the arcade/Neo Geo version, it looks like it's still Joe talking.


Other mistake: The intro crawl of the SNES version contains various flubs; it calls the tournament "The King of the Fighters", when it's simply "The King of Fighters", "Southtown City" when it should be "South Town", and the final sentence "Only through deadly combat can you be crowned the King of the Fighters..." is just odd.


Other mistake: The very last screen when you play the arcade and you manage to finish the game features the logo of the series and the message "Congratulation."


30th Apr 2020

Saint Seiya: Awakening

Other mistake: The Legion Quest tab lists all the possible weekly quests; the description of the Legion Dungeon one says "total legion dungeon CHANLLENGE."


30th Apr 2020

Saint Seiya: Awakening

Other mistake: One of the trivia questions asks which of the 12 zodiac temples is connected to the Pope's chambers. The only answer that has "Temple" in its name ("Pisces Temple") is the correct one.


Other mistake: One of the roulette events of the game is called "Serena's roulette", but the name of the character is Serina, as shown plenty of times during story mode when she is an interviewer.


30th Apr 2020

Saint Seiya: Awakening

Other mistake: In the Sanctuary invasion side story, Carlos warns that "The Sanctuary has been invaded. There peace of the world has been broken", instead of "the peace." There are other words blatantly wrong, such as, when talking to the priest "Let's see of your heart is sincere enough", instead of "if."


The Countess - S1-E4

Other mistake: Rockford films the car driving off, then there are a few seconds of pause, with James Garner not keeping the camera still anymore and tilting it in different directions, before someone unseen bellows at him "What are you doing?" When he reviews the footage with his client in his trailer, the voice arrives instantly and there's no jerking the camera around. (00:06:20)


The Kirkoff Case - S1-E2

Other mistake: Both Rockford's appointments are at 8 o'clock. He shows up for the one with the mysterious person; gets beaten up, dragged to a warehouse (presumably remote, from what it is shown), beaten up some more to the point of spitting out a tooth, he is then at LAPD, where everyone hates him and definitely does not prioritize his case, he makes Becker search for the warehouse's registration, which needs for him to call in favours, and he turns then up for Tawnia's appointment at 9. With all the stuff that happened, and with the typical LA traffic, it'd already be something to be a mere one hour late without all the rest in the middle of it. Even his wound is kinda healed in that short time.


Backlash of the Hunter - S1-E1

Other mistake: The bad guy collapses after drinking what Sara gave him, but in the close-up she managed to squeeze barely 1 drop of the substance and it went right on top of the horizontal ice cube. It must be the most powerful narcotic in the world, putting KO a mountain of a man within seconds with a single drop that arguably didn't even mix with the drink. Had she put a couple drops in, it would have straight up murdered him, then.


Backlash of the Hunter - S1-E1

Other mistake: Jerry Grimes follows Rockford to the theater, sits at the bar, orders bourbon and water and waits for Jim to come out of the bathroom. Jim meanwhile set up a trap for him, which somehow does not affect anyone else, and Jerry ends up getting roughed up. He then drives off to this other joint, where he sits at the bar...which happens to be the exact same bar with the exact same posters as the other one.


Other mistake: In "Failing defense" (Chapter 6 of Kof97), the protagonist, grateful for the fight that gives him the excuse to stop carrying the surprisingly heavy sidekick, says that he should "be" lunch to them. (instead of course, of "buy").


28th Apr 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

The Big Blow - S3-E21

Other mistake: The killer is finally in action; they get a semiautomatic with a silencer from a case, then they do an ominous gun-in-hand walk bit (filmic stereotype where someone just walks with a gun out for no reason instead of concealing it). The shadow of the gun there though shows no sign of a silencer. The killer shoots indeed with a silencer - the audio implies that - but in the shadow you can see it is now a revolver. (00:44:20)


28th Apr 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

The Big Blow - S3-E21

Other mistake: The accountant first, then some minutes later the prince and princess arrive at the estate. They are bone dry despite the hurricane outside complete with pouring rain noises and strong winds. (00:05:35)


28th Apr 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

The Big Blow - S3-E21

Other mistake: The Prince and Princess of Turbia are, according to Higgins, "Fixtures at Robin Masters' parties." Makes no sense then that they have no idea how Higgins looks like, since it's established that he's been taking care of the estate for over a decade - of course, Masters does not reside in Hawaii himself a lot, but earlier in the episode it is established that he runs those parties at his villa yearly.


Other mistake: One of the available relationships between characters is called "Leona approved weakling team." The description says that it increases ATK and then "deals additional damage equal to 3% of damage dealt upon attacking Leona", but it can't be right, simply because Leona is not part of that team! "Leona-approved" is simply a flavour text as she is story-wise the one who puts those potential members in that particular tier.


28th Apr 2020

Saint Seiya: Awakening

Other mistake: The game mode facing enemies of growing difficulty with two different parties is called "Trials of Athena", but in parts of the game (such as the daily activity quest recap) it becomes "Trails of Athena."


27th Apr 2020

Saint Seiya: Awakening

Other mistake: One of the questions Kraken Isaac can pose to the player is "Who are the other two?" It is obviously missing the first part; other two what?


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