City on a Hill

What They Saw in Southie High - S1-E2

Other mistake: Agent Rohr asks who the cold case is related to. A dossier is given to him and the front cover contains a photograph and the name "Kanicki, K". Agent Rohr says "Kelly Kanicki" but there was no indication of the full name, just the initial. (00:08:30 - 00:09:00)

Is the Total Black, Being Spoken - S2-E3

Plot hole: Jimmy was willing to give Cathy $10k in cash for her troubles and to help her out. She wanted to sell drugs instead of getting his charity. Now he's having a problem fronting her the same amount of money worth of drugs. He's saying his dealer will hurt him if he doesn't pay him back. Makes no sense how he had $10k to give her and now he needs her to pay back the $10k front of product he gave her. What happened to his $10k worth of charity? Why can't he use that to pay it off? (00:42:04 - 00:43:25)

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