Dawson's Creek

Dawson's Creek (1998)

3 mistakes in A Weekend in the Country - chronological order

(10 votes)

A Weekend in the Country - S3-E12

Plot hole: When everyone is staying at the Potter B&B, Joey mentions that it's supposed to be the coldest night of the year. Also, Mr. Fricke tells them at breakfast that the heat went out again during the night. After such a cold night and the heat going out, the house must have been freezing that morning. Yet Joey wakes up and is wearing only a skimpy sleeveless top and PJ bottoms, more like summer pajamas. She continues walking into the very cold house without putting a robe or anything else on. It looks a bit odd, considering how cold the temperature is and the fact that everyone else that morning is already wearing long sleeves. Later that morning, the house is still so cold Joey is sleeping by the fire with a blanket over her. Yet earlier that morning, she seemed to be comfortable in scanty summer PJs.

A Weekend in the Country - S3-E12

Plot hole: The morning after everyone stayed at the Potter B&B, there is a fun kitchen scene showing all the kids dancing together preparing breakfast. Andie seems to be making pancakes. Yet later at breakfast, Joey finds out that Bodie has come back and is the reason the pancakes taste so good. Apparently he was the chef that morning, but he is nowhere in sight during the breakfast-making scene. So if all the kids are cooking - where is Bodie? Wasn't he supposed to make the pancakes?

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Suggested correction: Bodie didn't make the pancakes (at least not all of them) it was his recipe.

A Weekend in the Country - S3-E12

Audio problem: During the scene where the group (including Mr Fricke) are all having breakfast together, Pacey says 'this is for you, Mr Fricke' and hands the B&B critic a plate. A few moments later, when Joey is in the kitchen area talking to Bessie (away from the group in the dining area), the exact same dialogue can be heard from Pacey as background noise to Joey and Bessie's conversation. The laughter and general chatter is also the same, showing that the entire audio was lifted from the breakfast table scene and placed over the kitchen conversation scene.


Jen: Cute.
Jack: Gay.
Jen: Aren't they all?

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Parental Discretion Advised - S2-E22

Trivia: Paul Stupin mentions this true story while discussing the show during the narrative for this episode. Once when Joshua Jackson (who played Pacey) was out swimming at night, there was a girl who was caught in some currents. He jumped in the water, swam out and brought the girl to safety. Joshua made the local newspapers as a "hero", and was known around Wilmington as 'the guy who saved the drowning girl'. The show also had a big ceremony on the set, where they gave Joshua a life preserver in honor of his heroic deeds. (00:06:10)

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Answer: Pacey.

Nick N.

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