Murder, She Wrote

Murder, She Wrote (1984)

1 factual error in season 4 - chronological order

(13 votes)

It Runs In The Family - S4-E6

Factual error: The whole episode is run as if based in the UK, and yet the script has obviously been written by an American. The UK does not have autopsies, it has post-mortems. The UK does not have a trunk (of a car) it has a boot.

Sing a Song of Murder - S2-E5

Audio problem: When singing "Goodbye little yellow bird" Emma blows a kiss to Oliver offstage, but she is still singing the song when she is blowing the kiss. Although it's possible she was pretending as it was part of the act, her voice wasn't even muffled by her hand.

Dan Moat

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Answer: It was never revealed what caused Frank's death.


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