Lupin III

Lupin III (2015)

48 mistakes in season 1 - chronological order

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2% Chance of Survival - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: When we first see Jigen on the cross, his shirt has one button left. They toss the bucket of water on him, and the shirt is now totally open. Later in the episode, when Lupin frees him, it's the other way around; the shot from the archway with the agent looking for Lupin shows Jigen in the background with the shirt open, but it's buttoned when his friend unlocks the shackle. (00:03:45)


2% Chance of Survival - S1-E3

Factual error: Fujiko is reading from a fictitious Italian newspaper ("La voce dei fatti") that reads the Japanese way, with the front page being where the last page would be in the Western design. Obviously no such publication could exist in Italy. That's also inconsistent throughout the scene itself, since at the beginning it is a normal left-to-right newspaper, then turns Japanese when Lupin says "You have a very discerning eye." (00:06:35)


2% Chance of Survival - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: Lupin expresses his last wish for a smoke, and as Nyx holds him at gunpoint asking if he has any trick concealed in the cigarette, pay attention to the left wall of the room and how part of the plaster is ruined and exposes the bricks underneath. In particular there's a smaller patch of bricks between the upturned table and the back wall. When later Nyx walks away, there is no such thing and that part of the wall has a much larger part where the plaster has been stripped off. (00:17:00 - 00:18:15)


2% Chance of Survival - S1-E3

Revealing mistake: The fireworks explosions lack any depth and perspective, and are superimposed in a way that puts them completely out of place, in particular in the panning shot of the hotel veranda after the crown prince hightails. (00:17:50)


2% Chance of Survival - S1-E3

Plot hole: Nix's hypersensitive hearing is disturbed by the smoke bomb exploding close by, but he is not thrown off at all by Lupin's unsilenced gun in the enclosed space, which produces a louder and sharper sound.


The Sharpshooter - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: Eric's men completely trash the clinic's lobby; in particular they tear down the "Accettazione" sign. However when they finally leave, the place is still completely messy but the sign can be seen in the background when the snitch is spared his life and gets up. (00:08:20 - 00:09:45)


The Sharpshooter - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: When Nino collapses (camera positioned behind Jigen's head) you can see a blood streak on his right arm as well as the left arm. In the rest of the scene he has blood only on the left arm. Moreover, when Jigen picks him up the puddle of blood on the floor has a different shape compared to what we see when he leaves doctor Livia to her medical duties. (00:12:20)


The Sharpshooter - S1-E4

Other mistake: At the end of the episode, the police inspector picks up a single .357 casing that Zenigata assumes, correctly, is the one from the shot fired by Jigen. He picks it up from behind the bench, but there are plenty more on the ground in that spot, which does not make sense considering he was the only one shooting from that position. (00:19:15)


The Sharpshooter - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: When Zenigata walks away from the inspector, the Italian colleague is standing by the bench, which appears mangled by projectiles for roughly half its length, while it was damaged for a more extensive part before. (00:19:30)


The Sharpshooter - S1-E4

Plot hole: Eric is supposedly masterful at putting people into a coma, creating the 'living dead', but the old geezer was able to drag himself to the hospital without help and perfectly conscious (he is even conscious on the operating table!).


The Left Hand of the Magician - S1-E5

Factual error: Interviewing the circus crowd, Lupin talks with a guy that is counting a bunch of 5 euro banknotes. The notes lack serial numbers, but even if we consider okay the lack of detail in such a tight close-up where they bothered to reproduce with pretty good precision the rest of the filigree, they surely are shaped wrong, being at least a 30% wider than an actual 5 € note. (00:06:40)


The Left Hand of the Magician - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: When Luca is looking at Fujiko in the tiger cage for his quasi-stepbrother's act, he is gripping the chain-link fence. The fence is drawn in a strange way, seemingly missing several sections, but besides this animation oddity, it is clear that his right hand is in one shot next to large vertical metal bar (partially covered by it even) but in a different position in the side view that follows. (00:12:55)


The Left Hand of the Magician - S1-E5

Plot hole: Luca draws the sketches of a magic trick, but they contain a fatal flaw that would kill whoever is doing it. He is hospitalized so he takes no part in the setup, so there is basically no chance that the flaw would go undetected. Other people are building the stage and device and they'd do at least a couple of tests before debuting a death defying stunt with live arrows and fire during the show.


The Left Hand of the Magician - S1-E5

Plot hole: Luca is the one who set a deadly trap, but somehow doing that he realises that it was his rival that killed his dad, and accuses him of trying to hurt Fujiko...which he did himself! In fact, this begs the question; if the ringmaster wanted to be the one and only to have access to his father's tricks, why was Fujiko the one doing the magical act? It would have brought fame to her and kept him in the shadows. If he knew that the act was flawed (and it was not, since it works), another death on stage would have tanked the show forever, so obviously it was not what he was after either.


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