
24th Mar 2022

ENF Novels: Dress Code

Other mistake: The scenes inside Brigitte's office happen in the span of 10 days, but the clothes on the floor remain the same throughout them.


24th Mar 2022

Lupin the 3rd (1971)

Is Lupin Burning... ?! - S1-E1

Other mistake: When Lupin spins out of the oil patch, the "4" on the front of his car (on the arrow) disappears. The number changes also font and position several times throughout the episode. (00:09:40)


24th Mar 2022

Lupin the 3rd (1971)

24th Mar 2022

Lupin the 3rd (1971)

Other mistake: Lady Westholme leaves the room to take a call from England from her husband, Lord Westholme. When she gets back to Poirot, she mentions with outrage the call from Colonel Carbury. It can't be both, it's not even where she lives or works.


Other mistake: Poirot enters the office of the Royal Commission at 10 to 11. We see and hear the interactions between him and the other people, and barely five minutes pass, but the clock is a minute past 11 when Lady Westholme comes back. (00:53:00 - 00:58:00)


Other mistake: Poirot realises that the champagne was poisoned because he happens to notice two cockroaches sipping the spilled champagne instantly died, in fact FIVE are dead when he looks again. This is quite cartoonish; besides the fact that roaches wouldn't die that quickly for that (if they would), we are in the middle of the ballroom/party hall of a luxury cruiser; if the moment something vaguely edible happens to fall on the floor there's half a dozen ravenous cockroaches jumping on it, people have better things to do than dance; that's one massive infestation.


Other mistake: In Trieste, Carol comments that someone should be with their mother; it seems to be a comment to the fact that she just tripped as it is shown in a wide angle. However, a conversation ensues and Ginevra at the end of it sees through the telescope...her mother trip, again. To make the event even more baffling, Ginny couldn't have witnessed the event from the promenade viewer, the angle is completely wrong. (00:08:45 - 00:09:10)


23rd Mar 2022

Betterman (1999)

Voice - S1-E2

Other mistake: 'Li-Chan starts explaining Keita about the Neuronoid. The screen that briefly appears as she tells him about the original purpose of the machine is filled with gibberish letters. (00:10:20)


Other mistake: The spider scene is wildly different when Poirot narrates it at the dinner table (Miss Quinton immediately replies "Oh yes, spiders don't frighten me") compared to the actual scene (she said that replying to a different line). (01:12:20 - 01:33:40)


21st Mar 2022

Death on the Nile (1978)

Other mistake: The flashback that shows when the culprit is able to inform the accomplice that Mrs. Ottenbourne is about to expose them differs in many small details from the original; when she enters the room, Ustinov by the door fixes his jacket with one hand, and in the original scene he did it with two, when Simon urges her to tell the story from the beginning she has her hand on her chest in the flashback and not in the original. And her last words are "I saw that it was" vs "I saw it." This is no subjective, hypothetical flashback. (01:48:05 - 02:10:05)


21st Mar 2022

Death on the Nile (2022)

Other mistake: In the origin story of Poirot's facial hair, we see the damage on his cheek is massive, well into the cheekbone. His girlfriend says he'll grow a moustache to cover it, and surprisingly, it works - nevermind the fact that scar tissue wouldn't grow hair. When we see the scar without the moustache, while smaller than the initial damage, it still extends into the cheek at the level of the nostrils in a way that the 'stache couldn't seamlessly cover like in the rest of the movie and its prequel.


Other mistake: At the beginning of the movie, Ginevra is reading the magazine but is interrupted by the outbreak of a thunderstorm. There is no rain at all, though, just the sound effect of thunder, with the car already wet at the beginning of the take to try to establish the illusion. (00:00:40)


Ghost Passenger Ship Murder Case: File 3 - S2-E7

Other mistake: The most the characters do after diving to rescue the suicidal girl is Kenmochi taking off his shirt. Kindaichi keeps his clothes and shoes, and Mizusaki even has his tie fastened as if nothing happened. They all have plenty opportunities to change clothes as they have their full luggage, but they don't, and they are just fine drying out from one scene to the next.


Ghost Passenger Ship Murder Case: File 1 - S2-E5

Other mistake: When the two horrible guys harass her, Miyuki and Kenmochi are both drinking wine. Miyuki is underage, and while certainly not technically and materially impossible for someone underage to drink wine even with a police officer present, in pretty much every episode when there's a party it is made clear both in dialogues and visually that underage characters are not having alcohol. They drew the wrong type of glass. (00:08:45)


12th Mar 2022

House of Gucci (2021)

Other mistake: The IRS agent that knocks at the door of Aldo's squash booth sports a badge that is more phony than a football bat; it doesn't have a name, expiration date, or a full sentence on it. (01:21:05)


12th Mar 2022

Castle (2009)

Flowers for Your Grave - S1-E1

Other mistake: Castle's book "Storm Fall" is a bit of an enigma, since it is amongst all the other books in the collection of the scapegoat killer when Kate opens it, but Castle gifts "an advance copy" to her later, while in the very first scene of the show there is a party with the book already in the hands of the public. Reviews and a proper release appear only in the fourth episode.


9th Mar 2022

House of Gucci (2021)

Other mistake: When Patrizia watches Pina Auriemma's commercial, the word "verità" ('truth') is written twice wrong (no accent), and most importantly, the phone number is a 800 number, which was not a valid number in Italy back then, being a modern (post-1999) prefix for toll-free services. In the 80s, TV fortune reading services as the one the movie wants to portray would have a normal area code. (00:40:00)


9th Mar 2022

House of Gucci (2021)

Other mistake: When Al Pacino reads the magazine (Grazia) with the news of Maurizio's wedding, the article is probably a reproduction (with the actors' picture in place of the actual Maurizio and Patrizia) of a news story about the actual wedding, so the details conflict entirely with the fabricated story. You can easily read (in Italian of course) that they met in 1971 (1978 in this movie), there are over 500 guests to the wedding (much more of a private affair here) and Maurizio had to ask some of his friends to introduce Patrizia to him and asked her out, which is the opposite of what happens here. (00:28:40)


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